Ku Klux Klan Dreams of Rising Again 150 Years After Founding


Well-Known Member
Right! I see what you're trying to do, man.
What am I trying to do ? I marched with MLK in Detroit , I heard the man speak with my own ears , I saw the man with my own 2 eyes , and I know every last terrorist racist group of the era because I lived it , one advantage of being a silver pony tail is I don't need Google because I was there .


Well-Known Member
What am I trying to do ? I marched with MLK in Detroit , I heard the man speak with my own ears , I saw the man with my own 2 eyes , and I know every last terrorist racist group of the era because I lived it , one advantage of being a silver pony tail is I don't need Google because I was there .


Well-Known Member
Sure he was. I'm not going to allow you to just put him in a little category over in the corner, just because you happened to "like" him. MLK's entire life was dedicated to the idea of black lives mattering. Nice try though.
Mlk's mind set was that of a genius , not the viscous maniacs blm has proven to be , you got your black folk mixed up I'm afraid , MLK was ALL about peace , Angela Davis , the chicago 7 , Black Panthers , Black UHURU , their ideologies matched the violent hate speech of blm but not MLK .


Well-Known Member
Mlk's mind set was that of a genius , not the viscous maniacs blm has proven to be , you got your black folk mixed up I'm afraid , MLK was ALL about peace , Angela Davis , the chicago 7 , Black Panthers , Black UHURU , their ideologies matched the violent hate speech of blm but not MLK .
Go ahead white guy, school me (a black man) on the ways of black people. Keep telling me how I'm getting them mixed up, lol. The privilege in here is so thick that I'm going to have to turn on my fog lights.


Well-Known Member
Go ahead white guy, school me (a black man) on the ways of black people. Keep telling me how I'm getting them mixed up, lol. The privilege in here is so thick that I'm going to have to turn on my fog lights.
ahaha who the hell cares what color you are , your color didnt make you right , it made you bitter & that's no fault of mine , unless the truth is a " trigger " .


Well-Known Member
ahaha who the hell cares what color you are , your color didnt make you right , it made you bitter & that's no fault of mine , unless the truth is a " trigger " .
you're talking about murdering immigrants and anyone in the BLM movement and you have the gall to accuse other people of being bitter?

put down the fucking bottle and get to bed, grandpa. you are beyond fucked right now.


Well-Known Member
Yes he is. All while basically telling me that I don't understand black people.
Oh bull shit , I never once said you don't understand black people ,I said your equating the peacefull MLK with the extremely violent racist group black lives matter , you may well understand a black mob , of that I'm no judge .


Well-Known Member
Oh bull shit , I never once said you don't understand black people ,I said your equating the peacefull MLK with the extremely violent racist group black lives matter , you may well understand a black mob , of that I'm no judge .
but you're not racist because your wife is muslim, amirite?


seriously, don't have a stroke.


Well-Known Member
When I came back from Afghanistan, I had nothing but HATE in my heart. I watched friends get injured badly, and die for Oil. I killed so as not to be killed. Circumstance put me there, and I watched my brothers (all colors) suffer this Hell on Earth. For a year after I got back, every time I saw a Muslim, all I wanted to do was kill them. Suffering is not specific to a color, and all have been wronged. You either forgive, grow as a person, and move on, or you continue to suffer until you draw your last breath.
How will you live your life ? Will you make a difference, help others, be a good person. Or perpetuate HATE ?
All you've got it now, don't count on tomorrow, and don't waste today. Hate is the worst kind of waste IME.
oh, i see the problem here.

you have major mental disorders. that explains it all quite nicely.


Well-Known Member
you're comparing a civil rights leader to the grand wizard of the KKK?
All Sharoton is a race pimp that a great black leader Dr David Manning got fired from his cushy spot on MSNBC , All Sharpton is hated in black Harlem for the race pimp sell out he is .

Try against only don't grunt so hard this time .


Well-Known Member
All Sharoton is a race pimp that a great black leader Dr David Manning got fired from his cushy spot on MSNBC , All Sharpton is hated in black Harlem for the race pimp sell out he is .

Try against only don't grunt so hard this time .
your opinion is shared by the KKK and white supremacists everywhere. not so much among normal, non-racist, non-hateful folks though.

now go on and tell us how much of a bully i am for pointing out that little fact about how racist you are and who shares your racist opinions.


Well-Known Member
Who apparently marched with Dr. King, lol. :rolleyes: Wait, I think I've found some proof:
Hmm , maybe a nice video of the Champ Muhammmmmud Ali preaching against inter racial marriage would be nice abut right now .

Want to see one ?


Well-Known Member
your opinion is shared by the KKK and white supremacists everywhere. not so much among normal, non-racist, non-hateful folks though.

now go on and tell us how much of a bully i am for pointing out that little fact about how racist you are and who shares your racist opinions.
You lose , the race hustling sell out you claim to be a civil rights leader is loathed by the 2 most powerful black leaders in america .

Ya know ole Louis K hates his ass too & says he's a sell out .