DNC Email Leak

You care the DNC favored Clinton over Sanders in the primary

You care the DNC colluded with members of the media

You care the DNC attempted to use Sanders' religious belief against him

Am I safe to assume you agree that the DNC broke their own Bylaws by conducting themselves in this way?
To be honest, I haven't spent the energy on this that you have. Reports say that the DNC broke their bylaws. For the sake of argument and my own time, I'll agree. My question to you is, does this invalidate the nomination? Is there anything that conclusively ties Hillary as a perpetrator in the DNC's actions?

Are you saying that you and I weren't affected by that collusion but the people who voted for Hillary were fooled? Are you saying that 16 million people are less able than you and I to make decisions in their own best interest?
Gasp! Are you telling me to kill myself?
You realize that most of the time when a gun is used by its owner to kill somebody, it is in an act of suicide. I'm not saying you should do such a thing but I'm very comfortable with the thought of you keeping that gun close.
Yes. TRUMP! will end democracy if he can. I believe the Republicans will have little problem with it. They are willing to destroy the Constitution "to save the Constitution". That is my considered opinion.

Your assertion the the DNC has peed in your democracy is nothing more than moral preening.
"moral preening" I like that turn of phrase. Well done.
Sure, if your definition of 'better' doesn't matter

Yeah, that's why I'm not voting for Trump, because I think he's a jerk!...

If you think illegal immigration is the main problem America faces, you don't know enough about America to be qualified to make such an assumption. I would suggest you educate yourself about the things that actually matter.

Not the biggest problem in America doesn't mean it isn't a big problem. Mr. Revolutionary should know that every crisis stems from an economic crisis. The economic crisis facing the world is the revolving door between predatory banks and government. The coziest relationship in this mess is Goldman Sachs and Washington DC. The wars overseas are a borrowing incentive for Goldman, militarized police is a borrowing incentive for Goldman, prisons are a borrowing incentive for Goldman, migrant crisis is a borrowing incentive for Goldman, Obamacare is a borrowing incentive for Goldman, Bailouts and manufactured market crashes are a huge borrowing incentive for Goldman, it goes on an on. You are voting for the Goldman Sachs candidate with Clinton, and anything that comes out of her mouth will be superseded by continuing to provide borrowing incentives for Goldman Sachs. Holy shit dude, don't be stupid, think about this.
YES. I CARE. And I'm disgusted. The only thing I find more disgusting is the average American's apathy on the subject.
It's possible to care and still consider it to be unimportant in the overall scheme. First off, I haven't seen anything that shows Hillary had her fingerprints on the action of the DNC. Second, and I know that this will set you off, I don't think the DNC's collusion with "the media" affected the outcome of the nomination. The difference in this election was too strongly tilted toward Hillary. If the primary had come down to one or two percent of the vote then I'd be there with you but Hillary had 31% more votes than Bernie did. Hillary beat Bernie hollow in three of the four important delegations of the Democratic party. That's the real reason Sanders lost.
If the answer is yes, then he's won and we've failed.

Who you talkin' "we" Kimosabe? Electing a guy via popular vote, even if you don't like him, is the point of democracy. You not getting your way isn't democracy failing, and there's nothing wrong with representing the interests of the majority. Pandering to minorities has only crippled their communities further, thereby making people dependent on government is sadistic.

Also, that is some dumbass soundbite platitude you've been fed by a co-opted media. DNC leaks say it all, they have to bribe the media to spin their horse shit as a good idea. And here's you lapping it up like a perfect sucker.
It's possible to care and still consider it to be unimportant in the overall scheme. First off, I haven't seen anything that shows Hillary had her fingerprints on the action of the DNC. Second, and I know that this will set you off, I don't think the DNC's collusion with "the media" affected the outcome of the nomination. The difference in this election was too strongly tilted toward Hillary. If the primary had come down to one or two percent of the vote then I'd be there with you but Hillary had 31% more votes than Bernie did. Hillary beat Bernie hollow in three of the four important delegations of the Democratic party. That's the real reason Sanders lost.

I don't think he got a fair shot. The fact that he wasn't is the problem. I can accept his loss if I had faith in a fair process.

He'll remain an independent senator and will be in the fray for a long time to come. Just like Ms. Warren.
Who you talkin' "we" Kimosabe? Electing a guy via popular vote, even if you don't like him, is the point of democracy. You not getting your way isn't democracy failing, and there's nothing wrong with representing the interests of the majority. Pandering to minorities has only crippled their communities further, thereby making people dependent on government is sadistic.

Also, that is some dumbass soundbite platitude you've been fed by a co-opted media. DNC leaks say it all, they have to bribe the media to spin their horse shit as a good idea. And here's you lapping it up like a perfect sucker.

How many sock puppets have you been through? I can't track as well as @UncleBuck does.
Funny, that's how I feel about the shameful sham put up by the DNC in place of the people's right to choose.
Well in that case, the Republic has been teetering on the brink for more than 200 years. Insider bullshit in a political party is nothing new. My guess is that you could count the number of times a major party has had a 100% square rlection. Back room shit is par for the course, but they didn't have email.
You realize that most of the time when a gun is used by its owner to kill somebody, it is in an act of suicide. I'm not saying you should do such a thing but I'm very comfortable with the thought of you keeping that gun close.
Lets talk about guns. I learned how to shoot from my grandfather at the age of 6. I have never had an accidental discharge nor have I had an incident with law enforcement.
Trump would be a disaster

That's the problem I have. As a guy who really doesn't want to vote for Clinton, I'm not left with many other options.
The Green Party is a good place to park a protest vote. The benefit to this country in this election would be realized if the GP collects enough votes to get them over the 5% threshold for government campaign funds. I'm supporting the Greens in some local elections, hoping to build support and credibility at the grass roots.

Check this out, it's entertaining and not long but Stein is firmly in your corner in terms of the issues and policies you want to see change.
Lets talk about guns. I learned how to shoot from my grandfather at the age of 6. I have never had an accidental discharge nor have I had an incident with law enforcement.
I don't want to talk about guns, I just want to make sure you have it available to you in case you get depressed.
I don't think he got a fair shot. The fact that he wasn't is the problem. I can accept his loss if I had faith in a fair process.

He'll remain an independent senator and will be in the fray for a long time to come. Just like Ms. Warren.
You are right about him not having a fair shot or maybe he didn't take a good shot. He started awfully late to go up against somebody like Clinton who went through two campaigns with her husband and ran for prez in 2008 and nearly won.

Bernie made a good run but he needed more time to get the word out. In my opinion.

What I can't accept is the dismissal of the choice made by 16 million registered Democrats who gave their time to vote. Only 25% of the electorate voted in this primary. That should say something about the people who showed up. I think they are more like you and me than the other 75%. In my opinion, it is elitist to say they are not as able to make a decision in their best interest as we are.
You are right about him not having a fair shot or maybe he didn't take a good shot. He started awfully late to go up against somebody like Clinton who went through two campaigns with her husband and ran for prez in 2008 and nearly won.

Bernie made a good run but he needed more time to get the word out. In my opinion.

What I can't accept is the dismissal of the choice made by 16 million registered Democrats who gave their time to vote. Only 25% of the electorate voted in this primary. That should say something about the people who showed up. I think they are more like you and me than the other 75%. In my opinion, it is elitist to say they are not as able to make a decision in their best interest as we are.

I just want a fair contest. Fair enough that the candidate with the most real people supporting them wins. If that's Mrs Clinton, fine. The problem is that there's a lot of doubt, and for good reason. I'm talking about process more than candidate here. I'm not suggesting we ignore anyone, quite the opposite.

We are no longer confident the system isn't rigged and that's a pretty scary place to be for a 'democracy'.
Well in that case, the Republic has been teetering on the brink for more than 200 years. Insider bullshit in a political party is nothing new. My guess is that you could count the number of times a major party has had a 100% square rlection. Back room shit is par for the course, but they didn't have email.

I think it was worse by a long shot than before. Now, those running the show aren't even concerned about being seen to be interfering in the process.