"Buckys choad" (screams chaffed asshole) its always about the cok when youre a flaccid lout.
Look dude, I'm not the one that comes sweeping into the thread after days of inactivity when a post not mentioning you in the least is posted.
This is what you and Bucky use as an excuse for a life?

Having a "chaffed asshole" might be due to large volumes of smoke you and Bucky both try to validate yourselves with being blown up my ass, or it might be for other, more appetizing reasons (to you both) explaining your intimate knowledge of its state.
Chaffed or not, you shouldn't expect anything for yourselves but what normally issues from a rectum.

You both seem incredibly hungry for it and deserving of it. :D
No see, he wasn't scared. He was a delusional, demented, murderous piece of trash who did more in 15 minutes to hurt his cause than he could have in any other way.

Wait, are you talking about the shooter who killed police officers or the police officers who kill innocent black men because they get "nervous"?
Wait, are you talking about the shooter who killed police officers or the police officers who kill innocent black men because they get "nervous"?

I'm probably talking about both, in some sense.

I agree that "copdom" as a whole has a lot to answer for. They've encroached on the rights of American citizens, who are (supposedly) protected by the Constitution from police harassment. And there are racist cops. I realize that. Just like there are racist accountants. But the racist cops can do more physical harm to us more quickly than can racist accountants, so the racist cops get more press. And they should. Please understand that I believe the majority of cops (black and white) are good people who want to help; not hurt.

This problem isn't gonna get any better until both sides (BLM and the cops) each admit that they are both partially wrong, and have been for some time.

BLM fails to recognize that cops are killed by blacks at a very high rate, considering the black population percentage. And cops are cognizant enough to know that, and are (somewhat reasonably) inherently scared of blacks more than whites. And that's what causes their (sometimes) overreaction in cases involving blacks. I can't believe that white cops are looking for a chance to "kill me a black man". Most all cops in America now dread going to work, in fear of becoming the next posterized "racist killer" by everyone from president Hussein to the governor of Minnesota.

And the cops fail to admit that they are predisposed to be scared of blacks more than whites (many times beyond what is reasonable), so they are quicker to resort to deadly force with blacks than they are with whites.

As in most cases, both sides are right and both sides are wrong. And until both sides can admit that, we as a nation are going to witness an increased polarization among the races.
71% of cops are killed by white men.

That may be true bearcat. But I've read contradictory reports. Are you factoring in the per capita rates (i.e. the population differences in relation to the killing percentage?).

Even if you're right (and maybe you are), I still can't believe the average white cop today relishes the thought of shooting a black person.

I try to put myself in a cop's head today. How would I as a cop react to a situation involving blacks as opposed to the exact same situation involving whites? Honestly, as an older adult with nothing left to hide, I'll admit that I'd probably be more scared of a confrontational situation dealing with blacks I didn't know than with whites I didn't know. And I can't tell you exactly why I feel that way.

I'm just trying to be honest, and see both sides.
That may be true bearcat. But I've read contradictory reports. Are you factoring in the per capita rates (i.e. the population differences in relation to the killing percentage?).

Even if you're right (and maybe you are), I still can't believe the average white cop today relishes the thought of shooting a black person.

I try to put myself in a cop's head today. How would I as a cop react to a situation involving blacks as opposed to the exact same situation involving whites? Honestly, as an older adult with nothing left to hide, I'll admit that I'd probably be more scared of a confrontational situation dealing with blacks I didn't know than with whites I didn't know. And I can't tell you exactly why I feel that way.

I'm just trying to be honest, and see both sides.
If you are wondering why you feel like this perhaps it is because the data shows that blacks target whites at a disproportionate rate...
This table can be used for a number of interesting calculations. First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites. This figure is consistent with reports from 2008, the last year DOJ released similar statistics. Perhaps not coincidentally, that was the year Mr. Obama was elected president.

Interestingly, we find that violent interracial crime involving blacks and Hispanics occurs in almost exactly the same proportions as black/white crime: Blacks are the attackers 82.5 percent of the time, while Hispanics are attackers only 17.5 percent of the time.

Some observers argue that what causes the overwhelming preponderance of black-on-white over white-on-black violence is “chance of encounter,” due to the fact that there are five times as many whites as blacks in the American population. However, there are only about 30 percent more Hispanics than blacks, yet black-on-Hispanic violence is almost as lopsided as black-on-white violence. This suggests blacks may be deliberately targeting both whites and Hispanics.

Using figures for the 2013 racial mix of the population–62.2 percent white, 17.1 percent Hispanic, 13.2 percent black–we can calculate the average likelihood of a person of each race attacking the other. A black is 27 times more likely to attack a white and 8 times more likely to attack a Hispanic than the other way around. A Hispanic is eight times more likely to attack a white than vice versa.

We can also calculate how often criminals of each group choose victims of other races. As indicated below, when whites commit violence they choose fellow whites as victims 82.4 percent of the time, and almost never attack blacks. Blacks attack whites almost as often as they attack blacks, and Hispanics attack whites more often than they attack any other group, including their own.
Your feeling the way you do may be warranted...
71% of cops are killed by white men.
According to whom, please?

If this is a fiat statement from you I will have to take issue by saying that it is not what this blog post from the editor of this peer reviewed article from a research resource that you usually have to pay to get access to (and I've always found the quality of what you pay for vs. what is given to you to be superior) with a sample section being (visit the links above for full content):

"To be thorough, it is wistfully accurate that police too are victims of unnecessary murders by American civilians (these shootings are up >50% versus 2015's year-to-date statistic). This type of murder happens at 8% the level of civilians killed by police, and 1% of the overall 5,556 level of annual killings in total we’re discussing here. So this may appear to be a small number, but it is certainly not insignificant at all, to those we put to work in law enforcement. Who’s killing these police? We dejectedly note that relative to Whites, Black civilians kill police at an astonishing 4-5x (Blacks are the same ones who are killing each other at 8x the national rate and paradoxically expecting law enforcement to stop that, but then shriek when the police do).The Dallas sniper murders last week (and possibly the Baton Rouge killings today) have not done anyone favors, and numerically it will inexpugnably and instantaneously spike the number of police killed by Blacks, by ~15%! None of this is to say that we advocate any Blacks being stalked and hunted anywhere, but the broad information we hear in the media doesn't offer proof that this is what is happening nor proof of economic discrimination. It is also a gloomy reality that Black civilians are also killing Whites at a significantly higher rate than the other way around.
An impressive academic peer-reviewed paper, which I spent considerable time reviewing as the an editor, was well-referenced earlier this year (for example written up in the Wall Street Journal). It explores threat factors associated with police who shoot at a scene (including critical insights such as Black officers are >3x more likely to shoot versus Whites when both confronted as a team within the same situation). The author and the renowned American Statistical Association journal were a vital probability and statistics citation for the recently viral Harvard University/National Bureau of Economic Research economics working draft on police aggression (and showing that shooting isn’t even the largest component of police aggression to begin with!)
(Please note the above underlined above article has been linked in this thread previously.)
The article starts off comparing recent statements by Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and blogger Nate Silver and the incorrect nature of them.

Maybe this is wrong and your source of information can prove that beyond a doubt, so if you could please cite the source of your info as it would be appreciated.

But considering those statistics, and if you were a cop wanting to go home at the end of the day, you might consider the 4-5X more likely multiplier as something that affects your outlook significantly.

EDIT: But also, considering the information in the Harvard economics article if I were a black man I would be pretty apprehensive of abusive police treatment up to death by police as the study cited no supporting evidence of being killed more often, but the abuse is another matter entirely and should happen to no citizen of any race or creed.
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If you are wondering why you feel like this perhaps it is because the data shows that blacks target whites at a disproportionate rate...
View attachment 3736684
This table can be used for a number of interesting calculations. First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites. This figure is consistent with reports from 2008, the last year DOJ released similar statistics. Perhaps not coincidentally, that was the year Mr. Obama was elected president.

Interestingly, we find that violent interracial crime involving blacks and Hispanics occurs in almost exactly the same proportions as black/white crime: Blacks are the attackers 82.5 percent of the time, while Hispanics are attackers only 17.5 percent of the time.

Some observers argue that what causes the overwhelming preponderance of black-on-white over white-on-black violence is “chance of encounter,” due to the fact that there are five times as many whites as blacks in the American population. However, there are only about 30 percent more Hispanics than blacks, yet black-on-Hispanic violence is almost as lopsided as black-on-white violence. This suggests blacks may be deliberately targeting both whites and Hispanics.

Using figures for the 2013 racial mix of the population–62.2 percent white, 17.1 percent Hispanic, 13.2 percent black–we can calculate the average likelihood of a person of each race attacking the other. A black is 27 times more likely to attack a white and 8 times more likely to attack a Hispanic than the other way around. A Hispanic is eight times more likely to attack a white than vice versa.

We can also calculate how often criminals of each group choose victims of other races. As indicated below, when whites commit violence they choose fellow whites as victims 82.4 percent of the time, and almost never attack blacks. Blacks attack whites almost as often as they attack blacks, and Hispanics attack whites more often than they attack any other group, including their own.
Your feeling the way you do may be warranted...

don't just plagiarize, you useless sack of racist shit. show your source!

in this case, it happens to be the white supremacist website "american renaissance".

anyhoo, let's go ahead and shine some light on this desperate pile of white power bullshit you want to spam the forum with.

As sociologist Robert O’Brian has noted (using Census data), the odds of a given white person (or white criminal for that matter) encountering a black person are only about three percent. On the other hand, the odds of a given black person (or black criminal) encountering a white person are nineteen times greater, or fifty-seven percent (6), meaning the actual interracial victimization gap between black-on-white and white-on-black crime is smaller than one would expect. In 2002, blacks committed a little more than 1.2 million violent crimes, while whites committed a little more than three million violent crimes (7). If each black criminal had a 57 percent chance of encountering (and thus potentially victimizing) a white person, this means that over the course of 2002, blacks should have been expected to victimize roughly 690,000 whites. But in truth, blacks victimized whites only 614,176 times that year (8). Conversely, if each white criminal had only a three percent chance of encountering and thus victimizing a black person, this means that over the course of 2002, whites would have been expected to victimize roughly 93,000 blacks. But in truth, whites victimized blacks 135,931 times: almost 50 percent more often than would be expected by random chance (9).

WOOOOOOPS! you got caught spamming the board with white supremacy bullshit. how unfortunate.

not only that, but even the most basic review shows your racist propaganda to be false. whites victimize blacks at much higher rates than blacks victimize whites.

hold on to that gun of yours, fake female living out in the country. the whites are coming to get you.
I'm probably talking about both, in some sense.

I agree that "copdom" as a whole has a lot to answer for. They've encroached on the rights of American citizens, who are (supposedly) protected by the Constitution from police harassment. And there are racist cops. I realize that. Just like there are racist accountants. But the racist cops can do more physical harm to us more quickly than can racist accountants, so the racist cops get more press. And they should. Please understand that I believe the majority of cops (black and white) are good people who want to help; not hurt.

This problem isn't gonna get any better until both sides (BLM and the cops) each admit that they are both partially wrong, and have been for some time.

BLM fails to recognize that cops are killed by blacks at a very high rate, considering the black population percentage. And cops are cognizant enough to know that, and are (somewhat reasonably) inherently scared of blacks more than whites. And that's what causes their (sometimes) overreaction in cases involving blacks. I can't believe that white cops are looking for a chance to "kill me a black man". Most all cops in America now dread going to work, in fear of becoming the next posterized "racist killer" by everyone from president Hussein to the governor of Minnesota.

And the cops fail to admit that they are predisposed to be scared of blacks more than whites (many times beyond what is reasonable), so they are quicker to resort to deadly force with blacks than they are with whites.

As in most cases, both sides are right and both sides are wrong. And until both sides can admit that, we as a nation are going to witness an increased polarization among the races.

Wow. Cops deaths are down and your assertion that % wise cops are killed in large numbers by people of color is plain wrong.
And BLM has nothing to apologize for. Unless of course you think bringing attention to systemic racism is worthy of an apology. Is that what you think?
don't just plagiarize, you useless sack of racist shit. show your source!

in this case, it happens to be the white supremacist website "american renaissance".

anyhoo, let's go ahead and shine some light on this desperate pile of white power bullshit you want to spam the forum with.

As sociologist Robert O’Brian has noted (using Census data), the odds of a given white person (or white criminal for that matter) encountering a black person are only about three percent. On the other hand, the odds of a given black person (or black criminal) encountering a white person are nineteen times greater, or fifty-seven percent (6), meaning the actual interracial victimization gap between black-on-white and white-on-black crime is smaller than one would expect. In 2002, blacks committed a little more than 1.2 million violent crimes, while whites committed a little more than three million violent crimes (7). If each black criminal had a 57 percent chance of encountering (and thus potentially victimizing) a white person, this means that over the course of 2002, blacks should have been expected to victimize roughly 690,000 whites. But in truth, blacks victimized whites only 614,176 times that year (8). Conversely, if each white criminal had only a three percent chance of encountering and thus victimizing a black person, this means that over the course of 2002, whites would have been expected to victimize roughly 93,000 blacks. But in truth, whites victimized blacks 135,931 times: almost 50 percent more often than would be expected by random chance (9).

WOOOOOOPS! you got caught spamming the board with white supremacy bullshit. how unfortunate.

not only that, but even the most basic review shows your racist propaganda to be false. whites victimize blacks at much higher rates than blacks victimize whites.

hold on to that gun of yours, fake female living out in the country. the whites are coming to get you.
Bucky, facts are facts, we are not talking 2002, we are talking about factual data gathered by DOJ under President Obama from 2012 and 2013, the DOJ statistics do not lie, only you do that so very well Andrew!!! You can't spin the facts Buckeroo!!!
Bucky, facts are facts, we are not talking 2002, we are talking about factual data gathered by DOJ under President Obama from 2012 and 2013, the DOJ statistics do not lie, only you do that so very well Andrew!!! You can't spin the facts Buckeroo!!!

so let's review here:

you tell us you look up to MLK, then you get caught red-handed spamming the forum with racist propaganda from the white supremacist website 'american renaissance', then your racist propaganda gets completely debunked, then you double down with no rebuttal whatsoever.

reported for mentally retarded sock puppet.
don't just plagiarize, you useless sack of racist shit. show your source!

in this case, it happens to be the white supremacist website "american renaissance".

anyhoo, let's go ahead and shine some light on this desperate pile of white power bullshit you want to spam the forum with.

As sociologist Robert O’Brian has noted (using Census data), the odds of a given white person (or white criminal for that matter) encountering a black person are only about three percent. On the other hand, the odds of a given black person (or black criminal) encountering a white person are nineteen times greater, or fifty-seven percent (6), meaning the actual interracial victimization gap between black-on-white and white-on-black crime is smaller than one would expect. In 2002, blacks committed a little more than 1.2 million violent crimes, while whites committed a little more than three million violent crimes (7). If each black criminal had a 57 percent chance of encountering (and thus potentially victimizing) a white person, this means that over the course of 2002, blacks should have been expected to victimize roughly 690,000 whites. But in truth, blacks victimized whites only 614,176 times that year (8). Conversely, if each white criminal had only a three percent chance of encountering and thus victimizing a black person, this means that over the course of 2002, whites would have been expected to victimize roughly 93,000 blacks. But in truth, whites victimized blacks 135,931 times: almost 50 percent more often than would be expected by random chance (9).

WOOOOOOPS! you got caught spamming the board with white supremacy bullshit. how unfortunate.

not only that, but even the most basic review shows your racist propaganda to be false. whites victimize blacks at much higher rates than blacks victimize whites.

hold on to that gun of yours, fake female living out in the country. the whites are coming to get you.
Lets not, you are a troll, a waste of space and precious oxygen!!! Bye Bye Andrew the really bad and bigoted spin doctor!
maybe if you reply to the same comment for a third time, everyone will just forget that you plagiarized debunked racist propaganda from a white supremacist website.
I haven't read this yet, but I'm pretty sure the video that had everyone losing their shit began AFTER the shooting and all of the details that painted the cop as a murderer with no justification came SOLELY from Castile's woman. Is that an accurate assessment?

If that's the case, is it possible that this is another ridiculous rush to judgement that turns out to be total bullshit, or has my total lack of interest caused me to miss something that wasn't pure conjecture (common of our RIU libs) or a description of the situation by an outraged female companion?

Please tell me there is a bodycam or something that actually shows this was a bad shoot.

CAM or not. If the intension of the cop was to kill him. Would you think he would want his armed target out of the car? Let the perp do the usual song and dance of not complying. Like we all know would happen. Then in the struggle the cop would have been forced to use deadly force. With at least having a struggle first. The typical way these things go. The fact that he was shot were he sat should say a ton about his actions. For that action to happen. A lot of bad stuff must happen first. The mumbo jumbo. I have rights. You are robbing me of my rights. Some bullshit like that. Its always the same. The only reason you get shot in your car is you made a dangerous situation for the officier. More than the basic and common noncomply.

Obama has done nothing good for these situations. He keeps putting gas on the fire. Now we have idiots thinking that hunting cops is in season. Obama has divided this country by race. Fact. Source. Every word that comes out of his mouth. Every time there is a shooting. He speaks. It then leads to more. Obama has destroyed America in 8 years. Race relations were way better 8 years ago. For the source on that look back in time for yourself. This president has set race relations back a long way. He had a great oppertunity. He could have used his presidency to unite the races. He could of paved the way for more black presidents. What he has done is secure the fact he will be the last black president. There will be so many jokes made about him when he leaves the white house. The history books won't have a pretty picture of him as well.

The president was given such a huge opportunity to change the world. He did it. We now live in a war zone.
I just love how everybody is called a racist for there point of view. The biggest thing is the lack of facts. Oh. Whats your source. If its you tube you don't have even half of what happened. What we all know is the interaction between the cop and the man went wrong real fast. Lets say the man was unarmed. You need to do a lot wrong to be shot in your seat. I am racists. Been that way for as long as I can remember. So you don't need to call me one. I beat you to it. The worst thing is color can be removed from this. You can still get the same outcome. If only the words and actions are looked at. Yes I know. We don't have a lot of information. This still does not justify rioting. Killing the police. Spreading terror. Because those actions make shootings by police more credible.

How about this. I here a white guy that I don't even know was killed by a black cop. I have very little info. I see some crazy video on you tube. What is my next action? Easy nothing. I don't know that person or care. Why when reversed color is in play it leads to bullshit? I already said I was racists. So why don't I make a big deal about this? Why don't I shoot cops? Why don't I block traffic in protest?

Ask your self those questions. See how you would respond. See how other people might react. Turn on the lights! Its to dark in here! Oh wait up in here..............
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