55% chance of Trump beating Clinton according to 538

Stop being a coward and reply to my comments if you want dialogue.

Why is it that when Ted Cruz says he won't support Trump, Trump immediately hits the media and bashes Cruz. But when David Duke publicly supports and endorses Trump, not a peep. Why is that? Because Trump colludes with a known former Grand Wizard of the KKK.

See how your logic works against you sometimes? Stop being silly.

I don't think you know what colluding means. Trump and Duke? Let me see some evidence. You realize the KKK have always historically been militant democrats, correct? Robert Byrd?

Ted Cruz is also owned by the exact same donor list as Clinton.
Yet you are taking a vote away from the only candidate that can beat him. Stein or Johnson have absolutely no chance whatsoever. A vote for them is just making a statement and giving the US the middle finger. You might as well vote for Trump.
That's not how it works. If you vote for one over the other, you help one of them over the other.
Voting for a 3rd party isn't a vote for trump or clinton lol. It is kinda funny that people think a vote for Stein or Johnson will help elect trump. Maybe people are fed up with the choices? It's not on the public to vote for her, to stop trump. She's not trustworthy apparently.
I don't think you know what colluding means. Trump and Duke? Let me see some evidence. You realize the KKK have always historically been militant democrats, correct? Robert Byrd?

Ted Cruz is also owned by the exact same donor list as Clinton.

would that be the same robery byrd who denounced the KKK and had a 100% rating with the NAACP?

golly, your talking points are lame and have been debunked 87 times over.

right now, the KKK is fully in support of donald trump. donald trump had a clear and unambiguous chance to denounce the KKK and david duke but did not do so.

these are all facts.

another fun fact: trump also has the support of you, and you are a white nationalist.
Unless you're an elector/member of the electoral college you don't vote for the presidency. It's kind of funny watching you guys bicker over who's getting your all important vote. Only 538 people get to vote for the president.

TRUTH. Yet another artifact of America's inability/unwillingness to live up to its democratic ideals.
Well I'm a white guy, and a nationalist. My nation isn't homogeneously white, and I'm still a nationalist. I'd rather be a nationalist than a masochistic crazy person that social signals all day on a weed forum without any facts or evidence-based talking points. You are like the nucleus of all buzzwords, I come here to laugh at you dude.
Well I'm a white guy, and a nationalist. My nation isn't homogeneously white, and I'm still a nationalist. I'd rather be a nationalist than a masochistic crazy person that social signals all day on a weed forum without any facts or evidence-based talking points. You are like the nucleus of all buzzwords, I come here to laugh at you dude.

...while we're all laughing at your self congratulatory attempts to sound intelligent.
A thirty party vote is not a wasted vote. A third party vote makes more noise than a vote for either major candidate.
That's pretty fair, actually. The alternative is disagreeing but placating in silence. I may vote for Johnson or someone else, despite Bernie's endorsement. Hillary will have enough votes that she probably won't need mine anyway. I'd rather my dissent be counted.
Well I'm a white guy, and a nationalist. My nation isn't homogeneously white, and I'm still a nationalist. I'd rather be a nationalist than a masochistic crazy person that social signals all day on a weed forum without any facts or evidence-based talking points. You are like the nucleus of all buzzwords, I come here to laugh at you dude.

and no attempt whatsoever to refute the facts:

1) your crusade against robert byrd is retarded and about 70 years too late. he denounced the klan and earned a 100% rating with the NAACP. that is not a mark against the democratic party, that is a story of redemption. people change for the better. racism like you hold is learned, and thus can be unlearned if you are willing to.

you are not willing to, however.

2) the KKK is out strong in full support of donald trump. trump had a clear and unambiguous chance to condemn david duke and the KKK and chose not to. he even lied and said he did not know who david duke is, but the facts clearly show that he does know who david duke is.

this is the candidate you support:


3) white nationalists like you are stupid. ignorant cowards. three day old trash in the sun is attractive compared to hateful, homophobic, intolerant little pussies like you.
I don't know whats more fucked, the fact that they don't want the peoples vote to count or the people that think they're vote means something. merica!

when was the last time an elector defied the will of the people of their state, peckerwood?

c'mon, this is your chance to really stick that knife in deep.
That's pretty fair, actually. The alternative is disagreeing but placating in silence. I may vote for Johnson or someone else, despite Bernie's endorsement. Hillary will have enough votes that she probably won't need mine anyway. I'd rather my dissent be counted.

Whatever you do, don't vote for Johnson. Dude is a laughing stock in the libertarian community. His VP was a JEB! supporter up until he got the nod from Johnson. Mitt Romney has been talking about voting libertarian. It's become the last ditch to siphon votes from Trump for the establishment neo-con idiots. Vote Stein, she's actually not morally repugnant and ideologically consistent. Pretty much an economically literate Bernie, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat if I wasn't a Trump guy.
Whatever you do, don't vote for Johnson. Dude is a laughing stock in the libertarian community. His VP was a JEB! supporter up until he got the nod from Johnson. Mitt Romney has been talking about voting libertarian. It's become the last ditch to siphon votes from Trump for the establishment neo-con idiots. Vote Stein, she's actually not morally repugnant and ideologically consistent. Pretty much an economically literate Bernie, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat if I wasn't a Trump guy.
I'll have to do some research on Stein. And any other candidate that isn't Trump or Hillary.
Whatever you do, don't vote for Johnson. Dude is a laughing stock in the libertarian community. His VP was a JEB! supporter up until he got the nod from Johnson. Mitt Romney has been talking about voting libertarian. It's become the last ditch to siphon votes from Trump for the establishment neo-con idiots. Vote Stein, she's actually not morally repugnant and ideologically consistent. Pretty much an economically literate Bernie, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat if I wasn't a Trump guy.

So what's stopping you?
I'll have to do some research on Stein. And any other candidate that isn't Trump or Hillary.

I really like her, ideologically consistent anti-war anti-bailout. Cutting foreign aid to human rights abusers. Higher minimum (won't be necessary if debt burden is lowered by allowing banks to fail, so I'll give her a pass), blows out neo-cons during every interview, alternative energy jobs initiative, pretty much a squeaky clean vote. I just can't bare the thought of Hillary in the White House, so Trump is the evil of two lessers that I'll grunt it out and vote for. I wholly understand a third-party vote though, makes more sense now more than ever.

Here she is shitting on Fox News neo-con market-apologists, warmed my heart: