Because ALL Black People Look Alike?

You can talk to me, if you'd like. I suffer PTSD as well. So if you ever want to commiserate, I'm always up to talk.
Thank you...I have dealt with it pretty well but I have to for my husband who was a truck driver and had to retire early. He is really the one who suffers the most, but they really roughed him up and injured him, and then carted him off to jail for the weed, but if I ever need to I sure will and if you ever need to talk I am here as well. I know the fear first hand. I am at least lucky in the fact that my sisters husband is an International Lawyer and has worked for the CIA, he has a lot of pull and is handling things for us, so hopefully there will be some compensation, and retribution for what was done.
It does matter, and I think that is what you aren't seeing. Firstly, as an African American, you're constantly under the microscope being scrutinized, and then if you are arrested, a lot of people to include your jury will more than likely say "Oh, he's black, he probably did it." And thus, you don't even get a fair trial. Deny it as much as you want. Truth is, this is the way of our world.

And this is what you mean by white privilege, am I right, BK?
Well I do look a bit like a Mexican but it's the Native and Sicilian.
Pretty much why I don't live in a city I never see cops anymore but the last time I got pulled over the cop was trying to search my car kept asking if we had drugs with my then 3 year old daughter in the car. To top it off it was a fucking Australian!!
I'm picturing you being pulled over by Jim Jeffries.
Thank you...I have dealt with it pretty well but I have to for my husband who was a truck driver and had to retire early. He is really the one who suffers the most, but they really roughed him up and injured him, and then carted him off to jail for the weed, but if I ever need to I sure will and if you ever need to talk I am here as well. I know the fear first hand. I am at least lucky in the fact that my sisters husband is an International Lawyer and has worked for the CIA, he has a lot of pull and is handling things for us, so hopefully there will be some compensation, and retribution for what was done.
I'm really sorry this happened to you. I hope everything gets better very soon. I'm sure you'll get through it together alright.
Is difficult for me...My first husband was a cop and I see things through those old eyes, and then I had this particular instance with this raid and a husband that received a head injury, now has epilepsy, and suffers from PTSD, and I have nightmares of waking up to a guy in swat attire and a semi automatic rifle pointed at very surreal, very terrifying as we did nothing but help a stranger for a week, and ended up in this nightmare, and when it was happening there was nothing at all we could do. Our phones, computers, everything electrical that could store any kind of information was taken.
This is an awful story, and I'm really sorry that you had to go through it. Again though, people shrugging this off just gives the police more and more control every single day. They are very cleverly stripping away your rights from right under your nose. They start by abusing those who the public feels "probably deserves it anyway" (You know, black people). It won't end there though. The comparisons to the third reich don't seem quite so crazy to me anymore.
Why resist though? I dont care if the damn cop is racist and acting like a gestapo. You have to listen to them, or go ahead, resist, get the shit beat out of you, and then complain. Its happened time and again, you resist, you get the shit beat out of you. Why not just listen and be like. "I do not have a warrant, i can grab my ID and prove who i am if you allow me to." That would have been the end of it. Instead, the kid starts to resist, granted hes innocent, but hes acting all suspicious by resisting. Theres a definite problem in society, but theres also work arounds.
Don't matter what color you are cops do what they want if the charges don't stick they don't get in any trouble.
It almost always matters. Don't kid yourself. Remember when 12 white jurors looked at the Rodney King beating, and came to the conclusion that the pigs were justified?
Why resist though? I dont care if the damn cop is racist and acting like a gestapo. You have to listen to them, or go ahead, resist, get the shit beat out of you, and then complain. Its happened time and again, you resist, you get the shit beat out of you. Why not just listen and be like. "I do not have a warrant, i can grab my ID and prove who i am if you allow me to." That would have been the end of it. Instead, the kid starts to resist, granted hes innocent, but hes acting all suspicious by resisting. Theres a definite problem in society, but theres also work arounds.
The fuck you do. If it's an unlawful arrest, THEY can be imprisoned for it. The video shows they not only made an unlawful arrest, they also hit him twice with a taser then lied about how the situation transpired.

He tried to tell them he didn't have a warrant, and tried to give ID.
I fully understand your dilemma, and I'm pretty sure that I would have probably handled it very similarly. My issue is that you're calling my man an idiot because he chose to stand up for his rights. The police were wrong, dead wrong. I'll be interested in seeing how this ultimately ends, because the cop lied ON TAPE several times.
The man was not even resisting really. He kept his hands visible and was talking and acting in a non threatening way.
It's not suspicious to resist when you're innocent, it's 100% normal. That it's suspicious is the myth. And it's the cops and authority and the sheeple public that perpetuate that idea.
The fuck you do. If it's an unlawful arrest, THEY can be imprisoned for it. The video shows they not only made an unlawful arrest, they also hit him twice with a taser then lied about how the situation transpired.

He did try to tell the guy, and tried to tell them he didn't have a warrant, and tried to give ID.

Look at the facts, and not what youre told. Yeah youre innocent, but its not going to stop a beat down or getting your ass killed. Thats the society we live in. Its unfortunate. I have a son. I need to be there, and i wont be killed because im proud. If i was in that situation (which ive been in similar situations) i would have spoken to the pig properly, listened to instructions, proved my innocence. Done. JS
This is an awful story, and I'm really sorry that you had to go through it. Again though, people shrugging this off just gives the police more and more control every single day. They are very cleverly stripping away your rights from right under your nose. They start by abusing those who the public feels "probably deserves it anyway" (You know, black people). It won't end there though. The comparisons to the third reich don't seem quite so crazy to me anymore.
Thank you, well is not just the police, the attorney general of our state ordered the raid and a judge signed off on it. Apparently they have a big initiative to stop child pornography in the state, which I totally get, but there only proof was that our IP address was used for a one week period and never again, which in itself would not indicate that we were running a child pornography ring. One of the team told me they thought they might find children and an active business going on in our home which I find amazing that they apparently watched us for 8 months before the raid and saw nothing going on, but that was their excuse to come in with rifles drawn and used a battery ram to break down our front door because we did not answer the door quickly enough, and then really roughed up my husband, slammed him against a door, but his head hit a metal deadbolt lock, and he sustained a bad concussion, and permanent brain injury causing his seizure disorder.
This is an awful story, and I'm really sorry that you had to go through it. Again though, people shrugging this off just gives the police more and more control every single day. They are very cleverly stripping away your rights from right under your nose. They start by abusing those who the public feels "probably deserves it anyway" (You know, black people). It won't end there though. The comparisons to the third reich don't seem quite so crazy to me anymore.
Its not the police. Its the people making the laws and procedures that the police follow. Its the head of the department of justice not prosecuting officers who step out of line.
Look at the facts, and not what youre told. Yeah youre innocent, but its not going to stop a beat down or getting your ass killed. Thats the society we live in. Its unfortunate. I have a son. I need to be there, and i wont be killed because im proud. If i was in that situation (which ive been in similar situations) i would have spoken to the pig properly, listened to instructions, proved my innocence. Done. JS
You are the one listening to what you're told, and you just proved that, and that is why we live in a world like we do. You are the problem.
Why resist though? I dont care if the damn cop is racist and acting like a gestapo. You have to listen to them, or go ahead, resist, get the shit beat out of you, and then complain. Its happened time and again, you resist, you get the shit beat out of you. Why not just listen and be like. "I do not have a warrant, i can grab my ID and prove who i am if you allow me to." That would have been the end of it. Instead, the kid starts to resist, granted hes innocent, but hes acting all suspicious by resisting. Theres a definite problem in society, but theres also work arounds.
Did you watch the video? He was given no chance to prove his identity.