DNC Email Leak

so hillary tried to win an election and the DNC did what was in their best interests by defending their candidate from an onslaught of negative coverage?

failing to see any scandal here, much less a reason to even be upset.

She, her campaign, the DNC and DWC all colluded and conspired to throw the nomination, blatantly illegal acts strewn everywhere.

Yet you're saying the ends justify the means? Dude, that makes you part of the no accountability problem.
Here's an analogy we should all get: A snitch sells you out to avoid doing time. It was in his best interest. What's the response or reaction? I sure as shit am not going to applaud him like "Yeah, man! Go, you! Good job looking out for yourself!"
so hillary tried to win an election and the DNC did what was in their best interests by defending their candidate from an onslaught of negative coverage?

failing to see any scandal here, much less a reason to even be upset.

Come on Buck. It makes sense now. There were people here wondering why Sanders couldn't get news coverage. I wondered to myself why such radical ideas weren't getting news. Ross perot from what I remember got more news.
they didn't do a very good job at it then, because hillary got the most negative coverage of anyone.

maybe compare it to slavery like ODG did. LOL
Maybe she earned it.

She's such a bad candidate. Almost the worst. Almost. She'l fuck this up, just watch. She can't help it.
so hillary tried to win an election and the DNC did what was in their best interests by defending their candidate from an onslaught of negative coverage?

failing to see any scandal here, much less a reason to even be upset.

What do you mean by 'their' candidate, 'their' best interest? Are you INSANE? We are talking about DNC which is supposed to be NEUTRAL during primary contest.

You fail to see?

That's NOT the man I knew..what happened to you, Buck?

Incidentally, this, in and of itself, is enough to stop the election process..audit and recount everything.

Why aren't we DEMANDING this?
What do you mean by 'their' candidate, 'their' best interest? Are you INSANE? We are talking about DNC which is supposed to be NEUTRAL during primary contest.

You fail to see?

That's NOT the man I knew..what happened to you, Buck?
Who was the man you knew?

Looks like a brainwashed troll to me.
What do you mean by 'their' candidate, 'their' best interest? Are you INSANE? We are talking about DNC which is supposed to be NEUTRAL during primary contest.

You fail to see?

That's NOT the man I knew..what happened to you, Buck?

Incidentally, this, in and of itself, is enough to stop the election process..audit and recount everything.

Why aren't we DEMANDING this?
Buck don't give a fuck about the country he is a troll nothing more look at the post count...
Not the best example, but my point is, using "It's ok because it's in someone's best interest" might be one of the worst justifications there is. Hitler argued the extermination of the Jewish citizens of Europe was in Germany's best interest. Watergate was supposed to be in Nixon's best interest. I mean, it's just a terrible justification, y'know? Especially when you know that it's wrong. Don't try to bullshit, because if it had been Trump doing the same thing, we'd both be demanding his head.

And who's best interest did DWS claim this to be in? The American people or hers?

That cunt should be jailed for violating our political process in the most cruel way..taking away our destiny of Sanders..making that decision for US!

Who the fuck does she think she is?
Bernie should have run as an independent. He doesn't represent the views of the DNC....simple as that. Hell he could have run as a republican...