who is growing some trees????

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
sorry peeps ; sometimes i get fired up over politics... like all the time xp.

forgive my righteous indignation with a picture of this fine specimen of lemon crippler.

in a hole from last year that cant be more than 50 gallons of super soil; and this plant is bigger than my 100 gal plants!

in the dirt for the win; planting in Earth nets some esoteric results undoubtedly.
Looks awesome dude!


Well-Known Member
Just went out to check after vacation. Plants still looking spindly. They where all green when I left now bottom quarter is yellowing. Only one week into flower. They have had veg nuets every two weeks. Guano. Three quarter strength. Started bloom transition nuets last week. Anyone know of a quick acting nitro neut that I can foliar feed.s something that wont compromise my flowering.It was pretty hot while I was gone could a water shortage have done this.View attachment 3746155 View attachment 3746158 View attachment 3746162
yes water shortage will do that.bump up veg fed few more weeks


Well-Known Member
This is why States rights always need to supersede the fed government. The only time the fed should step in ; is if the states attempt to steal citizens rights .
Not to keep the ball rolling but yes what you said. There's an old piece of hemp paper with print on it that lays this out. For all intents and purposes that piece of hemp paper has been thrown into the dust bin of history.


Well-Known Member
Well....it happened ....I came home early from work with a migraine...and as I was laying on the couch I heard a chopper. ...I am always listening for them but this time I knew....I'm not going to discuss too much details or post pics for leagle reasons ..but they chopped them all...this was how I was going to finish my house....not by selling meth ti kids like most other ppl here....and the fucking cop had the nerve to say "we deal with this kinda thing more cause we get more money for it" when asked why they don't deal with all the real drugs around here....fuck the cops...fuck all this....I worked so hard and just knew this would happen ....I'm fucking done

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Well....it happened ....I came home early from work with a migraine...and as I was laying on the couch I heard a chopper. ...I am always listening for them but this time I knew....I'm not going to discuss too much details or post pics for leagle reasons ..but they chopped them all...this was how I was going to finish my house....not by selling meth ti kids like most other ppl here....and the fucking cop had the nerve to say "we deal with this kinda thing more cause we get more money for it" when asked why they don't deal with all the real drugs around here....fuck the cops...fuck all this....I worked so hard and just knew this would happen ....I'm fucking done
Oh shit!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The fucking cops went down my private drive and when we came to see what was going on they drew guns and asked for our i.ds...well shit hit the fan...we put his punk ass in his place


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I'll be locked up...so good luck eveyone. ...I thought I was finally gonna get ahead ...well stick a hit poker up my ass and send me omw.....I just don't know anymore


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I'll be locked up...so good luck eveyone. ...I thought I was finally gonna get ahead ...well stick a hit poker up my ass and send me omw.....I just don't know anymore
ya going to have to move here for a season or 2 and then do what ya want-- sorry to hear that buddy i got a bunch of extra gardens and they wont fuck with ya here good luck