Have any of you guys seen Ghostbusters (2016)?

So which ethnic groups are acceptable in your estimation?

"Ethnic groups" ? It seems you might be misunderstanding the definition of 'guido' purposely to suit yourself for whatever reason(s), which is all the more insulting and shameful, but it's alllll good.

Kind of disappointed that you'd even go here, man. Certain other folks here, maybe, but you ?
"Ethnic groups" ? It seems you might be misunderstanding the definition of 'guido' purposely to suit yourself for whatever reason(s), which is all the more insulting and shameful, but it's alllll good.

Kind of disappointed that you'd even go here, man. Certain other folks here, maybe, but you ?
Lou likes to stir people up but his posts always lack any real substance.
Probably just another one of Bucky's sock puppets...
Lou likes to stir people up but his posts always lack any real substance.
Probably just another one of Bucky's sock puppets...

Like I said, trash trolls fly out of the woodwork to join the butthurt pitchfork gang.... :roll:

Up until a few hours ago I didn't really 'get' the negative stuff that people would say about this site, chalking it mostly up to bitterness and oversensitivity, but I'm beginning to get the picture now....very unfortunate in the long run...
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Are you sure you know the meaning of that word, dumdum? (Extrapolated)
Regarding Grasscity, I was looking for a place with LESS right wingers, gun nuts, racists, and rape culture perpetuators....boy, did I fuck up or what?! You'd love it over there, the staff coddles throwback trash like you!

Make posts calling out ignorance and misogyny, and butthurt ignorant misogynists pour out of the woodwork.....shocking, eh?

@Singlemalt - Ohhhh, yeah; this place is RIFE with 'em, as I'm (sadly) coming to realize more and more with each passing day....fair bit of the 'villagers with pitchforks' mentality, as well, which always shows a nice degree of even more ignorance and fear.

"Guidos enjoy beating up a non-white or homosexual while assisted by a group of 5-10 guido friends backing them up; engaging in date rape; and displaying their lack of rhythm by dancing poorly in the middle of a club's dance floor while non-guidos look on in disbelief.
One of lower-middle-class socioeconomic background or status and thought of as being dim-witted, excessively aggressive, and prejudiced against perceived outsiders, particularly homosexuals and members of other races."

^And don't forget ingrained misogyny! "YO, shes a freekin CUNT, OHHH!" Ugh....

You are pretty riled up. I just don't see how you can come to the hateful, mud-slinging conclusions you do, about anyone who doesn't like that movie.

I've never seen it. But the 2nd Ghostbusters movie wasn't nearly as good as the 1st.

But if someone doesn't like it you claim they are Trump loving, dickless, misogynistic men who have never seen a vagina. Got it. Makes perfect sense.

You love name-calling rather than address the substance of an issue. Your bread and butter is spewing hate and vitriol in the politics session. If you can back up any of the nonsense you say about me, I'd like to see it. Otherwise, you're the joke.
You are pretty riled up. I just don't see how you can come to the hateful, mud-slinging conclusions you do, about anyone who doesn't like that movie.

I've never seen it. But the 2nd Ghostbusters movie wasn't nearly as good as the 1st.

But if someone doesn't like it you claim they are Trump loving, dickless, misogynistic men who have never seen a vagina. Got it. Makes perfect sense.

You love name-calling rather than address the substance of an issue. Your bread and butter is spewing hate and vitriol in the politics session. If you can back up any of the nonsense you say about me, I'd like to see it. Otherwise, you're the joke.

are you gonna wear the goofy hat when you vote for trump though?
Like I said, trash trolls fly out of the woodwork to join the butthurt pitchfork gang.... :roll:

Up until a few hours ago I didn't really 'get' the negative stuff that people would say about this site, chalking it mostly up to bitterness and oversensitivity, but I'm beginning to get the picture now....very unfortunate in the long run...
RIU was better before you showed up. Same is true for the human race...
Ouch, is this necessary?

He's right wing trash, likely the product of incest, it's to be expected.

And all because a couple dummies never learned how to properly read/decipher basic context. Some of these grown 'men' bring a new meaning to the term 'white rage', sigh.
More disappointed than angry, especially in a couple cases...
Relax Lou, you love it here. :)

Hey, wondered if you had any good finds today on the search for collectibles?

It is an enjoyable release, man, that is for sure. As cliche as it sounds, laughter really can be great medicine, but enough rotten/miserable kids can spoil even the best vacation, in time.

Nah, nothing worth mentioning really. The GoodWills were looted by the time we got there and I think it was just too hot for even the locals to bother with yard sales. :( (Wife needed the better part of 1.5 hours in Half Price Books so we got a late start.)
Got my veggies and a nice lunch out, though, so that helped a bit.
I'll leave this site forever if you can find a single post where I've endorsed Trump for president, or endorsed any political party for that matter. And if you fail to provide that, you'll leave. Deal?

it was a simple question about you, your goofy hat, and whether or not you will wear it when you go vote for trump.
"Ethnic groups" ? It seems you might be misunderstanding the definition of 'guido' purposely to suit yourself for whatever reason(s), which is all the more insulting and shameful, but it's alllll good.

Kind of disappointed that you'd even go here, man. Certain other folks here, maybe, but you ?
Misunderstanding purposely? That's an artificial stretch, and a strawman Lou. "Guido" is a long used epithet describing the ethnic group that I happen to be, and I was the one surprised that you would use it in such a condemning and sanctimonious way. This should have been merely an "oops" moment for you when questioned, no more. Doubling down as you are reveals an interesting character aspect Lou. Note that others can also play the insinuation gambit as well.
I'm not voting for a president in this election. So, no deal? You have nothing?

sure thing. that must be why you cried for days when a right wing news source was called out for being right wing.


i already forget what caused you to latch onto me like a small dog with rabies, but it was similarly hilarious to watch you meltdown.
Misunderstanding purposely? That's an artificial stretch, and a strawman Lou. "Guido" is a long used epithet describing the ethnic group that I happen to be, and I was the one surprised that you would use it in such a condemning and sanctimonious way. This should have been merely an "oops" moment for you when questioned, no more. Doubling down as you are reveals an interesting character aspect Lou. Note that others can also play the insinuation gambit as well.
Proud guido here. :)
Misunderstanding purposely? That's an artificial stretch, and a strawman Lou. "Guido" is a long used epithet describing the ethnic group that I happen to be, and I was the one surprised that you would use it in such a condemning and sanctimonious way. This should have been merely an "oops" moment for you when questioned, no more. Doubling down as you are reveals an interesting character aspect Lou. Note that others can also play the insinuation gambit as well.

But isn't the "surprise" a bit presumptuous, as well? Growing up in NY, the term 'guido' was always used to describe a pseudo-machismo/braggart/obnoxious/misogynistic asshole, a cock-of-the-walk type, it had nothing at all to do with race/ethnicity. Polish guys, black guys, Puerto Rican guys, Irish guys, etc. could (and did) all fit the moniker - it was always used to describe a general attitude/lifestyle and certainly not based on anything else, at least not when used by me or mine. (Mixed family/was raised by very liberal parents and older siblings, which might be a bit odd considering the old man was a WWII-era guy.)

Truth told, I wasn't even aware that the word was commonly used as a derogatory description of a specific sect of Italians until very recently, maybe because my family is filled with Italians and it was simply never even on my radar?