Favorite Stephen King books and other suspense/horror

I read a book by Dean Koontz years ago and can't remember the name for the life of me but I thought it was brilliant, proper creepy. It was about an AI in charge of a home security system, it fell in love with the owner of the house and held her prisoner in her house, because it had control over all the electronic door locks and window shutters, and broke a prisoner out of death row to mess with his DNA so the AI could procreate through him with the woman. Fucking mental.

Ah yes! -- Demon Seed

forgot all about that one, and if you think that was creepy, try The Bad Place man to me that was his creepiest (firefly was in that creepy mix too)
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Now myself, I prefer thicker books. Doesn't mean they will be better but anything under 300 pages is generally too short to develop a good story IMO.
Love SK, also Koontz and Straub.
Favorites are The Stand, It, Dark Tower Series, The Talisman, The Shining. Short stories, The long Walk, Roadwork, The Mangler.
The longer ones I tend to reread every few years.
Most of the movies sucked. The older ones (Cujo, The shining, Firestarter, Christine) were okay but late 80s to present sucked with one exception. The Green Mile. I believe that and the Shining are his best movies.
Haven't read his newest. I hate hardcovers. Nice to have on your shelf but a pain in the ass to read in bed.
Been so busy I haven't read a book in months. Also spend too much time here, lol.

Speaking of long books - Besides The Stand and Swan song my Longest by far I believe had to be "Shogun" by James Clavell quite an undertaking for a 16 year old wow I feel old all of a sudden...
Desperation's sister book.


I have it, but I haven't read it yet. I've got a huge backlog of his stuff I'm trying to get through, I might have to read it after I finish the 7th Dark Tower book. I've got around 800 pages to go though...

Oh yeah! I could not remember the title "Desperation" but yeah those are two of his best.
Dean Koontz wrote a book about how a Horror fiction writer's evi-dead twin (right down to fingertprints and DNA) tries to take over his life and it's very similar to a Stephen King book I can't remember the name of.

Koontz's book was "Mr. Murder", I read that against the rules in Basic Training in Winter of 93 a great read
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Dean Koontz wrote a book about how a Horror fiction writer's evi-dead twin (right down to fingertprints and DNA) tries to take over his life and it's very similar to a Stephen King book I can't remember the name of.

Koontz's book was "Mr. Murder: I read that against the rules in Basic Training in Winter of 93 a great read
The book was "The Dark Half". Love that book. The main bad guy has a bumper sticker on his car that says "High Toned Son of a Bitch". I have looked for this bumper sticker to no avail.
The book was "The Dark Half". Love that book. The main bad guy has a bumper sticker on his car that says "High Toned Son of a Bitch". I have looked for this bumper sticker to no avail.

Order it custom printed...

Yeah the Dark Half!

Both those book were superb
Speaking of long books - Besides The Stand and Swan song my Longest by far I believe had to be "Shogun" by James Clavell quite an undertaking for a 16 year old wow I feel old all of a sudden...
Read Shogun but couldn't get through Tai Pan. Still sitting on my bookshelf, mocking me. I should either read it or give it away.
OH yeah! I read that one TWICE about a decade apart I do NOT read books twice very often at all....It was just such an incredible tale and kinda scary prophetic, doncha kinda think? Good stuff.

Told in First person man that was why I got into that one the way he mastered first person in that book was just pure genius
I like H.P. Lovecraft too, you can find most of his works for free online or you can buy his books for pretty cheap. I have a leather bound book with his complete works in it for less than $15 I believe, I bought it a few years ago when Barnes & Nobles had an online sale.

Most of his stuff is in audio book form on youtube as well.

Here's my favorite.
You know I have tried audio books. Just can't do it. What little I have heard sucks. I did a better job reading to my kids.
I listen to talk radio all the time, just can't follow someone reading a story. I think I'm too picky.
Couple of years ago my Mp3 quit the night before an Iron Ass ride. So I figured I would borrow my wife at the times. She loved audio books.
Let me tell ya, audio books when you've been on the bike for 12+ hours will make ya doze off. Not good at 85 miles an hour, lol
Some good books.
In no particular order.

NOS4A2-by Joe Hill (S.King's son)
Very good horror book, quite impressive.

The Stand, Bag of Bones, Duma Key, Under the Dome, 11/22/63, Insomnia,
The Bill Hodges books -(not horror but worth reading if you like mysteries)--all by S.King

The Books of Blood- Clive Barker

The Terror, Carrion Comfort, Summer of Night- by Dan Simmons

Ghost Story- Peter Straub

At the Mountains of Madness,
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
(Novellas)--H.P. Lovecraft

Interview with the Vampire--Anne Rice

These are some that I have enjoyed
Good reading!
Maybe not so much a scary book, but my fav of his is Different Seasons. In the late 80s a band I listen to wrote a song about Apt Pupil and I sought out the book, didn't take long to read it all. Started on some others after that but I didn't find them as good.
Clive Barker has some cool stuff, he's really disturbing. He did the Hellraiser movies, some were good. King is one of the greatest story tellers: I loved It, The Stand, all his novellas and short stories. Some of his best stuff was written under his pseudonyms, especially Richard Bachman. I love Apt Pupil, The Long Walk, and The Running Man was one of the best short stories I've ever read. The movie sucked ass (as most of his movies do)...
Clive Barker is the reason I started writing years ago as a kid.
Cabal, Weaveworld, The great and secret show... EXCELLENT
also I can't recommend Robert mccammon enough

SOME of koonts is alright too. Phantoms, deadfall?, strangers
But i'd be all over Cabal, and Swansong if I hadn't read them before.
hell I re-read them multiple times

Different seasons is great, every story in it a masterpiece.