What did you accomplish today?

I dig it, man....utilitarian and sturdy. Gooooood job. I honed in on the floor, hardwood not the fake vinyl stuff, eh? (My eyesight isn't the best.)
Nothing beats the quality stuff....this is nearly 70 years old, you just know it's seen some action, look at those scars and pockmarks.

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I want to strip the crappy paint from the door and the brass, but you get the idea....quality, man, quality....the sort of house that once served as a setting for endless haunted house flicks....

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that's cheap ass vinyl at $0.79 a square foot.

be careful stripping paint in a 70 year old house. go out and get a lead paint test kit first. they are cheap and may save your life and health.
that's cheap ass vinyl at $0.79 a square foot.

be careful stripping paint in a 70 year old house. go out and get a lead paint test kit first. they are cheap and may save your life and health.

Really, the vinyl stuff? Shiiitttt, my eyes are getting worse....

Oh yeah, this place is full of lead, lol. Most of the door frames are thick steel, like you'd see in schools and prisons. There is asbestos in the walls, too, sigh.
(Possums in the basement, squirrels in the attic....)

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made this massive mirror for my wife's dressing room (which i am remodeling) today.

it's really super easy to do. i had three mirrors, one was 12x48x1/8, one was 42x63x1/4, and one was 14x37x1/8.

i took a piece of 4x8 plywood and sketched out exactly where the mirrors would go then glued them down. i had to fir up the two smaller mirrors with 1/8'' plywood so that they would be flush with the bigger one.

then i took the table saw and made some custom 1/4'' firring strips so that the trim would all sit flush as well. then i trimmed it out. the smallest mirror was 37'' across, which meant two 1x6s would work perfect for trimming the sides. i used 1x4s to trim the top and bottom.

then i cased out the sides so you can't see the plywood or firring strips and left a 1/4'' reveal proud of the trim.

i don't trust the glue at all and didn't like the seams where the mirrors were butting, so i cut a few strips to cover the butts, and then ripped down some scraps to 1/2''x1/2'' to use as butts. that left another nice 1/4'' reveal as well.

all the casing and butts were pre-drilled before nailing them on.

now i just gotta caulk the seams and paint.

and then do the rest of the punch list for finishing this little remodel.

you can see what i did two days ago,- the window. again, super easy stuff. it's a vinyl replacement, so all you have to do is remove the screws, cut the caulk line inside, go outside and cut the caulk lines out there, and pry it out. then you cut back the drywall to the corner bead and remove it all, especially that ugly stone sill that no one likes. @stone sill FUCK YOU!

fir up from the framing until your new sill will be flush with the brick exterior and go fabricate your new sill. set the window back on top of the sill, shim it until it is level plumb and square and screw it down again. then foam it in right away. the foam sets the window even better than the screws do.

go fabricate new jambs, shim them off the framing to give a perfect reveal on the window, and nail those down. fabricate the casing and nail that shit down too, 1/4 reveal all around is standard. caulk it all in, let the caulk dry, and paint it.

so easy a caveman can do it.

Nice mirror job.
I had mirrors mirrors everywhere when we started. Living room, bedrooms, inside closet doors, etc. We framed all the nice ones in stained 1x6's and put them on 3 of 4 walls in bathroom and another in hallway going in. Sizeable bathroom looks fucking huge now with all those mirrors. 1959 pink bathroom fixtures and pink marlite paneling and used Zar merlot stain for 1x6 baseboard trim and mirror framing. Mirrors bounce around the pink and merlot to infinity.
Nice mirror job.
I had mirrors mirrors everywhere when we started. Living room, bedrooms, inside closet doors, etc. We framed all the nice ones in stained 1x6's and put them on 3 of 4 walls in bathroom and another in hallway going in. Sizeable bathroom looks fucking huge now with all those mirrors. 1959 pink bathroom fixtures and pink marlite paneling and used Zar merlot stain for 1x6 baseboard trim and mirror framing. Mirrors bounce around the pink and merlot to infinity.

i'd love to get a blowjob from my wife in that room.
nope. the vinyl they make nowadays is getting better. wayyyyyyy better.

Oh I'm sure, I look at it now and then at Home Depot. As with everything, there are differing grades. I've seen it done poorly, though, where it looks/feels like little more than laminated cardboard. :sad:

I'm a bit let down that I couldn't even tell the difference, so I'll blame it on this 2009 monitor and not my deteriorating vision!
Oh I'm sure, I look at it now and then at Home Depot. As with everything, there are differing grades. I've seen it done poorly, though, where it looks/feels like little more than laminated cardboard. :sad:

I'm a bit let down that I couldn't even tell the difference, so I'll blame it on this 2009 monitor and not my deteriorating vision!

rubbing alcohol on a lint free rag is great for removing s̶e̶m̶e̶n̶ stains from a monitor.
I got the manifold for the Sierra yesterday and finished putting that back together. When I jumped in to start it I hear, click, click. So I figured the battery had a drain somewhere, tested it and it was only a little under power. Then thought I may have put something together wrong, nope, I can spin the motor, that's ok.

Which leaves the starter, pretty much the only thing that I didn't replace. What are the fucking odds that it would die right as I tried to start it after the rebuild.:-?

I moved the pigeon from it's small box in the house to a large rabbit cage out in the garage. The tape I had on it's wing fell off and I didn't want to stress it by putting new tape on. It looks like the wing is fused and it can't open it anymore so it'll be a forever pet. I guess they have a 6 year life span in the wild, not sure about domesticated.

Since they're also called Rock Doves, I think I'll be naming it Rocky, because it's a fighter.:smile:

I got drunk as fuck with @.Pinworm. and @StonedFarmer last night. Woke up thirsty as hell, with a sore butthole... and Im not even mad!!!
better be ready to do it again tonight.. grabbed a bottle of jim beam today in between jobs. cheap bourbon = me all kinds of fired up
Dis will be interesting.

Im down. There is a bar that sells beer on the sly. Ill probably grab an 18pack or see if they will ley a bottle go. Lol damn holidays closing the likka stores