What Justifies a High price point for these Genetic Seed banks in the States


Well-Known Member
Unless they can guarantee 30% thc or a pound per plant, Why do people pay these crazy prices.

Are the breeders regulated, follow state laws as far as prerequisites. Do they pay taxes?

Are they breeding in there Moms basement? there garage? What gives?

Please post only knowledgeable and logic responses. It's an Inquiry not a beef or a rant.
Kinda like the dudes asking for some herb at super discount prices. If you don't wanna pay for someone else to do the work than do it yourself. Or go for something like female seeds, if you think those are overpriced you might not be able to afford a proper grow area. Even a box lol.
Unless they can guarantee 30% thc or a pound per plant, Why do people pay these crazy prices.

Are the breeders regulated, follow state laws as far as prerequisites. Do they pay taxes?

Are they breeding in there Moms basement? there garage? What gives?

Please post only knowledgeable and logic responses. It's an Inquiry not a beef or a rant.
See my avie? That strain took 6 years to make, tested at 25% so not your 30 ? Every one that has it keeps it, it recently yielded 8 oz's for a grower in a small tent and I was only askin 60 for 15 beans, seems fair to me but perhaps I need to ask more 8)
See my avie? That strain took 6 years to make, tested at 25% so not your 30 ? Every one that has it keeps it, it recently yielded 8 oz's for a grower in a small tent and I was only askin 60 for 15 beans, seems fair to me but perhaps I need to ask more 8)
Thats a good deal, was that a soil grow? If so what size pot?
Hell once I make the strain I've been workin on all these years it'll be 1000 a bean and I'm willin to bet that anyone that has grown my avie will buy em 8)
Yes you can package it with a mini fission motor and time travel machine
The other thing ya gotta ask is who gets the $$ ??? if it is a seed bank I'm pretty sure the beans have a mark up on em, be like CD sales where the recording artist gets 6 cents of the 12 dollars the cd cost
Seed banks are super greedy and disgusting, they want you to send them free seeds until you build a reputation then they want to only give you a small % of what they make.
The other thing to remember is it is still illegal
I think that depends where you live, it's legal to sell seeds in Colorado if you follow the laws and sell them at your dispensary, they still ask stupid prices like I bought some rare dankness seeds at river rock and they cost me over 100$ for a single pack. I got seeds at the cup and they cost 130 got directly from the breeder so yea its mostly just greed these ppl want as much as they can get.
it's simply greed, when a plant makes 10,000 seeds and you ask 10-20$ a seed you are just being greedy.
there you go again... i thought this thread was suppose to be = Please post only knowledgeable and logic responses. It's an Inquiry not a beef or a rant
you know how big a plant needs to be to make 10,000 seeds?
now if i was to make some seeds. it better equal my cost or more as i would run flower, or making seeds just wont be worth my time.
I think that depends where you live, it's legal to sell seeds in Colorado if you follow the laws and sell them at your dispensary, they still ask stupid prices like I bought some rare dankness seeds at river rock and they cost me over 100$ for a single pack. I got seeds at the cup and they cost 130 got directly from the breeder so yea its mostly just greed these ppl want as much as they can get.
its called running a store...