What did you accomplish today?

Are you posting from the pool now?

What kind of temps have you guys been having of late?
120ish, it's brutal. I'm at the Gastropub, drinking mas quantities of beer :D I don't want to think how muscles are going to feel tomorrow, as Scarlett said, "Tomorrow is another day"

PS Good to see you, I've missed you and worried a bit about you, figured you were visiting funky town.
120ish, it's brutal. I'm at the Gastropub, drinking mas quantities of beer :D I don't want to think how muscles are going to feel tomorrow, as Scarlett said, "Tomorrow is another day"

PS Good to see you, I've missed you and worried a bit about you, figured you were visiting funky town.

Those temp's are murder - AC dudes down there must make a killing.

And yes, I apparently have a studio apt in the ole Funkage town. :wink:
Those temp's are murder - AC dudes down there must make a killing.

And yes, I apparently have a studio apt in the ole Funkage town. :wink:
They really are. I would have even paid to have someone fix the pool pump (and I am notoriously cheap), but it was either swap the pump or mow the pool.

Have you got a new puppy yet? I'm waiting and I'm not very patient.
Well my mom decided to not circumcise my brother. .at age 15 he got a horrible infection and had to be circumcised and he was in agony for 2 weeks. ..my brother is a very tidy gay man...he said he wished my mom had done it when he was an infant. .per him he feels just as much..the sensation is a bit different but still as pleasant. ..

Anyone chosing not to immunize kids should be charged or have their kids confined. .ya smart choice..ur exposing people who can't be immunized due to age or health...ignorant poorly informed selfish people. ..I recently saw a video of a 10 week old baby who contracted whooping cough from someone who wasn't vaccinated..Bravo to those people u are responsible if this child dies...but they don't give a fuck because only keeping their child safe seems to matter..or they would vaccinate. ..

You anti anti-vaxers are hilarious.
coffee, dump, confirmed it was going to be too hot today to do anything worthwhile, created new (again) Sunshine/turtle avi, fucked around on the internetz for 2 hours, leaving for "buy one get one free" McD's and Krogers.
So Now I have to find out how to put a turtle on my right one?
coffee, dump, confirmed it was going to be too hot today to do anything worthwhile, created new (again) Sunshine/turtle avi, fucked around on the internetz for 2 hours, leaving for "buy one get one free" McD's and Krogers.

wait buy one get one at McDonald's?
explains yourself
I was victorious in traffic court!

But i have to wait 8 weeks to get my "collateral" $160 returned.
Im still calling it an excellent start to the week.
coffee, dump, confirmed it was going to be too hot today to do anything worthwhile, created new (again) Sunshine/turtle avi, fucked around on the internetz for 2 hours, leaving for "buy one get one free" McD's and Krogers.
I think this new avi is your best to date, if I were Sunshine, I'd be extremely honored; though he likely is as he's that kinda guy