Ez squeeze rosin press

Pressed about 1/4 of my keif. 20160718_084926.jpg
Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but my rosin doesnt look anything like the pic you posted. Im pulling extracts from the bubble hash and getting a thick honey like rosin, then I chuck the pressed puck of hash in the trash.
My method is: put pressed puck of hash into a coffee filter and wrap it up, then put that puck into parchment paper. Press the puck between the heated plates and collect the rosin concentrates from the parchment paper. It looks like the stuff in your pic is just warmed up keif smushed more than actual extract from the keif?
It took about 8-9g of bubble hash to get this 2g of rosin from it.
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I did mix the budder and waxy stuff together. I won't do that again. Temps deffinately play a part in the end result.


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I run about 220*f, but I dont have the heavy gear you guys have so I rely on the higher temps more.
The stuff you just showed is how mine looks after pressing.
Where you get the 25 mic bags from? Those seem pretty neat and tidy vs coffee filters lol
Yeah, the bar sucks for that. Where did you source the knob from?
I actually lifted it from an old electric lawn mower out in the garage. It was a plastic knob that had a steel nut snapped inside. I just popped the nut out & hacksawed slits for the little bar across the release valve. It fit better than I imagined..
I think the price is cheaper if going direct. The micron size is different for what your pressing. Next time I'll bubble bag all my trim and run that. See how that comes out. Then I'll just press trim after that. See which tek is easier and best results.


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