Because ALL Black People Look Alike?

Thank you, well is not just the police, the attorney general of our state ordered the raid and a judge signed off on it. Apparently they have a big initiative to stop child pornography in the state, which I totally get, but there only proof was that our IP address was used for a one week period and never again, which in itself would not indicate that we were running a child pornography ring. One of the team told me they thought they might find children and an active business going on in our home which I find amazing that they apparently watched us for 8 months before the raid and saw nothing going on, but that was their excuse to come in with rifles drawn and used a battery ram to break down our front door because we did not answer the door quickly enough, and then really roughed up my husband, slammed him against a door, but his head hit a metal deadbolt lock, and he sustained a bad concussion, and permanent brain injury causing his seizure disorder.
Thank you, well is not just the police, the attorney general of our state ordered the raid and a judge signed off on it. Apparently they have a big initiative to stop child pornography in the state, which I totally get, but there only proof was that our IP address was used for a one week period and never again, which in itself would not indicate that we were running a child pornography ring. One of the team told me they thought they might find children and an active business going on in our home which I find amazing that they apparently watched us for 8 months before the raid and saw nothing going on, but that was their excuse to come in with rifles drawn and used a battery ram to break down our front door because we did not answer the door quickly enough, and then really roughed up my husband, slammed him against a door, but his head hit a metal deadbolt lock, and he sustained a bad concussion, and permanent brain injury causing his seizure disorder.
It's screwed up all the way around. And yes, the police, the D.A., the A.G., and the judges are basically all on the same team. So you really never stood a chance. And what happened to your husband is completely inexcusable. It seems like you guys should be financially compensated in some way.
Look at the facts, and not what youre told. Yeah youre innocent, but its not going to stop a beat down or getting your ass killed. Thats the society we live in. Its unfortunate. I have a son. I need to be there, and i wont be killed because im proud. If i was in that situation (which ive been in similar situations) i would have spoken to the pig properly, listened to instructions, proved my innocence. Done. JS
Yeah, pretty much everyone is innocent until proven guilty yet the police don't treat us that way or we would just be handed a court date.
Its not the police. Its the people making the laws and procedures that the police follow. Its the head of the department of justice not prosecuting officers who step out of line.
My husbands injury was from excessive force by police/division of the attorney general, but yes ultimately I hold the attorney generals office and the judge that signed off on this as responsible. They could have entered our home peacefully and we would have allowed them full access to everything, we would want this creep caught as much as they did, but they handled it in a military fashion using the excuse that "they did not know what they would be walking into" reasoning to do it the way they did. There case was super weak at best, with only a one week period of something coming from our ip address and then never again. The watched us for 8 months and saw nothing strange into or out of our home. Is really just f'd up, and that is what we are fighting, and of course the head injury, ptsd, etc...
Look at the facts, and not what youre told. Yeah youre innocent, but its not going to stop a beat down or getting your ass killed. Thats the society we live in. Its unfortunate. I have a son. I need to be there, and i wont be killed because im proud. If i was in that situation (which ive been in similar situations) i would have spoken to the pig properly, listened to instructions, proved my innocence. Done. JS
Because that ALWAYS works. :roll:
It's screwed up all the way around. And yes, the police, the D.A., the A.G., and the judges are basically all on the same team. So you really never stood a chance. And what happened to your husband is completely inexcusable. It seems like you guys should be financially compensated in some way.
well that is what we are working on, but is a difficult battle, as you said everyone is on the same team, and getting it to go in favor for us is a battle for sure...
I blame the deadbolt manufacturer. What is the point of making the police follow the rules when the deadbolt is what hurt him?
Sorry I do not follow, they through him up against a door with a deadbolt on it, that is what his head struck and caused the injury...we installed the deadbolt, but I do not think we are to blame for his head injury..
Your right, ultimately the citizens have allowed the government too much power, often it is not them working for us, but against us...
Not really we are forced into a two party system which only around 40% of the nation votes because of lack of choice on the ballot. Which means majority do not want big government we just want to be free. We are stuck in this system only way out is to revolt as no better country is available. We used to be the home of the brave land of the free. Now just the land of the ruled and ruled by tyrants who's only goal is world domination.

9 countries in the Middle East and Africa we are in war with "small wars" say's CNN but they work for the government war is war nothing small about dominating 9 countries.

And what do the people do? Complain about racism when the system is the reason more black people are in prison the DEA perpetuate the Drug War they don't try to win it.
Why resist though? I dont care if the damn cop is racist and acting like a gestapo. You have to listen to them, or go ahead, resist, get the shit beat out of you, and then complain. Its happened time and again, you resist, you get the shit beat out of you. Why not just listen and be like. "I do not have a warrant, i can grab my ID and prove who i am if you allow me to." That would have been the end of it. Instead, the kid starts to resist, granted hes innocent, but hes acting all suspicious by resisting. Theres a definite problem in society, but theres also work arounds.

Without resistance, there is a kind of Stockholm syndrome complicity that grows until we get where we are now... and the rolling shitball of apathy is gaining momentum on the downhill slope.

It's foolish to forge your own chains, not to mention being forced to pay for the people who put the chains on you.

While you are right the black guy that was assaulted could have been more "cooperative", he's under no obligation to kiss the cops asses and he didn't. Good on him.

I hope he takes the cops to court and sues them for assault. Of course the irony there is the cops themselves won't pay any damages, that cost will be passed on to other more obedient and "cooperative" people thru increased taxation.

Those cops were assholes and licking their boots is the wrong answer.