What did you accomplish today?

Yeah fuck attentive it is highly over rated.

Yeah fuck that shit too.

I'm doing life backwards, right now is the completely irresponsible adolescent phase of the program, apparently.


But you gotta catch me first.
Went to the dmv to get my DL updated I let my fckn license expire I had to retake the test which I promptly failed. How the fuck am I supposed to remember how far away I need to dim my high beams and how fucking far from a cross walk I need to park...I'm so stressed out and I am placating myself with alcohol.
I got Leishmaniasis one time. I also suffer from a rare autoimmune disorder called Behçet's Disease. Dunno shit about polio. The smallpox vaccine was pretty gnarly, though.
therein lies the problem anti-vaxers have with how immunizations are done. i never had the mandatory flu shot hospitals well, made mandatory. they try to bully you and threaten you with your job. if the science was there, if the safety measures were there, if reagan didn't sign into law an out for big pharma's immunization program, there would be no such thing as anti-vaxers. sorry, i'm not being a volunteer for big pharma to test vaccines, which is what the flu shot is. the stats on the safety of vaccines is cooked as anyone that has ever had a hand in medical research will tell you (esp if you want a federal grant) and the actual immune response to vaccines such as the flu actually hover in the 20-30% range.

when i was keeping track on flu patients that passed through a "top5 in the nation hospital for ER visits," over a 5 year span , of the tens of thousands of people who came through and tested flu positive- 96% of the people had been vaccinated.

tamiflu is a bullshit medication that when taken within the first 24 hours of first sign of symptoms, decreases symptomatic days by one. no miracle "cure" it only makes you feel less crappy for a negligible amount of time. it doesn't even make you less contagious. but you have that very narrow window to start taking it. that shit was thrown around to patients like confetti, WELL outside that window.

eventually because this hospital was trying to champion this whole "flu vaccinations work" bullshit, they eliminated the testing "because it's too expensive," and just started treating by patient history and presentation. shit that i saw like that made me not trust any of it. no testing to hide the actual fact vaccinations don't work, yet continuing down the same course of treatment because "there's a pill and a shot for it" is insane. and sadly, people are too stupid to question it.
Ain't all that bad. Rather that than getting stitches removed.
We used to get our vacs in elementary school. Smallpox was really the easiest; they put a pearl sized glop of some viscous goo on your shoulder and scratched your arm through it with a needle. No injection so it was easy peasy. The huge drawback was it itched like a mother fucker for around a week and if you scratched that scab off it came back bigger and you'd have a bigger scar. Injections were industrial mode, didn't see anything else like that until I was inducted in the Army
therein lies the problem anti-vaxers have with how immunizations are done. i never had the mandatory flu shot hospitals well, made mandatory. they try to bully you and threaten you with your job. if the science was there, if the safety measures were there, if reagan didn't sign into law an out for big pharma's immunization program, there would be no such thing as anti-vaxers. sorry, i'm not being a volunteer for big pharma to test vaccines, which is what the flu shot is. the stats on the safety of vaccines is cooked as anyone that has ever had a hand in medical research will tell you (esp if you want a federal grant) and the actual immune response to vaccines such as the flu actually hover in the 20-30% range.

when i was keeping track on flu patients that passed through a "top5 in the nation hospital for ER visits," over a 5 year span , of the tens of thousands of people who came through and tested flu positive- 96% of the people had been vaccinated.

tamiflu is a bullshit medication that when taken within the first 24 hours of first sign of symptoms, decreases symptomatic days by one. no miracle "cure" it only makes you feel less crappy for a negligible amount of time. it doesn't even make you less contagious. but you have that very narrow window to start taking it. that shit was thrown around to patients like confetti, WELL outside that window.

eventually because this hospital was trying to champion this whole "flu vaccinations work" bullshit, they eliminated the testing "because it's too expensive," and just started treating by patient history and presentation. shit that i saw like that made me not trust any of it. no testing to hide the actual fact vaccinations don't work, yet continuing down the same course of treatment because "there's a pill and a shot for it" is insane. and sadly, people are too stupid to question it.

I never had a flu shot in my life. That's a world of difference between flu shots and polio or small pox. They didn't have measiIs and mumps vacs when I was little and I got both. I would have rather had the vaccines.
vaccine vs. serious disease...vaccine wins.

Flu shots? Up to you...I rarely get sick so I don't get them.
We used to get our vacs in elementary school. Smallpox was really the easiest; they put a pearl sized glop of some viscous goo on your shoulder and scratched your arm through it with a needle. No injection so it was easy peasy. The huge drawback was it itched like a mother fucker for around a week and if you scratched that scab off it came back bigger and you'd have a bigger scar. Injections were industrial mode, didn't see anything else like that until I was inducted in the Army
You're definitely an OG, SM. Shiiiiit.

I actually didn't take my mosquito pills over there. That's why I contracted cutaneous leishmaniasis, actually. But it was protozoa or become a casualty because it increased your sensitivity to the sun. Go figure. What did they use to prescribe for malaria? It was Doxycycline when I was in.
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I never had a flu shot in my life. That's a world of difference between flu shots and polio or small pox. They didn't have measiIs and mumps vacs when I was little and I got both. I would have rather had the vaccines.
vaccine vs. serious disease...vaccine wins.

Flu shots? Up to you...I rarely get sick so I don't get them.
I don't do flu shots, but I'm kind of glad for the Smallpox vac. Like, 6 months without a shower, only enough water to drink, dirty ass place like Afghanistan where shit and piss running through either side of the street, heroin addicts with needles in their pockets. Should have taken my Doxy, too, now that I recall.
You're definitely an OG, SM. Shiiiiit.

I actually didn't take my mosquito pills over there. That's why I contracted cutaneous leishmaniasis, actually. But it was protozoa or become a casualty because it increased your sensitivity to the sun. Go figure. What did they use to prescribe for malaria? It was Doxycycline when I was in.

my dad got malaria in WWIl Philipines. he told me they gave him quinine...not that I even know what it is.