Excluding a person from associating with you isn't an act of initiating aggression.
Nah, people do not have full control of their property.
Code Enforcement (see that word) has more control of your property than you do.
Go buy a house in a historic district and see how fast you get shut down trying to do anything on "your" property.
I guess that is supposed to be directed towards someone else?you're allowed to open a private business if you are so interested in denying service to black people.
I guess that is supposed to be directed towards someone else?
Well feel free to explain it to me, I have no idea what you are talking about. I gave specific examples of what I was talking about...no, it's directed toward you, complaining about how people "don't have control of their property". i know what that is a euphemism for.
Well feel free to explain it to me, I have no idea what you are talking about. I gave specific examples of what I was talking about...
I know you have a real hard time keeping up, but once again I will break it down for you.....
While you are hiding in the middle of white suburbia because of your real hatred of minorities.....
I have black bosses. I have black employees. Most of the houses I work on have black owners and black residents.
Today I worked in two houses owned by black people with black residents FREE OF CHARGE....
So to say something as stupid as you said, well actually it isnt suprising at all. Par for course with you.
you're allowed to open a private business if you are so interested in denying service to black people.
No its not.Well actually it is against the law to have/carry more then $10,000 in cash at one particular time .
so you've been serving white people all day in your store, a black customer walks in and tries to purchase something just like everyone else, and you deny service to him because of his skin color.
and now you are trying to tell me that you are not acting in an aggressive, racist, and offensive manner?
jesusfuck robert, words have meanings. you should probably familiarize yourself with them before trying to excuse your fellow white power buddies for their membership in white supremacist groups.
his behavior is not aggressive
You have showed those quotes before and only a racist would call them racist.
A friend of mine who lives in Baltimore went to a CVS. All they had left was condoms, suntan lotion, and Father's Day cards.
i'd ask you what the least aggressive way to deny service to someone based on their skin color is, but you have already told me that you advocate for hanging signs like this:
i believe you called the hanging of such signs to be "polite and reasonable".
in fact, i have that quote.
clearly, you do not know what words mean.
I already defeated whatever lame argument you've concocted
i'm not concocting an argument, i am pointing out that you think it is "polite and reasonable" to hang a sign like that. those were your exact words.
which clearly demonstrates that you have no idea what words mean.
it is "polite and reasonable"
Show me where my words imply concession.
Depression is not a synonym for realism.
If you want to get personal and start throwing labels, perhaps it's because you've run out of logical arguments.