who is growing some trees????

So Donald trump doesn't lie? I can find those clips for you easily. What do you think Chris Christy will do with marijuana as the attorney general? Hilary is far from a great choice, but an easy choice considering the circumstances. Plus you can't even name one politician who doesn't lie...
So Donald trump doesn't lie? I can find those clips for you easily. What do you think Chris Christy will do with marijuana as the attorney general? Hilary is far from a great choice, but an easy choice considering the circumstances. Plus you can't even name one politician who doesn't lie...

donald trump is an uneducated idiot.
Hillary clinton is a sociopathic; pathological lying; extremely dangerous career criminal.
Absolutely 100% guaranteed to drive this nation further into war; lies; and every possible aspect of depravity.
She is not a democrat; or even mildly democratic. She should be rotting in prison for war crimes... among other things.

It would be impossible for Trump to even come CLOSE to achieving the level of pure devastation the trashy clintons have in their political career. Flat out.
Her list of crimes is MASSIVE.

Her; and all of her associates; deserve nothing more than prison. I will probably be voting Jill stein; though I will vote Trump to keep clinton out of the white house.
dumbass democrats should have respected Sanders; now they can kiss our ass .
My two cents are...... no matter who gets voted in, the legal states should be VERY NERVOUS! Even tho trump I really think doesn't give a shit one way or another about legalities of weed, his v.p. does for sure, and will probably press the issue if it gets him more votes.
Hillary doesn't support weed and neither does her v.p. pick.
So all in all we might lose the traction we have gained as far as this moment goes!!!!!!
Can you even imagine the economic shit storm that could come from them enforcing the federal law again????? Oh wow. Looks like we may be screwed either way this time.
Lol yeah agreed. Politicians are all liars. The one who wins is the one who lied the best. Do as they may, try as they might, the one Constant will always be us.
We have learned from previous generations of growers who broke the same laws as some of us still do because we know the truth about weed. Laws will never stop me, only hold me back slightly lol
So I say fuck them!!!!!
sorry peeps ; sometimes i get fired up over politics... like all the time xp.

forgive my righteous indignation with a picture of this fine specimen of lemon crippler.

in a hole from last year that cant be more than 50 gallons of super soil; and this plant is bigger than my 100 gal plants!

in the dirt for the win; planting in Earth nets some esoteric results undoubtedly.


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Just went out to check after vacation. Plants still looking spindly. They where all green when I left now bottom quarter is yellowing. Only one week into flower. They have had veg nuets every two weeks. Guano. Three quarter strength. Started bloom transition nuets last week. Anyone know of a quick acting nitro neut that I can foliar feed.s something that wont compromise my flowering.It was pretty hot while I was gone could a water shortage have done this.IMG_20160731_144145529.jpg IMG_20160731_144133428.jpg IMG_20160731_144120905.jpg
I even used a top dressing of veg guano and half strength super swell. Then covered with two inch layer of pro mix bx and powdered dolomite. All last Thursday before left for vacation.