What would a TRUMP! Presidency look like?

Well, go to a Trump rally and call a protestor a monkey then.

I fucking dare you.

first, they aren't protesters, they are antagonizers. second, if i felt the need to i would do just that. and not a damn thing would happen. but you go ahead, claim they would beat me ass, blah blah blah. it doesn't matter what i say in this case, you don't know me and know nothing about what i do or don't do.
first, they aren't protesters, they are antagonizers. second, if i felt the need to i would do just that. and not a damn thing would happen. but you go ahead, claim they would beat me ass, blah blah blah. it doesn't matter what i say in this case, you don't know me and know nothing about what i do or don't do.

look at the floundering white supremacist pussy out on us.

we do know you are the white trash neighbor that no one likes, and that you are a white supremacist.
look at the floundering white supremacist pussy out on us.

we do know you are the white trash neighbor that no one likes, and that you are a white supremacist.

it's not called pussying out, it's called not stooping to your level. i can see how you would confuse the two. i have difficulty communicating to someone who has such a poor grasp on what makes a valid argument. sometimes the educations systems and the parents fail the child. my condolences.
no i don't get it. not everyone has the same beliefs and believes the state narrative. funny, that's what that episode is about and i guess you missed that. namaste

Actually, to me, they look like rich pig Trump supporters.

You a millionaire?
Vote for Trump then...

Trump doesn't give 2 shits about you or your allies beginning Nov. 9th. Get fucking real already.
If Trump does win, I expect the counter-culture to do very well though. Legalizing weed has deprived it of it's wellspring.

Not with the cops newly funded and reenergized and look For the cartels to step up violence.
prove i'm not an idiot. if an idiot is someone you simply disagree with and have different political views, i'm fine with you calling me an idiot. i take more seriously the benghazi/email/whitewater things than you do clearly. and that makes me an idiot? ok man. i support your right to vote for hillary. i'm glad for a world where everyone does not have to agree, and fear for a world you and all the hillary supporters advocate where thought is a crime and civil disobedience is not an option.

So Trump's racist housing practices are not racist?
Racism is not simply a difference of opinion.

Namaste these nuts.
Not with the cops newly funded and reenergized and look For the cartels to step up violence.

So Trump's racist housing practices are not racist?
Racism is not simply a difference of opinion.

Namaste these nuts.

i support your right to choose! vote as you wish brother!
Actually, to me, they look like rich pig Trump supporters.

You a millionaire?
Vote for Trump then...

Trump doesn't give 2 shits about you or your allies beginning Nov. 9th. Get fucking real already.

hillary has backed wall street and big business her whole political career. her husband did away with glass-steagall. NAFTA? sure Trump is a billionaire, but hillary has paved the road for the rich with the blood of Veterans and the newly poor. i'll take Trump everyday of the week and twice on sunday over her.
hillary has backed wall street and big business her whole political career. her husband did away with glass-steagall. NAFTA? sure Trump is a billionaire, but hillary has paved the road for the rich with the blood of Veterans and the newly poor. i'll take Trump everyday of the week and twice on sunday over her.

Yeah, and he'll appoint supreme court justices to get gov't off your middle class back, right?

How fucking dumb can you be?...never mind, don't answer that...it's obvious.
You're going to be the next millionaire like Joe the Plumber...he still hasn't made the big time either...
Good fucking luck...The 1% (Trump's crew) likes you where you're at. You pay for their free ride and you actually like it.

I don't.