2015 statistics on death by cop.

did you know that michelle obama is a wookie?

btw, totally not racist in any way whatsoever. in fact, you are the racist if you say that's racist. i cannot be racist. i once had a conversation with a black man.

Even though I never said exactly that, it's good to know that it was the first thing you thought of.
You filled in the blanks, I just furnished them.

As to Michelle's wookie resemblance, I'd never looked at her that way until I read it and now it's stuck.

But if that is racist, I suppose the fact that Ted Cruz looks like Sam Eagle, Anthony Wiener looks like a bit like Gonzo, Hitlery and Miss Piggy, etc. is racist too.

This says it better than I could.

People in politics should learn that they put themselves in the position of comparison and you should learn not to be prejudiced against muppets.

Now Bucky, how would you address the growing number of fatalities due the the overzealous nature of the militarized police and federal officials?
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Yup. Obummers old stomping grounds are one of the most firearm restrictive areas in the country and year after year it proves how well that works.

Let's not forget Chi's little Guantanamo either.

Blacks like Kat don`t care about thing like that,...they only care about stirring the pot to deflect the main root of the problem.

You will never see Kat put up a Black cop shoots White guy or Black kid burns Texas child alive, he is trying his best to deflect the fact that Blacks are just as criminal and suspect as Whites and Asians and Latino`s.

Chicago is almost all Black with gun prohibition,...He wont tell you that Black kids live the Gansta music lifestyle put out by other Blacks. They call that a culture too for some reason. Just call a Black the N word and see the differences between you and another Black saying it to a Black, then think White privilege that he claims. If he wasn`t a baiter, I`d leave him be.
Even though I never said exactly that, it's good to know that it was the first thing you thought of.
You filled in the blanks, I just furnished them.

As to Michelle's wookie resemblance, I'd never looked at her that way until I read it and now it's stuck.

But if that is racist, I suppose the fact that Ted Cruz looks like Sam Eagle, Anthony Wiener looks like a bit like Gonzo, Hitlery and Miss Piggy, etc. is racist too.

This says it better than I could.

People in politics should learn that they put themselves in the position of comparison and you should learn not to be prejudiced against muppets.

Now Bucky, how would you address the growing number of fatalities due the the overzealous nature of the militarized police and federal officials?

awwww, it's the whole 'playing dumb' act now.

you don't have to play dumb, kkkynes. you are dumb. and racist.
awwww, it's the whole 'playing dumb' act now.

you don't have to play dumb, kkkynes. you are dumb. and racist.
In the immortal words of John Hughes (whom you seem to like from your handle choice being a title character of his),
"Shut up bitch and go make me a turkey pot pie."

At least I only play dumb to lead you like a pig w/ a nose ring, I assume you think it a point of pride not to have to play at it.

Let's see, that's 5-7 responses and not a one having to do with the OP content that I keep asking you for.
Is this your version of playing dumb?

EDIT: BTW, how does it make me a racist that you are prejudiced against muppets?

But, just so you can keep such a stellar record going, what do any of your posts have to do with citizens being murdered by peace officers?
You've said nothing of substance yet. I've shown you statistics from fbi.gov. And your only argument against my citation from a reliable and credible source was, "..bullshit", and you've said nothing to support your argument.

You're not a bright person. And your tiny penis is incredibly tiny. Now go make me a sandwich.
Ok, bright boy, tell me what your conclusions are from those meaningless stats from 2015 you seem to feel are enlightening.
In the immortal words of John Hughes (whom you seem to like from your handle choice being a title character of his),
"Shut up bitch and go make me a turkey pot pie."

At least I only play dumb to lead you like a pig w/ a nose ring, I assume you think it a point of pride not to have to play at it.

Let's see, that's 5-7 responses and not a one having to do with the OP content that I keep asking you for.
Is this your version of playing dumb?

EDIT: BTW, how does it make me a racist that you are prejudiced against muppets?

But, just so you can keep such a stellar record going, what do any of your posts have to do with citizens being murdered by peace officers?

michelle obama is a wookie and obama is a gay kenyan muslim!

not racist, by the way. i once saw a black guy on TV.

you are pathetic.
michelle obama is a wookie and obama is a gay kenyan muslim!

not racist, by the way. i once saw a black guy on TV.

you are pathetic.
I've already alluded to being guilty of thinking that Mitchelle looks like a wookie and then proceeded to show you that politicians and muppets have been compared since 2008, but compare just one black person in politics the same way and it's racist.
Yet another example of "he who smelt it, dealt it" hypocrisy on your part.

I went to a mixed couples wedding reception and their son (from the previous 15 years they'd been together) told me I danced like a black man. Does that count as being racist too?

Let's see.
I've poked holes in your accusations for at least a page now and I'm the pathetic one.

Dance, monkey, dance; you almost have the Macarena down! :D

EDIT: Oops! Almost forgot.
Bucky, what would you do if a member of your family was the victim of wrongful death caused by the police?
my apologies then, no way you can be racist.

feel free to keep calling obama a gay kenyan muslim then. i was totally mistaken.
Yes, they were a conservative/liberal mix.

I will use whatever means necessary to keep that cute little butt of yours bouncing Bucky as it amuses me that you continue to prove your worthlessness with each post and penile observation.

You seem obsessed with O-2 of your favorite rating system, I'm giving you 20-25 more posts to come up with a new, better tack.

Does God save a civilian from the police every time you say racist?
Ok, first off I'm no fan of the cops. I can't stand most of them, but they serve a necessary purpose. Life without them, would be much worst.

Next, life isn't fair. My father taught me to respect the police, even if I didn't like them. If they say, hands on the steering wheel, that's where they go. If they say get out of the car, I get out slowly, with my hands in clear sight. What seems to be left out of a lot of these Whitey the Cop killed a person of color reports is the bulk of what happened before the trigger got pulled.

Most of the people, both black and white, where not cooperating or acting aggressively. I said Most, not All. This is where the Black Lives Matter leaders calling for Killing Cops, are getting it completely wrong.

When the cops fuck up, and kill someone who clearly didn't have it coming, because the cop overreacted, that's a senseless, unjustified killing, a murder. When people kill cops because some guy a state or two over gets killed, it's the same stupid shit. A senseless, unjustified killing, a murder.

Do the shitheads, at Black Lives Matter, calling for the killing of cops, really think killing innocent cops will stop Black men from being killed by the cops ?

No you clueless shit heads, it will only ramp up how cops behave. After all you idiots just declared War on them. It will only make things worst, much worst, mark my word.

3 % of all the whites killed by cops were unarmed. 3 % of all the blacks killed by cops are unarmed. 97 % of the time, the person the cop is actually going up against is armed. Of those the FBI says 83 % are openly threatening to kill someone. Now, I know folks are going to say the FBI lies. Sure, everyone lies. The system isn't perfect, and numbers can be manipulated.

The truth still remains, living in the USA is much safer than most other countries. No country on the face of the earth is 100 % fair in their dealings with anyone.

It's wrong of people to jump to conclusions who weren't actual witnesses to these events. The Alton Sterling video, doesn't tell you Police were called to a quickie stop store, for a report of a man selling cd's, in a red shirt, who pulled a gun and pointed it at a person he had a disagreement with. No one was recording as Alton refused to comply with the cops instructions, it doesn't show him having to be tazzed twice, before they physically took him to the ground. And no one except the two officers trying to get him into cuffs, saw where his right hand was, and if he was grabbing for that gun in his pocket.

The gun, no convicted felon is supposed to have. So let's review, the cops were sent to the store because someone pulled a gun and pointed it at another during an argument. They tried to talk him into cooperating first (that didn't work), next they tazzed him, and tried to get cuffs on him (that didn't work), they tazzed him a 2nd time (that didn't work), last straw it got physical (that's where the video picks up). I say let the FBI investigate it, and if the cops where in the wrong, put their asses in prison for life, or fry em'.

Killing the cops in Dallas has now made life harder for all of us. This is the dumbest, most unjustified shit I've ever seen in my life. Obama, a fan of Black Lives Matter, will be right there, telling us all how he's going to make America safer, by taking all our guns. It's the same old Demo-crackhead agenda, let's take all the guns, so only we the elite, the military, and the cops have em'. Then we can rule over you peasants, and you'll never be able to fight back. Our position will be so strong with gun control, we'll rule your asses anyway we see fit, after all, what you going to do about it. Free speech will be next.



you were sucking a cop's dick as you typed that, weren't you?
@UncleBuck No, I prefer a vagina on my dick. Not a dick in my ass, or mouth like you.

If you weren't such an asshole, I'd almost feel sorry for you, your gross ignorance, and inept ramblings.

Killing Innocent People is wrong, white or black, cop or non-cop. Any decent man, speaks against senseless murder.
Killing more people isn't going to make anything better for anyone.....

odd, because it really seemed like you were sucking on a cop's dick as you type that.
Ok, bright boy, tell me what your conclusions are from those meaningless stats from 2015 you seem to feel are enlightening.

Conclusions? To what? The statistics I provided that came from fbi.gov? Uhh, what would you like to hear? Are you not able to draw your own conclusions?

I encourage you to try and refute the statistics provided by fbi.gov. Perhaps Alex Jones can enlighten us all? Maybe Fox News can share with us their "facts"?

Try harder.
@UncleBuck No, I prefer a vagina on my dick. Not a dick in my ass, or mouth like you.

If you weren't such an asshole, I'd almost feel sorry for you, your gross ignorance, and inept ramblings.

Killing Innocent People is wrong, white or black, cop or non-cop. Any decent man, speaks against senseless murder.
Killing more people isn't going to make anything better for anyone.....

Don't blame him too much, this is how earns gets his paltry trolling remittance and it seems to be based on quantity and not quality considering the content. I can't help it if he likes his job.

But what do you expect from a hypocritical democratic "window setter" who cheats on his taxes while voting for more taxation since it just means more benefits for him while at the same time posting well over 94K of posts which is at least 1 post an hour every day of the 10 years RUI has been online and I doubt that even 5% of it had to do w/ MJ that weren't a badly enacted googleimages pawn of his growing acumen.

You're right on all counts you make there. Thank you for staying on the topic and bringing up pertinent facts.

While 3% is low, what measures do you think might lower that number further?
odd, because it really seemed like you were sucking on a cop's dick as you type that.

I'm curious how you honed the ability to discern the difference between a cop dick and regular dick?

I'm not so curious that I want you to provide any citations though, so please don't go to any trouble on my account.
Conclusions? To what? The statistics I provided that came from fbi.gov? Uhh, what would you like to hear?
What were the odds you would come back with nothing?

Something, anything? pertinent from you.
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more taxation since it just means more benefits for him

now i may not possess the intellect of a drywall mudder, or the guy who stocks the hostess section at walmart, so i'm gonna have to ask what benefits i am receiving.

thanks, racist.
now i may not possess the intellect of a drywall mudder, or the guy who stocks the hostess section at walmart, so i'm gonna have to ask what benefits i am receiving.

thanks, racist.
You're lucky to have the intellect of a dung beetle if you can't realize the roads you drive on, the schools you went to, the fire and "police protection" you receive, the parks you visit, the welfare checks and EBT you receive, etc. all come from taxes.

Super liberal supported of more taxation you knew that, right?

For the 8th to 11th time aren't you disgusted that the amount of taxes you do pay go to militarizing and supporting the wrongful death of 3% (the infographic I posted says 4%) of police killings?
You're lucky to have the intellect of a dung beetle if you can't realize the roads you drive on, the schools you went to, the fire and "police protection" you receive, the parks you visit, the welfare checks and EBT you receive, etc. all come from taxes.

roads are taken care of through the taxes built into gasoline. property taxes take care of schools, fire, police, and parks.

i don't get EBT or welfare, but i imagine that guy like you splitting rent with his 9 other family members in between part time shifts at walmart may.

and i still pay more taxes than you. am a better grower too.