Plants have yellowing leaves throughout


Hello, I'm new to this forum so wasn't really sure where to post this. Currently I'm on my 5th grow and I seem to be having the same or at least a similar problem each time, around the last week of veg (I veg for about 5-6 weeks) I started noticing some discoloration in the leaves I let it go thinking maybe they just needed to be fed more, I am now on my 4th week of flowering and my plants are basically almost entirely yellow the leaves around the bud sites are still green but thats about it. I'm in soil so my Ph usually sits between 6.0-6.5, I feed once a week with Foxfarm trio nute line at .5 tsp except the big bloom thats at 2 tsp as well as the big swell and molasses at .5 tsp and give them regular water with Hygrozyme and H2O2 once a week. Temps around 80 and humidity around 52%. Can anyone tell me whats going on?

Grow info:
Foxfarm trio nute line
Soul Big Swell
Grandma's Molasses
Happy frog soil
3 gallon pots
G8-900 LED
Mars II 1600 LED
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why don't you try a grow that is just happy frog soil? it has fert in it already. good chance that with all the stuff you're adding, you are poisoning them.
I've chased my tail before thinking I had p lockout.. ended up being gnats, I never knew I had em until I shut my fans off to clean them one day
How.much peroxide are you using and why?
I use .25 tsp of the H2O2 and I use it to help with bug problems, to help clean my roots as well as cleaning the water itself. I didn't start using it until 2 weeks ago and I had this problem with previous grows and this started happening before I started using it.
Consider how close your light is from your canopy. It has similar symptoms as sulphur def but sulphur would go yellow from start of leaf and work outward toward tips where light burn would be where light hits leaves easiest and if its more under one light fixture than the other then would make sense
If it is an S deficiency how do I go about fixing that?
Epsom salts, sulfer is usually mostly affected by parts that get light, starts at the top of the plant and turns it pale green starting from the petiole side however some strains manifest s-deficiency different then others especially under bright light. Not sure if thats your problem though, the plant is also pulling P from the fans too. We need to see how the leaf yellowed, its already pale so it makes it hard to diagnose without telling us what changes you've made before you seen this problem. Could very easily be a medium, feed problem too
I dont understand why you arnt following the ff feeding schedule... follow that and cutout the h2o2. How much molasses are you using and when do you start using it?