Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
Is that rand paul on your avatar. Either that or its bearkat giving you a hug.
no need to respond to the same post twice now, skinhead. just keep focusing on exposing that holohoax conspiracy for all the sheeple while you cling tenaciously to your gun. it will keep you safe from the gay syrian refugees who want to rape you.

also, tranvestites.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
You sheeple that stand for Hillary are part of brainwashed and indoctrinated America. Your comments and beliefs show that your souls are lost to an evil that seeks the destruction of this country. Enjoy you short victories. Eternity is forever. Call me what you want, say what you will. There is no common sense behind your thought. Only ignorance and hate. The big difference with her becoming president is that the damage she will bring will be irreversible.
Hillary is the better choice any day of the week, Trump espouses HATE and that cannot win in November.



Well-Known Member
Take away your guns,disrupt the middle east,stir up racial tension,import syrian refugees,fuck us on trade,open the border,encourage civil unrest and rioting,sell out to big pharma and turn this country even more gay than it already is while celebrating abortion. And those are just the plans she tells us about.
all you trumpsters claim this bad trade relationship with China. so let's raise tariffs on all goods from China right? then we pay more at the store and then China ups its' tariffs on our exports. lose- lose situation.

i'll come down to Fountain and help you pack up a UHaul and give you $10 for gas money to get to Canada.


Well-Known Member
all you trumpsters claim this bad trade relationship with China. so let's raise tariffs on all goods from China right? then we pay more at the store and then China ups its' tariffs on our exports. lose- lose situation.

i'll come down to Fountain and help you pack up a UHaul and give you $10 for gas money to get to Canada.
I don't buy stuff made in China if at all possible, so raise the price on it.With the trade imbalance, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's the other countries who don't want a "trade war". Notice how all the other countries we trade with want Hillary so bad. If I can't buy something made in the U.S. then my second choice is something made in North America. I try and do my part and vote with my pocketbook.


Well-Known Member
I don't buy stuff made in China if at all possible, so raise the price on it.With the trade imbalance, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's the other countries who don't want a "trade war". Notice how all the other countries we trade with want Hillary so bad. If I can't buy something made in the U.S. then my second choice is something made in North America. I try and do my part and vote with my pocketbook.
post more pics of that incredibly shitty weed you grow.


Well-Known Member
no need to respond to the same post twice now, skinhead. just keep focusing on exposing that holohoax conspiracy for all the sheeple while you cling tenaciously to your gun. it will keep you safe from the gay syrian refugees who want to rape you.

also, tranvestites.
He DOES seem to be quite LGBTQ-phobic/obsessed, doesn't he? Always with the "this is GAY" and "fag", tsk tsk tsk...

He must want the cock BADLY, a true power bottom!

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
I agree that all sides have been duped. I'm far from religiously brainwashed. Faith is far different from religion. My faith tought me to care about others, that all life is precious. To help those in need. And it taught me how to identify what good and what's evil. I didn't find that faith from being brainwashed by my parents, church, was learned on my own two feet. And what I've found is solid and can't be shaken. Never have I pushed it on anyone here. I don't follow the wackjob televangelists or the big churches because they have deceived many. These a holes that assault ppl such as planned parenthood are no part of what I believe.
I look at Hillary and trump with an unbiased opinion. If ppl can't see Hillary for what she is, there is nothing gonna clear your eyes. I've seen what trump has done to his home city and state. He built these big "beautiful" casinos to be seen for miles. When you walk the streets next to them, you see the true damage that's been done.
I don't need anymore proof that both candidates have hurt ppl and can't understand why anyone stands behind either of them. Are we as a nation gonna stand idley by and let these ppl do this to our country? Why are we settling for either of them? Why arent we in front of the whitehouse fighting for change? Because we are either too busy struggling to survive and take care of our families, fallen into the self entitled mindset that we don't have to do anything because someone else should, or truly numb to reality. You guys argue all day on this stuff, ridicule, insult, call each other child molesters, rapist, racists, bigots....and tbh, there's some pretty eft up ppl here, and change nothing in real life. This country was founded on freedom and it doesn't matter who the founding fathers were or what they did because it was over 200 yrs ago. We are at a turning point. Our govt has turned us against each other, they care nothing for us. We've got to take it back and it's not through voting this election. Sorry so long winded and in ub's words "purple prose". I get superfluous when I'm medicated.
Trump built his Casinos in Atlantic City, N.J. not N.Y., gambling was illegal in N.Y. when Trump built his Casinos.

Everyone hates that MF here in NY
He's not a charitable person his bottom line is all he cares about.

He's so despised that he lost his own district here in NY in the primaries.



Well-Known Member
Yes. Lots of hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle.
what in the fuck are you blathering about?

you claim republicans want smaller government. it is pointed out to you that they do the opposite of that every time. hence hypocrisy.

and so you try to blame it on democrats?

just pathetic. please don't vote.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
what in the fuck are you blathering about?

you claim republicans want smaller government. it is pointed out to you that they do the opposite of that every time. hence hypocrisy.

and so you try to blame it on democrats?

just pathetic. please don't vote.
Both sides are screwing us. Fact.


Well-Known Member
hmm.. looks like all that stuff is made in China. your reflectors, the floor fan, the hydrofarm controller, the black plastic buckets.
Bought most of my grow stuff used. My big ticket items like cars,tools,shoes and other things are american, if possible.
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