DNC Email Leak

You keep recycling old posts of mine in the vain hope that somehow they'll shame me.

They don't.

The fact is that the presidency of Mrs Clinton and that of the Chump would be far more alike than they'd be different; the ascendancy of corporate interests over those of average Americans. The continued kowtowing to every whim the Fortune 500 might dream up. The ongoing war against the rest of humanity- or at least those parts we can get away with murdering without it hitting the headlines. Much.

I'm glad you have the security blanket of, 'it's all YOUR fault!' but ultimately the blanket only insulated you from the larger reality of our failings as a nation.

I don't dislike you. It's more about pity. You have no sense of history, friend. You have no idea where we've been and thus no clue about where we are. It doesn't surprise me, therefore, that you've absolutely no idea where to go from here.
Blah blah blah blah
Your actions promoted Trump into office.