Fuck..! Ended up with no potent totally odorless weed..

i've found that most of the "accelerators" you can use are full of useless shit. molasses has worked for me for years, about the third week of actual bud production i start adding 1 tbsp of molasses to each watering and cut it off 2 weeks before i plan to chop. you can pay 30+ bucks a bottle for sugar water that may fuck up your crop, or you can pay 3 bucks for a bottle of molasses thats never fucked up anyones crop
Kinda like buying food for a hummingbird feeder. Just heat some water and dissolve sugar in it. Fill up the feeder and voila. Gtg
So after huge effort trying to grow best nugs so far I ended with diddly squat..
I was growing Dream Machines in coco with Canna A+B...usually I would have just used the regular PK 13/14
but this time (its a "9 week strain")..I used the regular PK with the slowly increasing method from week 3 in flower..they looked ok etc until end of week 6..then I decided to switch to AN Overdive and it swelled up the nugs quite nicely but the frostiness wasn't quite there ,so close to the beginning on week 8 I added Bud Factor-X to get more oils and trichomes...but there wasn't really a huge increase in that department...I kept them going 10 weeks in total of flowering (buy the way the stretch ended instantly when flipped to 12/12)..The weird thing that the smell totally disappeared on the last 2.5 weeks...and now the nugs been dry and in glass jars...I might have over dried some of them..before glass jar thing (+some I took out and dried a bit more..and put back in glass jars, because I felt they where a bit too damp)...anyway buds don't smell at all...yesterday we tried some and fuck horrible taste of chemicals or odor (might be me spraying outside the tent some odorspray..sucked in the tent...And NO I didn't do any flush..(there is 2 camps and I have been in the one that believes in no flushing on the last weeks of building weight)...anyway the smoke was weak ass and bad flavor....where the hell didi I go wrong..
maybe incorporating nute brands or where....anyway for here on I might just go back and grow the Moby Dicks they have never failed in size or strength....I can't afford to do experiments and see what happens it has to go right or better than last time ,not like this...Fucking shit ![/QUOT
I am hydro guy..when good strain its 2x more yield and faster growth...newer bothered with dirt..

you ran canna nutes in a hydro system with out any zyems??? theirs your problem man... look into a product called recharge.. and you can use compost teas in a hydro system just gotta run lots of air stones and clean everything real well when you change out your res..
So after huge effort trying to grow best nugs so far I ended with diddly squat..
I was growing Dream Machines in coco with Canna A+B...usually I would have just used the regular PK 13/14
but this time (its a "9 week strain")..I used the regular PK with the slowly increasing method from week 3 in flower..they looked ok etc until end of week 6..then I decided to switch to AN Overdive and it swelled up the nugs quite nicely but the frostiness wasn't quite there ,so close to the beginning on week 8 I added Bud Factor-X to get more oils and trichomes...but there wasn't really a huge increase in that department...I kept them going 10 weeks in total of flowering (buy the way the stretch ended instantly when flipped to 12/12)..The weird thing that the smell totally disappeared on the last 2.5 weeks...and now the nugs been dry and in glass jars...I might have over dried some of them..before glass jar thing (+some I took out and dried a bit more..and put back in glass jars, because I felt they where a bit too damp)...anyway buds don't smell at all...yesterday we tried some and fuck horrible taste of chemicals or odor (might be me spraying outside the tent some odorspray..sucked in the tent...And NO I didn't do any flush..(there is 2 camps and I have been in the one that believes in no flushing on the last weeks of building weight)...anyway the smoke was weak ass and bad flavor....where the hell didi I go wrong..
maybe incorporating nute brands or where....anyway for here on I might just go back and grow the Moby Dicks they have never failed in size or strength....I can't afford to do experiments and see what happens it has to go right or better than last time ,not like this...Fucking shit !
Did you bother drying and curing it? They'll come after a couple of weeks. The acids and stuff have to break down and ferment and such.
and growing in coco is not considered hydro....

Its only when the grow is about to extend to summer months once a year I do coco...and yes when you have hydro system but coco in you pots and nute water runs back to reservoir what is chilled with chiller and pumps with sequence timers for your watering you can consider it to me as hydro as hydro is...yes you can also work coco as soil and water much less frequent ,but the growth is slower then..
Did you bother drying and curing it? They'll come after a couple of weeks. The acids and stuff have to break down and ferment and such.

That's what I am working on now..they where dried in net racks..(and yes I am guilty of cutting the bigger buds to smaller peaces to make them to dry a bit faster ,so I can jar most of the buds at the same time)...some might gone too dry for the curing to work but now the Bovedas are coming so as soon as I get them I hope I can stabilize the humidity in my jars..
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Thank you Diabolical...can we agree that its now all on you and if it all fails I can send you a bill with payment due date...and if not paid in time it goes straight to repo department...so the repo guys may wake you up when they are carrying out the sofa where you sleep among other stuff...but I think its fare game in these circumstances View attachment 3739385
Wait, wut? You cant have my couch! Thats Kushys bed;) you'll be fine bro. Put it in a nice cool dark place to chill awhile
Thanks Diabolical666.....I am waiting with fear...and the lesson learned here is to stick to the strain you know and the products you know...other vise
its a shot in the dark...
Using overdrive in the last weeks is the culprit, especially since you don't believe in flushing. If you overfeed and then dry the buds too fast, you'll end up with bad tasting weed.
But where the hell did the smell disappear ,they where smelling nice until 3 weeks before finish..then it totally vanished...+ where is the resin production...shit it might be my first and last with Overdrive...size yeah ,potent no...if you like to produce bark..for maybe pictures then yep go for it....if you want kick ass buds then do something else...of course its my dumb ass first attempt using it but I must say shit problems like this have never been there before...so I will not take a risk and repeat that trial and expect a different result..
Ok, cheers hopefully the 8 gram pack is enough for a 2 liter jar...because the 60 gram ones are expensive in the quantity I need them...so I will make my order for the 8 gram Bovedas....last change to correct me for my order....anybody ?
Check around some head shops. More often than not they sell the 60 grams in singles.
Cigar and tobacco shops after.
Just call around.
Hell my local head shop carries Boveda, Ona, cure bags and calibration weights.
Some of the best weed I've ever grown was with plain old farm fertilizer, 34-0-0 and 6-12-12. A bit of lime if needed or ash and great. Big bags of farm fertilizer are cheap and seemingly last forever :)
grow organic use pro mix mixed with earth worm castings with lots of compost teas and molasses use alfalfa meal, sea kelp meal and naturally mind rock dusts like azomite for food. never feed the last three weeks of flower and i really back off the molasses at week 4 of flower. used canna when i first started growing indoors its good stuff but when growing with canna, zymes and a flush is a must... even just adding molasses and a zyme to what you were running would help canna makes an enzyme called cannazyme and its great stuff. and ive learned running additives from different nute lines can be risky...

Molasses? You supplement with molasses? Oh please tell me why?

If your using a AACT tea - the idea that you use molasses to "feed" the microheard is moot! Your adding heard at every use..
Molasses does little and other things work better for what you use it for....Molasses tends to compact soil and can cause fermentation in the soil - bad thing...

Use molasses to make your tea's and leave the rest of it for baking and BBQ sauce- The "old school" hippie trick of molasses in feeding - is for the most part, A MYTH!