EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
He lost, it's not a conspiracy, please stop crying about it.

Hillary got more votes in spite of whatever fuckery the DNC undertook.
You missed the point. If we don't make site the establishment understands such fuckery will not be tolerated, they'll be emboldened to just push further.

We've already gone well beyond the point of having the people's voice be systematically undermined, so I think no more evidence is needed that his 'defeat' is in question.


Well-Known Member
Have you ANY evidence whatsoever to show the result were tampered with?

If not, stfu, the denial stage shouldn't last this long, it's not healthy for elderly folk like you.
Holy fuck, really? MOUNTAINS OF IT, up to and including a Harvard study that said there was a 1 in 77 billion chance Mrs Clinton won without massive vote fraud.

Time to bone up, it's only your democracy on the line.


Well-Known Member
Have you ANY evidence whatsoever to show the result were tampered with?

If not, stfu, the denial stage shouldn't last this long, it's not healthy for elderly folk like you.
And blind faith is better? Time you grew up and stopped believing everything you see on tee vee, peewee.


Well-Known Member
so when he endorsed her he was being phony ? When he said he is with her, he really is lying ? Is Bernie a phony liar ? I say not.
Of course Bernie wants you to make decisions for yourself, but Bernie is with her now. Ask yourself WWBD WHAT WOULD BERNIE DO. He says he will be voting Hillary. He is with her.:D:clap:


Well-Known Member
so we agree.
He endorsed Hillary and will be voting for her.
Correct Sanders endorsed..he SAYS he will vote her..its up to you to prove it..:lol:

I'm also going to take his advice and vote my conscious. Sanders has known her for 25 years, perhaps he's privy to something more than I am.

But I am me.

I don't trust her as far as I can throw that nasty lozenge from her mouth.


Well-Known Member
Correct Sanders endorsed..he SAYS he will vote her..its up to you to prove it..:lol:

I'm also going to take his advice and vote my conscious. Sanders has known her for 25 years, perhaps he's privy to something more than I am.

But I am me.

I don't trust her as far as I can throw that nasty lozenge from her mouth.
as long as you understand that he does want you to make you own decision...like a grown up.
Just be crystal clear that Bernard " Bernie " Sanders is with her and will be voting for her. He must have realized that she is the best choice to govern as POTUS. He did not put up any fight at the convention. In fact he stood up and announced, at the top of his voice that he move that Hillary be nominated to become the POTUS with all Democratic votes. It was a very proud moment for Bernie. :D



Well-Known Member
as long as you understand that he does want you to make you own decision...like a grown up.
Just be crystal clear the Bernard " Bernie " Sanders is with her and will be voting for her. He must have realized that she is the best choice to govern as POTUS. He did not put up any fight at the convention. In fact he stood up and announced, at the top of his voice that he move that Hillary be nominated to become the POTUS with all Democratic votes. It was a very proud moment for Bernie. :D

No, Bernie was the best option..but he didn't cheat to win, so there's that.