
  1. cannabiscrusader

    Chinese nationals caught growing... again

    Hope they find the rest of them. Nice looking grow though. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/georgia-officials-went-raid-fish-farm-instead-they-found-223-million-worth-marijuana/2QHWDL7RUFBIFHVHH7E5ES4SSI/ Says they hand watered. God bless them
  2. J

    I ran from an eradication helicopter [my story]

    Hi guys. Hope this is appropriate, I took a look at the different forums and figured this would be the best place to post it. Hawaii has a long history of guerrilla growing - it was heavy during the late 80's, growers were pulling hundred pound plus years in sugar cane fields, and their life was...
  3. roflcopter420

    Does the police everywhere install wild cameras to catch outdoor growers?

    I dont know how the cops handle the illegal outdoor grwoing in your area.. but i was really shocked when I read the following from german news blog. I try to transalte, pls forgive some mistakes and dont hesitate to correct them al - I want to learn as much as I can :) Unfathomably what is...
  4. PootingDragon

    2 Questions about getting RAIDED???

    Sup Growers!!!! I hope some people with experience can get on this. 1) What would any of you do to get rid of your plants quickly if were getting raided and new the BOYZ were on the way? Say you have about 5 minutes or so, before they got there. WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO GET RID OF YOUR STASH...
  5. Uberknot

    Trump Campaign Busted!!! Latest shake up attempt to Cover up!

    Trump advisers waged covert influence campaign By JEFF HORWITZ and CHAD DAY Aug. 18, 2016 9:32 PM EDT WASHINGTON (AP) — A firm run by Donald Trump's campaign chairman directly orchestrated a covert Washington lobbying operation on behalf of Ukraine's ruling political party, attempting to...
  6. Karthos

    Another Family ruined over a lil bud and "citizen forfeiture

    http://magicvalley.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/seized-assets-critics-push-for-reform-of-controversial-forfeiture-laws/article_108d5d0f-cfbf-53ff-be7d-02e043691fa1.html TWIN FALLS • In the first days of 2010, the Twin Falls County Sheriff’s Office received a tip from an anonymous source that...
  7. Karthos

    70 yr old ID Man w/No Criminal History Serving time for giving away pot to sick people

    It is just insane how we are putting people in jail for sharing a plant recognized as having medicinal properties. read the full story here. In ID, they are trying to pass laws to make sure this medicine is never available to the public. Any ideas on ways to get legalization on the ballot...