DNC Email Leak

I think Hillary is worse.

Debbie W Schultz took the fall. Hillary had no culpability in the whole thing. Again. Phake Skandul!! How do you hard core Democrats do it? The Clintons have been doing this kind of shit for 30 years. They are on a par with Putin in Russia.

Wouldn't you like to see the transcripts of Hillary's paid, very well paid, speeches to the wall street bankers that she assures all you rubes she detests? Don't you have at least a little bit of a quibble with how the Clintons went from "flat broke" in 2000 to having a net worth of several hundred million dollars? Neither Bill nor Hillary have had any sort of job, or business since 2000. What could they possibly be selling that allowed them to accumulate $200M? Rhetorical questions, all of them. You know and I know what they were selling. Yet the Democratic party is filled with fools like FogDog who can't sell the country down the river fast enough. Democrats are drooling at the prospect of gutting the bill of rights, and the rank and file are ever so happy about that. America was a nice experiment in individual freedom.
Yeah, yeah, we're aware of all of that, and despite all of that, yes: Trump is worse. He is a total megalomaniac and doesn't care anywhere near as much for the country as he does his own image. Hillary is really no better, but at least she isn't going to drag us into the Apocalypse. At least not as fast.
Yeah, yeah, we're aware of all of that, and despite all of that, yes: Trump is worse. He is a total megalomaniac and doesn't care anywhere near as much for the country as he does his own image. Hillary is really no better, but at least she isn't going to drag us into the Apocalypse. At least not as fast.

and It will be with style!!:lol:
Hillary agrees with you guys, and with Ted Cruz. She urges you to "vote your conscience". If people really do follow that advice, I don't see how she can be elected. She is counting on you all to hold your nose and accept the Clinton crime family as your betters.

That's what's so fucked up about this whole thing..but Trump isn't any better he's a scoundrel too.
Hillary and the DNC conspiring to cheat Bernie Sanders and the election process?

Does it really surprise anyone?

If the press handles this revelation like they would if it had been Trump who received this "government handout", Hillary could be in trouble.

So, Hillary got a gift from the FBI when she dodged the email scandal, and now we see she's getting even more suspicious benefits.

This is what a career politician does. She's simply cashing in favors she extended to VIP's sometime in the past. One hand washes the other.
Really? Can you elaborate? Because truthfully, if Bernie rescinds his endorsement, I think both of them are truly horrible.
Everything Trump promises, Clinton has a track record of taking part in something similar. He wants a wall, she voted for the secure fence. He wants to ban Muslims, which is unconstitutional and therefore an empty promise, she SecState when a bunch of middle eastern countries got bombed and a lot of it had to do with heavy handed enforcement of bad diplomacy and policies. The fact is that she's a warhawk who will almost certainly find a country to engage.

If you want her to be president, I want to ask you which country you think she will order the military to invade. Who do you think we should go to war against? Which country would Wallstreet and the military industrial state gain the most by warring? Who will her sponsors target?

Trump on the other hand has no support from the gop. The gop is not far from finished. They will almost certainly lose the house and senate and that will leave us with one over powered party who has demonstrated for decades that it will play identity politics while marching to the right.

So you get to choose between a billionaire and a shill for billionaires. Look at the deportations, it's the Democratic party that deported 3 million in the last few years, more than all presidential terms in the last century added together. What is a wall to that? Look at why people are coming across the southern border, who pushed nafta and supported it? Now his wife is running and pushing tpp.

Trump may talk the talk but the Clintons walk the walk.
The 3 million deportation number is an irrelevant statistic. Obama started counting people who were simply turned back into the numbers so it looks like he made an effort.
You Trump people are so delusional,it was republicans behind pushing for all the deportations and they block every effort to do immigration reform.
You Trump people are so delusional,it was republicans behind pushing for all the deportations and they block every effort to do immigration reform.
Typical Democrat bullshit. Call me a Republican Trump supporter and blame dubya as if it dems are not exactly as I described them. Just before you posted a Republican Trump supporter sought to deny giving your party "credit" for the massive wave of deportations.

I'm criticizing your party from the left and saying Trump would make a fine Democrat. Also Clinton would make a perfect Republican.

This election is apparently projected to have the lowest voter turnout in history.
The executive branch controls law enforcement policy and missions. Therefore it was the Obama administration that deported all those people.
Typical Democrat bullshit. Call me a Republican Trump supporter and blame dubya as if it dems are not exactly as I described them. Just before you posted a Republican Trump supporter sought to deny giving your party "credit" for the massive wave of deportations.

I'm criticizing your party from the left and saying Trump would make a fine Democrat. Also Clinton would make a perfect Republican.

This election is apparently projected to have the lowest voter turnout in history.

They aren't my parties and if the system wasn't so rigged most politicians on both sides would be in prison. I just like pointing out hypocrisies to the fanatics and I'm no Clinton fan but with Trump I recognize a sociopath when I see one.
They aren't my parties and if the system wasn't so rigged most politicians on both sides would be in prison. I just like pointing out hypocrisies to the fanatics and I'm no Clinton fan but with Trump I recognize a sociopath when I see one.

How many people has Trump killed? I think Clinton has a few under her belt...
They aren't my parties and if the system wasn't so rigged most politicians on both sides would be in prison. I just like pointing out hypocrisies to the fanatics and I'm no Clinton fan but with Trump I recognize a sociopath when I see one.
He's a television personality and entertainer. Are you not entertained?