can't really put them in order of preference but here goes
The Running Man (part of his Richard Bachman books) Hollywood absolutely eviscerated that one BTW (The Schwarzenegger flick very LOOSELY based on the Premise of the story, it is completely different from start to finish)
Dragon Tears
Pet cemetary
The Long walk
The Stand>>>if you like that story with a twist (I Liked it better , but IT is still great) by Robert R. McCammon - instead of a nearly omnipotent man made strain of super-flu, its Nuke Holocost..."Swan Song"
Another Robert R. McCammon great (Post -Fall of the House Of Usher sequal by another Author...): Usher's Passing
1 more of his (Mystery Suspense): Boy's Life (one of all time top five for me)
BUT, all time Fave Horror (but his new stuff is more GRIPPING suspnse with great human insight) Author is hands down Dean Koontz short list of his greats:
My first (and the creepiest tale I've ever read): The Bad Place
Twilight Eyes
Strange Highways (4 Shorts, "Dolan's Cadillac" my pick from those, but all great)
Fear Nothing / Seize the Night
The face
From the Corner of His Eye
His Modernized Frankenstien Series with a twist with the "Prodigal Son" being the first(**spoiler**) (He hunts down and Kills the Nth version of his maker by the end of the series)
The Odd Thomas Series
The Taking (creepiest version of what I can only compare to "The Rapture"...)
By the Light of the Moon
(and if you think that wasn't short I promise, You're wrong...many many more greats)
And there is another Suspense Author I have enjoyed a read or two of who is only what I could describe and Dean Koontz alter "Christian" - ego his name is Ted Dekker his suspense is similar with Koontz's very well crafted:
The "Circle" Series