Donald Trump

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
"information, imagine, explain" NO. It's plainly documented on these pages that you are dumber than fuck, lacking in character and possess the judgement and moral qualities of a weasel along with a cringe worthy sense of humor. Take a look at the writing on the wall. The tiresome shit you treasure is poison.
Wasn't talking to you. Was talking to shorty.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Plan for Vets

  • I will appoint a Secretary of Veterans Affairs who will make it his or her personal mission to clean up the VA. The Secretary’s sole mandate will be to serve our Veterans – not bureaucrats, not politicians, but Veterans. Amazingly, President Obama’s VA Secretary recently downplayed concerns about waiting times by saying that people also wait in line at Disneyland.
  • I am going to use every lawful authority to remove and discipline federal employees or managers who fail our Veterans or breach the public trust.
  • I am going to ask Congress to pass legislation that ensures the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has the authority to remove or discipline any employee who risks the health, safety or well-being of any Veteran.
  • I am going to appoint a commission to investigate all the wrongdoing at the VA and then present those findings to Congress as the basis for bold legislative reform.
  • I am going to make sure the honest and dedicated people in the VA have their jobs protected, and are put in line for promotions.
  • I will create a private White House Hotline – that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day – to ensure that no valid complaint about VA wrongdoing falls through the cracks. I will instruct my staff that if a valid complaint is not addressed that the issue be brought directly to me, and I will pick up the phone and fix it myself, if need be. That’s a promise.
  • We are going to stop giving bonuses to people for wasting money, and start giving bonuses to people for improving service, saving lives and cutting waste. If an employee finds a smart way to save a large amount of money that also creates better outcomes for our Veterans, then a small, responsible portion of the money saved will be given as a one-time bonus and the rest will be returned to taxpayers.
  • We are going to reform our visa programs to ensure American Veterans are in the front, not back, of the line.
  • We are going to increase the number of mental health care professionals, and increase outreach to Veterans outside of the system.
  • We are going to ensure every Veteran in America has the choice to seek care at the VA, or to seek private medical care paid for by our government. Never again will we allow a Veteran to suffer or die waiting for the care they so richly deserve.


Well-Known Member
Who the fuck is gonna sit though that imbecile fantasy bullshit.

Thrump is a hideous abomination and his followers are like cancer cells eager to metatastacize anywhere they are chaffing.

Bro when a fucking nit witted A hole posts hate boner vids only other nitwitted assholes are gonna view. Youre preaching to the choir of bigoted imbeciles
i'm sorry, i forgot this thread was only used to bash the next person who talks and not discuss the actual issues surrounding this country.


Well-Known Member
OH forgive me. Was your intention to engage substantive discussion by posting those media files?

GTFOH lying lout.
i was hoping to. i'm always hoping we can have some actual conversation on the subjects rather than all the divisiveness the administration and the media keeps trying to force us into.

here's another try: why the fuck is trump picking all these idiots as vp. I mean, not actual idiots like biden, but terrible vp choices.
Sessions is just another globalist insider (newt is in this category, too), pence is a complete pussy, christy is a bully who thinks he can boss people around by his size, and every other choice is just terrible. Any one of them that would take over if trump were unable to fill the role (killed, impeached, etc.) would be just another establishment clown with no backbone. I'm really hoping he picks someone out of left-field so we don't end up with any of these assholes.


Well-Known Member
i was hoping to. i'm always hoping we can have some actual conversation on the subjects rather than all the divisiveness the administration and the media keeps trying to force us into.

here's another try: why the fuck is trump picking all these idiots as vp. I mean, not actual idiots like biden, but terrible vp choices.
Sessions is just another globalist insider (newt is in this category, too), pence is a complete pussy, christy is a bully who thinks he can boss people around by his size, and every other choice is just terrible. Any one of them that would take over if trump were unable to fill the role (killed, impeached, etc.) would be just another establishment clown with no backbone. I'm really hoping he picks someone out of left-field so we don't end up with any of these assholes.
My dude it does not matter one fucking little bit who he picks. UNLESS Christie eats him
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