2015 statistics on death by cop.

roads are taken care of through the taxes built into gasoline. property taxes take care of schools, fire, police, and parks.

i don't get EBT or welfare, but i imagine that guy like you splitting rent with his 9 other family members in between part time shifts at walmart may.

and i still pay more taxes than you. am a better grower too.
Let's see....I gave you a nice infographic a few pages back that proves INCOME tax (to the tune of $500B+) does go to the militarization of police.

This here and this here seem to seems to say that some roads are at least partially subsidized by income tax in some places.

ushistory.org here says income taxes make up a portion of road funding, police and fire protection, parks, and no one would give a damn about common core if schools weren't dependent on federal grants which come from income taxes.

Shall we consider your depth of knowledge about taxes to be from not paying them because your assumptions point to such a familiarity with taxation practices?

I thought all mentally deficient people could apply for and receive benefits and no one told you about that Bucky?
I wonder if someone is copping your benefits <edit>posing</edit> as being your "caretaker".

Now you're paying for 3% of your countrymen to be murdered if you pay any taxes at all.
Are you shirking your fair share in protest of that?
Let's see....I gave you a nice infographic a few pages back that proves INCOME tax (to the tune of $500B+) does go to the militarization of police.

This here and this here seem to seems to say that some roads are at least partially subsidized by income tax in some places.

ushistory.org here says income taxes make up a portion of road funding, police and fire protection, parks, and no one would give a damn about common core if schools weren't dependent on federal grants which come from income taxes.

Shall we consider your depth of knowledge about taxes to be from not paying them because your assumptions point to such a familiarity with taxation practices?

I thought all mentally deficient people could apply for and receive benefits and no one told you about that Bucky?
I wonder if someone is copping your benefits as being your "caretaker".

Now you're paying for 3% of your countrymen to be murdered if you pay any taxes at all.
Are you shirking your fair share in protest of that?

sorry, angry racist sock. but i don't get a line item veto on my taxes.
sorry, angry racist sock. but i don't get a line item veto on my taxes.
Your ability to read emotion is only surpassed by your ability to deflect from having the 1 bit of (false) content in 10-13 posts proved yet again, wrong.

So you decide to cheat the same taxes that you vote to increase because you won't be paying them, right?

Because the taxes you do pay go to killing an innocent (at least unarmed) 3% of victims of police interaction.
Do you feel sorry about that as well?
Your ability to read emotion is only surpassed by your ability to deflect from having the 1 bit of (false) content in 10-13 posts proved yet again, wrong.

So you decide to cheat the same taxes that you vote to increase because you won't be paying them, right?

Because the taxes you do pay go to killing an innocent (at least unarmed) 3% of victims of police interaction.
Do you feel sorry about that as well?

you claim that you are not an angry racist, but you created a sock puppet account for the sole purpose of stalking me and make extremely racist statements on the regular.

thus, angry racist is accurate. case closed. we thank the jury for their service.
you claim that you are not an angry racist, but you created a sock puppet account for the sole purpose of stalking me and make extremely racist statements on the regular.

thus, angry racist is accurate. case closed. we thank the jury for their service.

I warned you about how that self aggrandizement that makes you think I am someone else "come to get you" is ludicrous but to be accused of stalking from a master in the art like you is, yet again, false.

You've made other claims and I've asked you to prove them in the way even your sig testifies to being a favorite tactic and all I see is your misdirection in answer.

There comes a time when even the paid troll must own up to the fact that they've failed.
Why don't you go back to the mutual reach-around "like" fest you have with your buddies here and try to think of a different angle to derail the discussion about police shooting civilians.
I warned you about how that self aggrandizement that makes you think I am someone else "come to get you" is ludicrous but to be accused of stalking from a master in the art like you is, yet again, false.

you've shown up out of nowhere and made 200 posts in the last month almost exclusively directed at me.


I drywall, mud, paint, plumb, frame, etc.
I work in IT


Screenshot 2016-07-09 at 11.10.54 PM.png
Screenshot 2016-07-09 at 11.11.13 PM.png

you joined right after KKKYnes left and you sound exactly like him.

you are a demonstrable liar, clearly racist, have a hard on for me, and a style so long winded and idiotic that most of it just begs to be ignored.

i am not wrong here. you are an angry racist sock puppet. most likely KKKynes.
you've shown up out of nowhere and made 200 posts in the last month almost exclusively directed at me.
It's interesting that a 94K+ poster is going after me for my post count and assumes that most of are directed at them (that is true @ about 80% because the monkey capers for such small pieces of bait used.



View attachment 3728391
View attachment 3728390

you joined right after KKKYnes left and you sound exactly like him.

you are a demonstrable liar, clearly racist, have a hard on for me, and a style so long winded and idiotic that most of it just begs to be ignored.

i am not wrong here. you are an angry racist sock puppet. most likely KKKynes.

I ask you to quote the examples of my "demonstrable" lying and I get quotes with my abilities, one from a completely different forum subject which I find curious since I denied profile views (post history) except for followers (don't have 'em, don't want 'em).

Interesting in that you shouldn't be able to do that w/o forum mod intervention or should I be flattered as you went trawling for my content in the whole of the forum. ;)

But that you think that I'm to compare myself with someone you obviously convinced that their time could be better spent elsewhere on the weak circumstantial evidence you provide is just another example of your weak reasoning ability.

The interest I have in you is watching the monkey dance. The entertainment you provide by by making outrageous claims of my disingenuous nature but being able to prove nothing is enough to keep coming back and nothing else.
I denied profile views

you did.

Screenshot 2016-07-09 at 11.49.16 PM.png

all i have to do is click on that avatar of your mother/wife/sister/the only thing you have ever had sex with and then click on the number next to your messages.

BOOM. all posts are shown.

sorry for party rocking.

weak circumstantial evidence

nah. it's pretty solid.

you have a hard on for me. you are a racist. you are a liar. your style matches KKKYnes and you joined right after he (you) left.

and now you hide behind a VPN to avoid being outed as KKKynes. i guess you don't want your love of phillipe rushton being hung around your neck anymore.
@choomer . I agree with the Former President and CEO of the NAACP Ben Jealous. To prevent more of these kind of situations, we should screen, and train cops better. It would save lives across the board.

^^^ everyone should watch this whole video. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, skip to 3:45 into the video.
@choomer . Seems @UncleBuck shares some traits with these over-reactive cops, Ben describes. UncleBuck must of been bullied as a kid. 94K posts trying to reclaim his manhood, but it's not working. Has me wondering, what size dress, and high heels he wears.
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you did.

View attachment 3728412

all i have to do is click on that avatar of your mother/wife/sister/the only thing you have ever had sex with and then click on the number next to your messages.

BOOM. all posts are shown.

sorry for party rocking.

No worries.
With 94K+ posts in 10 years (and I'm being generous here in giving you all of RUI's life), which I'm guessing are just as fact filled as the ones I reply to, I should have known someone had drilled the security flaws of xenforo into you long ago.
I just believed that it worked as advertised, and since I'd seen you do the history witch hunt before, I wasn't going to help you out.

Thanks for pointing that out, even though I already know better than to trust forum security, which is why you can quote so much to support your claims.
Or it could be that you just like making shit up. ;)
nah. it's pretty solid.

you have a hard on for me. you are a racist. you are a liar. your style matches KKKYnes and you joined right after he (you) left.

and now you hide behind a VPN to avoid being outed as KKKynes. i guess you don't want your love of phillipe rushton being hung around your neck anymore.

I hide behind a VPN for reasons fully explained in the post you quote.
I've also shown that RUI uses DOSarrest for probably much the same reasons.
I have no idea of your precautions but I'm betting your security is laughable.

Are you so simple that even the crushing amount of media coverage on Edward Snowden has not convinced you that all of your electronic communication is being recorded in a facility in Bluffdale Utah that holds so much data a new term had to be invented to describe it? (Which I say in that thread too I think.)
Not every poster lives in a MJ friendly state and it's silly to add yourself to a list that police can use at their leisure.

The amount of hubris you display is heroic.
Too bad the intellect side seems to inhabit the far opposite end of that spectrum.

Fish again Bucky. I have posts out there with pics and everything.

Have you, in this entire thread, ever said anything about the amount of PD victims that started this thread?
@choomer . I agree with the Former President and CEO of the NAACP Ben Jealous. To prevent more of these kind of situations, we should screen, and train cops better. It would save lives across the board.
<snip vid>
^^^ everyone should watch this whole video. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, skip to 3:45 into the video.

I like that. Well reasoned with good points.
I'd like to add that a significant amount of these officers are made up of military vets w/ recent combat experience. A good percentage of them have symptoms of PTSD which has been shown to seriously shorten patience and nullify empathy.
The extra screening and education might help bring down the body count.

@choomer . Seems @UncleBuck shares some traits with these over-reactive cops, Ben describes. UncleBuck must of been bullied as a kid. 94K posts trying to reclaim his manhood, but it's not working. Has me wondering, what size dress, and high heels he wears.

As I said, I think the ?dude? needs to make quota to get paid and it doesn't seem to be necessary to do so using anything worth reading.
That he can continue to do so in the manner and with the same enjoyment as when he was 7 must be a huge bonus for him.
I still do it because the monkey dance pleases me, but I'm sure your view isn't without merit as well.
Do you think the rise in ex-military in the police force might be influenced by the militarization the PD has undergone this last 30+ yr. and how each of those elements foster an us vs. them attitude that makes deadly force a much more usual answer for them?
Recent events have made this a much more expected possibility even for non-vet PD.

The military doesn't teach ethics, it teaches people to kill and then puts them in places where they have to.
How could that not mess with you?
when confronted with facts, the narrative crumbles.

978 civilian deaths by police. versus the less than 50 cop deaths by armed civilians. almost 20xs more...

whites were 50% of that total-498
blacks were 26% of the total-254


41 police died last year from civilian gun, of 950,000 total police is .0000431

950 people killed by bops, civilian population over 14 yrs old 256 million, is .0000037

So its about 10x more likely for a civilian to kill a cop, than the reverse?
What were the odds you would come back with nothing?

Something, anything? pertinent from you.

Your words are meaningless. You've provided nothing in the way of fact or information. You've got nothing, so all you do is respond with childish bullshit.

You are silly. Go to bed.
@choomer . I agree with the Former President and CEO of the NAACP Ben Jealous. To prevent more of these kind of situations, we should screen, and train cops better. It would save lives across the board.

^^^ everyone should watch this whole video. If you don't want to watch the whole thing, skip to 3:45 into the video.
@choomer . Seems @UncleBuck shares some traits with these over-reactive cops, Ben describes. UncleBuck must of been bullied as a kid. 94K posts trying to reclaim his manhood, but it's not working. Has me wondering, what size dress, and high heels he wears.
i think the biggest deterrent is audio and video. and that should be made available to the public, since the police derive 100% of their power from the people that they serve. not congress, the president, or anything else. all power conferred upon police is relinquished by the people.

there needs to be developed a system that does not "fall off" and it is activated the second they clock in and stays on until they clock out. it also has geotag information. at the end of the shift the video gets uploaded to a public place for everyone to see, 100% OF THE TIME. no excuses or bullshit. you fail to do that once, suspended, twice suspended longer and reprimanded and have a review board hearing. third time- fired and you can never be a cop again anywhere EVER.

until there is transparency in the process, citizens won't trust it. the cops burned their automatically assumed moral high ground a long time ago, and have no one to blame but their own for the need for heightened scrutiny and decreased privacy on the job body cams bring.

and as the cops and court system like to say, "if you don't have anything to hide..."
41 police died last year from civilian gun, of 950,000 total police is .0000431

950 people killed by bops, civilian population over 14 yrs old 256 million, is .0000037

So its about 10x more likely for a civilian to kill a cop, than the reverse?

Too bad usatoday is about as reliable as the national inquirer.


18 Firearm related deaths last year. Not 41. Not 48. Or whatever number you guys are making up.

Your words are meaningless. You've provided nothing in the way of fact or information. You've got nothing, so all you do is respond with childish bullshit.

You are silly. Go to bed.
So you didn't watch the video I provided? Here is a shorter one to match your childlike attention span...