I think Hillary is worse.
Debbie W Schultz took the fall. Hillary had no culpability in the whole thing. Again. Phake Skandul!! How do you hard core Democrats do it? The Clintons have been doing this kind of shit for 30 years. They are on a par with Putin in Russia.
Wouldn't you like to see the transcripts of Hillary's paid, very well paid, speeches to the wall street bankers that she assures all you rubes she detests? Don't you have at least a little bit of a quibble with how the Clintons went from "flat broke" in 2000 to having a net worth of several hundred million dollars? Neither Bill nor Hillary have had any sort of job, or business since 2000. What could they possibly be selling that allowed them to accumulate $200M? Rhetorical questions, all of them. You know and I know what they were selling. Yet the Democratic party is filled with fools like FogDog who can't sell the country down the river fast enough. Democrats are drooling at the prospect of gutting the bill of rights, and the rank and file are ever so happy about that. America was a nice experiment in individual freedom.