Have any of you guys seen Ghostbusters (2016)?

But isn't the "surprise" a bit presumptuous, as well? Growing up in NY, the term 'guido' was always used to describe a pseudo-machismo/braggart/obnoxious/misogynistic asshole, a cock-of-the-walk type, it had nothing at all to do with race/ethnicity. Polish guys, black guys, Puerto Rican guys, Irish guys, etc. could (and did) all fit the moniker - it was always used to describe a general attitude/lifestyle and certainly not based on anything else, at least not when used by me or mine. (Mixed family/was raised by very liberal parents and older siblings, which might be a bit odd considering the old man was a WWII-era guy.)

Truth told, I wasn't even aware that the word was commonly used as a derogatory description of a specific sect of Italians until very recently, maybe because my family is filled with Italians and it was simply never even on my radar?
I grew up in Calif, so I'm not acquainted with the common idioms of NY. Out here we called the type you describe assholes, bullies and dicks.
He's right wing trash, likely the product of incest, it's to be expected.

And all because a couple dummies never learned how to properly read/decipher basic context. Some of these grown 'men' bring a new meaning to the term 'white rage', sigh.
More disappointed than angry, especially in a couple cases...
It's official: Lou is a sock puppet. Bucky has several patterns that are consistent. His need to stereotype others is famous. It is the first step on his journey of hate, and a hallmark of simple minds.


i think you had it right. the folks who are upset about this movie do have a certain pattern about them!

I'm so glad I don't live in a 'diverse' area. Bunch of savage beasts.
If you're white and you don't look for white areas to reside, you're doing it wrong.
dindu nuffins
ooga booga
Well, I guess that's a real loss for me. Whatever will I do without a new self-hating white friend?

I was hoping we could get together and go down to one of the Ferguson protests. You know, lay in the road and throw rocks with the rest of the animals and limpwrists. Please reconsider.