"I can't get mad that the system is rigged against the white guy." -Whoopi Goldberg

Until the nuclear family structure is restored, things are only going to get worse. For all of us. The Democratic party scorns this notion, and most of the glib racists on RIU do as well. Look where that scorn has gotten us.

"In 1960, the year before Obama was born, 22 percent of black children lived with single parents. In 1968, the number rose to 31.4 percent. By 2006, the 1960 percentage had more than doubled to 56 percent.

In 2006, 91.4 percent of single parents of black children were mothers. That figure hasn't changed over the years. In 1960, it was a shade lower at 91 percent.

The figures for single-parent families show a rosier picture among other races. About 28 percent of children of all races lived with a single parent in 2006. In 1960, only about 9 percent of American children lived with a single parent.

And the single parents are overwhelmingly women. "

Hmmm, you cite statistics when convenient and doubt them when its not. But I'm not replying to point out your obvious hypocrisy.

Statistics are best used to bolster a point. You just cite these stats as if they make a point. They don't. They only show the trends which I think you and I can agree are awful.

Do we also agree that the justice system through it's biased application of sentencing laws to make it 6 times more likely to incarcerate black men than white men arrested for similar crimes is a major factor in this trend? Also racial profiling of young black men to selectively stop, search, perform background checks, beat them and arrest them is another factor? If so, then I'd like to know what happened to the real Desert Dude.
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Hmmm, you cite statistics when convenient and doubt them when its not. But I'm not replying to point out your obvious hypocrisy.

Statistics are best used to bolster a point. You just cite these stats as if they make a point. They don't. They only show the trends which I think you and I can agree are awful.

Do we also agree that the justice system through it's biased application of sentencing laws to make it 6 times more likely to incarcerate black men than white men arrested for similar crimes is a major factor in this trend? Also racial profiling of young black men to selectively stop, search, perform background checks, beat them and arrest them is another factor? If so, then I'd like to know what happened to the real Desert Dude.

Citing the stats you post without also citing the disproportionate representation in crimes committed by black men is misleading, or lying. Either you ignore that part of the equation because you are ignorant of the facts, or you are just plain ole lying, which is the real FogDog I have come to expect. Blacks are four times more likely to murder others than whites, per capita. Jesse Jackson is not a statistician but he understands the actual data. That's why he famously said, "I would be more afraid to meet several black men in an alley than several white men". That is a paraphrase. I can google the exact quote, but I won't.

Studies (by a black Harvard professor, no less) have shown that black men are no more like, or less likely to be shot by police than white men, for example.
This is a great point. I too live in a place where the general demographic is pretty diverse. It seems like there are people in this world that only see life from one view, that's it. Black, White, or whatever "color" you are shouldn't matter. The government should be the problem, not white people. Last time I checked the government gives orders which trickle down through all bureaucracies, resulting in systemic racism.

Maybe a rich white kid, not a poor white kid.... The first lady to run for president was in 1862, so your off on that.... and they were definitely grooming Obama since he was in college..so let's settle on 1980 there.... I feel like you hate YOUR own life, therefore project this hatred onto people. Seems very interesting to me that you generalize white people for generalizing black people.....There have been more black people in office then Mexicans and Asians.... so where's the racism there?

the ellipsis abuse is uncanny.
Citing the stats you post without also citing the disproportionate representation in crimes committed by black men is misleading, or lying. Either you ignore that part of the equation because you are ignorant of the facts, or you are just plain ole lying, which is the real FogDog I have come to expect. Blacks are four times more likely to murder others than whites, per capita. Jesse Jackson is not a statistician but he understands the actual data. That's why he famously said, "I would be more afraid to meet several black men in an alley than several white men". That is a paraphrase. I can google the exact quote, but I won't.

Studies (by a black Harvard professor, no less) have shown that black men are no more like, or less likely to be shot by police than white men, for example.
OK, so, this is the actual Dumb Dude.

I'll try to make this simple for you:

Fact 1: The arrest rates of white and black men are proportionally equal to the racial make-up of our country. Put another way, white men are just as likely to be arrested for similar crimes as black men.

Fact 2: Once in the justice system, the result is different. The incarceration rate of black men is 6 times higher than white men.

Conclusion: The justice system is biased against black men.

By extension: The biased justice system creates racially biased statistics on crime.

Everything else that you cite are biased by the unequal treatment that black men receive at the hands of our justice system. Conviction due to murder? Black and white men are arrested for that crime at roughly the same rates but black men are more likely to be convicted. Hence, the statistic you cite that black men are convicted of murder at four times the rate as white men is crap. There is no race-based tendency toward murder, just a tendency for the justice system to convict black men for that crime. I'm talking about the nation overall and not any specific neighborhood.

You can dredge up factoids about police shootings totally out of context of my post. You can point at what one person said without citing context . You can quote a black professor's work for that statement if you like and prove nothing . (one single person's report and it's important only to you that he's black)

That report you cited, by the way, used police reports to draw that conclusion regarding police shootings. Oh yeah, now there is an unbiased source :bigjoint:.

Your post only proves two things:

1) Desert Dude has hopelessly lost his mind to racist delusions
2) Statistics can be used to clarify but a deluded man only accepts that which matches their delusion.
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Until the nuclear family structure is restored, things are only going to get worse. For all of us. The Democratic party scorns this notion, and most of the glib racists on RIU do as well. Look where that scorn has gotten us.

"In 1960, the year before Obama was born, 22 percent of black children lived with single parents. In 1968, the number rose to 31.4 percent. By 2006, the 1960 percentage had more than doubled to 56 percent.

In 2006, 91.4 percent of single parents of black children were mothers. That figure hasn't changed over the years. In 1960, it was a shade lower at 91 percent.

The figures for single-parent families show a rosier picture among other races. About 28 percent of children of all races lived with a single parent in 2006. In 1960, only about 9 percent of American children lived with a single parent.

And the single parents are overwhelmingly women. "

OK, Now ask yourself why these numbers are what they are.
Let me ask you this, what is your answer to all this? All I have ever heard from anyone is the ability to point blame. There has been zero responsibility taken on any side. There has been little to no action taken by any side to progress. So now what? How do we proceed to remove and replace almost 500,000 government positions? Because I'm all for it...

You're right in that you didn't state all white people are racist, but as you stated previously, whites all benefit from a white privilege. How would you know? I would assume you believe there is no way whites could understand anyone else, so what makes you have the ability to understand someone else? So you're not saying we are all racist, just saying we all benefit from racism... Whats the difference?
Until the nuclear family structure is restored, things are only going to get worse. For all of us. The Democratic party scorns this notion, and most of the glib racists on RIU do as well. Look where that scorn has gotten us.

"In 1960, the year before Obama was born, 22 percent of black children lived with single parents. In 1968, the number rose to 31.4 percent. By 2006, the 1960 percentage had more than doubled to 56 percent.

In 2006, 91.4 percent of single parents of black children were mothers. That figure hasn't changed over the years. In 1960, it was a shade lower at 91 percent.

The figures for single-parent families show a rosier picture among other races. About 28 percent of children of all races lived with a single parent in 2006. In 1960, only about 9 percent of American children lived with a single parent.

And the single parents are overwhelmingly women. "

OK, so, this is the actual Dumb Dude.

I'll try to make this simple for you:

Fact 1: The arrest rates of white and black men are proportionally equal to the racial make-up of our country. Put another way, white men are just as likely to be arrested for similar crimes as black men.

Fact 2: Once in the justice system, the result is different. The incarceration rate of black men is 6 times higher than white men.

Conclusion: The justice system is biased against black men.

By extension: The biased justice system creates racially biased statistics on crime.

Everything else that you cite are biased by the unequal treatment that black men receive at the hands of our justice system. Conviction due to murder? Black and white men are arrested for that crime at roughly the same rates but black men are more likely to be convicted. Hence, the statistic you cite that black men are convicted of murder at four times the rate as white men is crap. There is no race-based tendency toward murder, just a tendency for the justice system to convict black men for that crime. I'm talking about the nation overall and not any specific neighborhood.

You can dredge up factoids about police shootings totally out of context of my post. You can point at what one person said without citing context . You can quote a black professor's work for that statement if you like and prove nothing . (one single person's report and it's important only to you that he's black)

That report you cited, by the way, used police reports to draw that conclusion regarding police shootings. Oh yeah, now there is an unbiased source :bigjoint:.

Your post only proves two things:

1) Desert Dude has hopelessly lost his mind to racist delusions
2) Statistics can be used to clarify but a deluded man only accepts that which matches their delusion.

Can you explain in simple terms the best source for the metrics of police interactions with black vs white males? This statistic is so muddled by the varying methods and reasoning and honestly I'm a little confused.
To OP, I hate saying this but I almost wished the video didn't cut off right after WG's segment so I could hear the other lady's pov (disgusts me to think there is any situation where I'd want to watch more of The View lol). I'm not sure I understand WG's point, because it seems that she is saying that because Americans didn't stand up to corruption and sexism in the past, it's OK that the continue to do so in this case because the coin has flipped.

On the election, Trump is either an idiot or insane or both. I've always respected the message and platform, of the Democrats for the most part, in action though I see hypocrisy. With Republicans I find myself agreeing with some fundamentals, but beyond that it is pure hypocrisy. Candidates aside, I guess that means I vote for the platform I agree with more or see as the lesser evil. But that doesn't exactly feel great.
I'm not sure I understand WG's point, because it seems that she is saying that because Americans didn't stand up to corruption and sexism in the past, it's OK that the continue to do so in this case because the coin has flipped.
Pretty much. It's the kind of behavior you see from toddlers. The people that support her statements seem to think they've been oppressed forever and since we (white men) didn't stand up and say something about it then, why should they care if Sanders got shafted? The problem with that is that I would be just as against the subversion of democracy if it were happening to a woman, a black person, an eskimo, an atheist, a Christian, a Muslim, etc. because it's not who is being oppressed or why, it's that the subversion of democracy is taking place at all.

But since it's a white guy, hey, fuck 'em! This coming from those claiming to be progressive. :-x

No it isn't.
Yes it is. You see a division of color when it's actually a division of class. How much racism do you think someone like Tiger Woods or Kevin Hart faces on a daily basis? Probably not very much would be my guess. Go to any public high school in the US with a white minority and you will see the exact same kind of racism
Welcome to my world.
So you're upset that all black people are labeled as a group by racists, but then you go on to label all white people as a group..

"It's wrong when they do it, but I'm going to do the exact same thing I'm complaining about being wrong!"

That makes sense..

Never said that you were a part of it. Only that you've benefitted from it. Stop being so sensitive.
That's racist. You're trying to hold me accountable for something I had no control over just because I'm white

If you can't look past the color of someone's skin, you will always remain bitter about this

Here you go:

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating.
    • Remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993). Quoted in "Crime: New Frontier - Jesse Jackson Calls It Top Civil-Rights Issue" by Mary A. Johnson, 29 November 1993, Chicago Sun-Times (ellipsis in original). Partially quoted in "In America; A Sea Change On Crime" by Bob Herbert, 12 December 1993, New York Times."

OK, so, this is the actual Dumb Dude.

I'll try to make this simple for you:

Fact 1: The arrest rates of white and black men are proportionally equal to the racial make-up of our country. Put another way, white men are just as likely to be arrested for similar crimes as black men.

Fact 2: Once in the justice system, the result is different. The incarceration rate of black men is 6 times higher than white men.

Conclusion: The justice system is biased against black men.

By extension: The biased justice system creates racially biased statistics on crime.

Everything else that you cite are biased by the unequal treatment that black men receive at the hands of our justice system. Conviction due to murder? Black and white men are arrested for that crime at roughly the same rates but black men are more likely to be convicted. Hence, the statistic you cite that black men are convicted of murder at four times the rate as white men is crap. There is no race-based tendency toward murder, just a tendency for the justice system to convict black men for that crime. I'm talking about the nation overall and not any specific neighborhood.

You can dredge up factoids about police shootings totally out of context of my post. You can point at what one person said without citing context . You can quote a black professor's work for that statement if you like and prove nothing . (one single person's report and it's important only to you that he's black)

That report you cited, by the way, used police reports to draw that conclusion regarding police shootings. Oh yeah, now there is an unbiased source :bigjoint:.

Your post only proves two things:

1) Desert Dude has hopelessly lost his mind to racist delusions
2) Statistics can be used to clarify but a deluded man only accepts that which matches their delusion.

What is the source for those facts? Because I couldn't find anything that suggests the conviction rates are higher for black men than white men.
OK, so, this is the actual Dumb Dude.

I'll try to make this simple for you:

Fact 1: The arrest rates of white and black men are proportionally equal to the racial make-up of our country. Put another way, white men are just as likely to be arrested for similar crimes as black men.

Fact 2: Once in the justice system, the result is different. The incarceration rate of black men is 6 times higher than white men.

Conclusion: The justice system is biased against black men.

By extension: The biased justice system creates racially biased statistics on crime.

Everything else that you cite are biased by the unequal treatment that black men receive at the hands of our justice system. Conviction due to murder? Black and white men are arrested for that crime at roughly the same rates but black men are more likely to be convicted. Hence, the statistic you cite that black men are convicted of murder at four times the rate as white men is crap. There is no race-based tendency toward murder, just a tendency for the justice system to convict black men for that crime. I'm talking about the nation overall and not any specific neighborhood.

You can dredge up factoids about police shootings totally out of context of my post. You can point at what one person said without citing context . You can quote a black professor's work for that statement if you like and prove nothing . (one single person's report and it's important only to you that he's black)

That report you cited, by the way, used police reports to draw that conclusion regarding police shootings. Oh yeah, now there is an unbiased source :bigjoint:.

Your post only proves two things:

1) Desert Dude has hopelessly lost his mind to racist delusions
2) Statistics can be used to clarify but a deluded man only accepts that which matches their delusion.

This shit is not secret. English. Can you read it?


According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.[38][39][40]"

That's why he famously said, "I would be more afraid to meet several black men in an alley than several white men".
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved...."

basically the exact same thing, except you replaced "walking down the street" with walking "in an alley" and changed "somebody white" to "several black men".

maybe if we all look past your membership in white supremacy groups, we can all try to pretend that it was an innocent mistake.