What Justifies a High price point for these Genetic Seed banks in the States

The other thing ya gotta ask is who gets the $$ ??? if it is a seed bank I'm pretty sure the beans have a mark up on em, be like CD sales where the recording artist gets 6 cents of the 12 dollars the cd cost

banks and breeders spit the cost, 50% / 50%, so that' s a big reason why it costs a lot more to order from a bank vs say a breeder..
ever notice how sannies gear is super cheap compared to say a lot of other peoples? he is selling it himself on his on site, therefore isn't splitting the costs with anyone..
there you go again... i thought this thread was suppose to be = Please post only knowledgeable and logic responses. It's an Inquiry not a beef or a rant
you know how big a plant needs to be to make 10,000 seeds?
now if i was to make some seeds. it better equal my cost or more as i would run flower, or making seeds just wont be worth my time.
If you cant make at least 1,000 seeds a plant you got a problem, outdoor plants make over 10,000 seeds and a lot of breeders breed in big huge greenhouses look at DNA genetics they are getting over 10k seeds a plant, they have special equipment to deseed their weed, I'm not ranting i'm speaking the truth you are so disrespectful and ignorant.
banks and breeders spit the cost, 50% / 50%, so that' s a big reason why it costs a lot more to order from a bank vs say a breeder..
ever notice how sannies gear is super cheap compared to say a lot of other peoples? he is selling it himself on his on site, therefore isn't splitting the costs with anyone..
The amount you make is all based on how desirable your genetics are, why do you think so many breeders want to sell direct? Because the seedbanks are making more than they are.
If you cant make at least 1,000 seeds a plant you got a problem, outdoor plants make over 10,000 seeds and a lot of breeders breed in big huge greenhouses look at DNA genetics they are getting over 10k seeds a plant, they have special equipment to deseed their weed, I'm not ranting i'm speaking the truth you are so disrespectful and ignorant.
exactly what i thought. you've never made any beans. besides your hermie plants
outdoor plants make over 10,000 seeds
wow your ignorant... just like all your other topics...
didnt i just mention how big a plant needs to be to make 10,000 seeds? an outdoor plant sure can accomplish that.... yes your ignorant as phuck....
The amount you make is all based on how desirable your genetics are, why do you think so many breeders want to sell direct? Because the seedbanks are making more than they are.

maybe the amount you can charge, but you better believe that the split is 50/50 once they sell a pack of your gear, don't care if you're og raskal of thug pug..
maybe the amount you can charge, but you better believe that the split is 50/50 once they sell a pack of your gear, don't care if you're og raskal of thug pug..
That's simply incorrect , the split is based off the deal you work with the seedbank, it's on an individual basis.
it's simply greed, when a plant makes 10,000 seeds and you ask 10-20$ a seed you are just being greedy.

I don't feel it is greedy at all IF they have been tested and worked on and you are buying through a distributor. It could take 10 years to make a masterpiece and have it all tested out. Half these assholes are just slappin herm pollin and charging those prices and that is wrong. Especially when you buy the seeds direct at high price.
I don't feel it is greedy at all IF they have been tested and worked on and you are buying through a distributor. It could take 10 years to make a masterpiece and have it all tested out. Half these assholes are just slappin herm pollin and charging those prices and that is wrong. Especially when you buy the seeds direct at high price.
I think it's fucked up and greedy but it's also market demand and competition. No one is gonna get crazy money for long there is way to much competition and top growers are in the know about value through sites like this.
I don't feel it is greedy at all IF they have been tested and worked on and you are buying through a distributor. It could take 10 years to make a masterpiece and have it all tested out. Half these assholes are just slappin herm pollin and charging those prices and that is wrong. Especially when you buy the seeds direct at high price.
You can still make 10,000$ a plant @ 10$ a pack. It's straight up greed, have you ever bought any seeds that aren't marijuana? I got some heirloom tomato seeds(like 100 seeds) for 1.78$ that have been bred since 1921, that's a lot of work too.
I think it's fucked up and greedy but it's also market demand and competition. No one is gonna get crazy money for long there is way to much competition and top growers are in the know about value through sites like this.
The more legal it becomes the lower the prices of everything will drop, weed went from 5k a pound to 1500-2k a pound once it was legal medically, same gonna happen to seeds when its legal federally.
Think it would be reasonable to sell like a franchise. 50k and I won't let it go to anyone in a 200 mile radius.