Clone Smuggling - who has done it?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here had any success getting clones across international borders? Seems like it would be pretty tricky in this day and age with the TSA harassing everyone. I remember seeing a picture of a specially designed container one time, but I don't remember where.
Its called a clone shipper, available on ebay/amazon etc, short of that cut a pop bottle in half, whack the cut in there n then tape it back together again, put it in a box and send etc
I think it depends on how you want to move it. If you just drive across a border i think you should be fine just hide it in the trunk etc. But if you want to move it in a airplane it could get messy :D
I've shipped clones to & from the EU using the 20 ounce pop bottle technique over a dozen times with zero BS with customs .

Cut a clean 20 ounce soda bottle in half , wrap rooted cuttings in several layers of wet paper towel , put in bottom of bottle , put top half on , duct tape the entire bottle & off they go .

PS , for a much higher survival ratio aero clones with a medium size root mass has gave me no less than 10 of 12 healthy monsters every time , having a pick up scheduled & packing up the clones about an hour before pick up helps cut down on time the clones are stressed .
Same here ,I've been kicked outta Canada for years , I need a queens pardon before I'm allowed back in & we own a fucking home in Canada , go figure .

LOL, depending on what the "conviction" was. It's as simple as $250 and filling out a form. Can be done ahead of time or it's 2-3 hr wait at the border as it's processed.....
is there any hook ups for clones across the canada/us border? obviously not looking for anyones personal relations, but there must be a reputable supplier.
We used the little test tube like things for rose stems and sewed them into a coat to fly home from BC years ago but wouldn't do that now lol. Taped a 2' bud to buddies back (duct tape :o) to fly a sample to Alaska once, again wouldn't do that now either lol.
Classic story lol!
I've shipped clones to & from the EU using the 20 ounce pop bottle technique over a dozen times with zero BS with customs .

Cut a clean 20 ounce soda bottle in half , wrap rooted cuttings in several layers of wet paper towel , put in bottom of bottle , put top half on , duct tape the entire bottle & off they go .

PS , for a much higher survival ratio aero clones with a medium size root mass has gave me no less than 10 of 12 healthy monsters every time , having a pick up scheduled & packing up the clones about an hour before pick up helps cut down on time the clones are stressed .
And what shipping method? cheers
LOL, depending on what the "conviction" was. It's as simple as $250 and filling out a form. Can be done ahead of time or it's 2-3 hr wait at the border as it's processed.....
Really??? It's $1000 US to apply and I have to provide fingerprints, drug test, doctors note saying I'm narcotic free, then trip to Buffalo for an interview .... Canada is so much nicer huh???
LOL, depending on what the "conviction" was. It's as simple as $250 and filling out a form. Can be done ahead of time or it's 2-3 hr wait at the border as it's processed.....

My initial felony conviction was for Attempted Murder & I was sentenced to 20 to life .

On appeal the court reduced it to Felonious assault with the intent to do great bodily harm less than murder with a 5 to 15 bit , I did 2 years on that one .

The other ones were Manufacturing a Controlled Substance & having over 200 adult plants , I'm the 1st person in Michigan to be prosecuted under the RICO act because my brother rides with the Outlaws MC & I grew fields of dope , they hit me with the brand new forfeiture laws ,i lost everything I owned including 2 paid for homes , sentenced to 6 1/2 to 15 , appeals court threw out the Rico conviction & the 200 plant count/weight shit & hit me with Manufacturing & a 2 to 5 sentence , of which I did 20 months .

Fast toward 30 years & all felonies are expunged from my record , I can own firearms , vote etc but Canada has a hard on for me because of my family members association with a bike club I have no part in , fuck em , my kids use the place as a vacation home for their family's so it gets used , just not by me & i can gamble in detroit anyways lol .
My initial felony conviction was for Attempted Murder & I was sentenced to 20 to life .

On appeal the court reduced it to Felonious assault with the intent to do great bodily harm less than murder with a 5 to 15 bit , I did 2 years on that one .

The other ones were Manufacturing a Controlled Substance & having over 200 adult plants , I'm the 1st person in Michigan to be prosecuted under the RICO act because my brother rides with the Outlaws MC & I grew fields of dope , they hit me with the brand new forfeiture laws ,i lost everything I owned including 2 paid for homes , sentenced to 6 1/2 to 15 , appeals court threw out the Rico conviction & the 200 plant count/weight shit & hit me with Manufacturing & a 2 to 5 sentence , of which I did 20 months .

Fast toward 30 years & all felonies are expunged from my record , I can own firearms , vote etc but Canada has a hard on for me because of my family members association with a bike club I have no part in , fuck em , my kids use the place as a vacation home for their family's so it gets used , just not by me & i can gamble in detroit anyways lol .

I want to party in Detroit, with some homies who can show me around without me getting my dumb white outsider ass killed. These homies can be any color, cuz no race has a monopoly on character.
Has anyone here had any success getting clones across international borders? Seems like it would be pretty tricky in this day and age with the TSA harassing everyone. I remember seeing a picture of a specially designed container one time, but I don't remember where.
Take the clone and give it a few days in a rapid rooter. Make sure the entire cutting and rooter are no longer than a toilet paper roll. Tuck the cutting and rooter inside a full roll of toilet paper. Then wrap the roll in some plastic wrap. Dont send the roll alone. Mix it in a small package of whatever. Send...
edit. oh yeah soak the rapid rooter well and wrap it with plastic wrap also before tucking in the TP roll.
My initial felony conviction was for Attempted Murder & I was sentenced to 20 to life .

On appeal the court reduced it to Felonious assault with the intent to do great bodily harm less than murder with a 5 to 15 bit , I did 2 years on that one .

The other ones were Manufacturing a Controlled Substance & having over 200 adult plants , I'm the 1st person in Michigan to be prosecuted under the RICO act because my brother rides with the Outlaws MC & I grew fields of dope , they hit me with the brand new forfeiture laws ,i lost everything I owned including 2 paid for homes , sentenced to 6 1/2 to 15 , appeals court threw out the Rico conviction & the 200 plant count/weight shit & hit me with Manufacturing & a 2 to 5 sentence , of which I did 20 months .

Fast toward 30 years & all felonies are expunged from my record , I can own firearms , vote etc but Canada has a hard on for me because of my family members association with a bike club I have no part in , fuck em , my kids use the place as a vacation home for their family's so it gets used , just not by me & i can gamble in detroit anyways lol .
Yup sounds like you'll have to jump through some hoops if you ever want to visit here again lol. I do wish I could go over legally and perhaps someday maybe :(, I live and boat on the ditch that is a stones throw away from the border :(. Got the line plugged in with alarm set in GPS just so I can't wonder lol. As for the clones ..... Fuck that lol. Guess I've lost my fearless pirate mentality and like retirement lol.