Clone Smuggling - who has done it?

My initial felony conviction was for Attempted Murder & I was sentenced to 20 to life .

On appeal the court reduced it to Felonious assault with the intent to do great bodily harm less than murder with a 5 to 15 bit , I did 2 years on that one .

The other ones were Manufacturing a Controlled Substance & having over 200 adult plants , I'm the 1st person in Michigan to be prosecuted under the RICO act because my brother rides with the Outlaws MC & I grew fields of dope , they hit me with the brand new forfeiture laws ,i lost everything I owned including 2 paid for homes , sentenced to 6 1/2 to 15 , appeals court threw out the Rico conviction & the 200 plant count/weight shit & hit me with Manufacturing & a 2 to 5 sentence , of which I did 20 months .

Fast toward 30 years & all felonies are expunged from my record , I can own firearms , vote etc but Canada has a hard on for me because of my family members association with a bike club I have no part in , fuck em , my kids use the place as a vacation home for their family's so it gets used , just not by me & i can gamble in detroit anyways lol .

Yeah that one won't fly.....The Canuk's had it bad with the Angels in Quebec a decade or so back and they tend to have a hard on for all bikers. Getting over the boarder ON a bike and you've got hair/beard/black leather, let alone fly a get sided and searched whilst they check your background.....

Sorry to hear that - I love visiting there.
Urine sample bottles the ones with screw top's,Make sure that you use damp cotton wool,in the bottom ,i have also soaked the cotton wool in a mix of clone x or aloe vera,push some more of the wool down the sides of the stem of the clone to make sure its in firm,this will aid in it from moving around and also ,do you a favor with while its traveling it will be rooting.Its worked several times for me,when i have gone on my strain hunting holidays,I'm paranoid so i make sure no finger prints are left on the container,and are all ways sent to a address that you are not growing at,by doing this you can deny all know all of where its from or who sent it.

hope this helps tyke
I want to party in Detroit, with some homies who can show me around without me getting my dumb white outsider ass killed. These homies can be any color, cuz no race has a monopoly on character.

Actually, the D ain't so bad any more ttystikk! I have no problems downtown or even visiting a few neighborhoods to see friends or speaking at community centers on setting up community gardens in vacant lots that are all over the place. The "crack" epidemic is basically gone. Things are way calmer and many young and upwardly mobile folks (not just whites) are moving back into the metro area. I mean it's not a mass movement but some neighborhoods are really making some big improvements.

Plenty of things bringing "hoods" together to form all sorts of improvement movements. The grow local, eat local movement has been around now for some years. A lot of those that started it up are moving that forward and I don't get asked to help much any more but, like once a year or so now. Usually in the late winter to promote and help them prepare for plot design and crop lists with rotation plans etc.
I see a lot of local "farmers markets" in the "hoods"..In fact they draw the Downtowners out to buy produce/fresh eggs and some limited meats. There is a movement to actually make some tracts in various area's able to apply for a zoning variation to become a whole farm area that would allow limited meat production! There are a cpl "experimental" one's now. Doing well too!

Yeah, time for the old "rep" to fade away. Shit still happens but it's no worse then basically any big city...

Some time ask me about getting sidetracked Downtown after a Red Wings game during the crack wars and the naked running women :shock:!!