Donald Trump

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Regardless, the deficit means nothing when the debt keeps rising. The rising of the federal debt means our country's financial health is getting worse and worse...:neutral:Rising debt is not okay...does not matter what the deficit is or is not....
Honestly... less deficit spending gradually reduces the overall U.S. federal debt. It is basic accounting that applies to personal finances. If we spend more than what we bring in... debt increases. If we spend less then what we bring in debt stagnates and gradually decreases. However the U.S. government is a glutton for spending and increasing it's debt limit rather than curbing spending to purposely reduce it's debt.

Since the conversation has veered over to debt.... Donald Trump's budget plan would add 10 Trillion to debt.

Italicized quote taken from linked article:

WASHINGTON - A new Washington study says Donald Trump's tax and budget plans would make the national debt skyrocket by $10 trillion or more over the coming decade, mostly because of his ambitious and expensive tax cuts.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says Democrat Hillary Clinton's agenda -- which relies on tax increases to pay for proposals such as making the Affordable Care Act more generous -- would increase the debt by about $250 billion over 10 years.
Honestly... less deficit spending gradually reduces the overall U.S. federal debt. It is basic accounting that applies to personal finances. If we spend more than what we bring in... debt increases. If we spend less then what we bring in debt stagnates and gradually decreases. However the U.S. government is a glutton for spending and increasing it's debt limit rather than curbing spending to purposely reduce it's debt.

Since the conversation has veered over to debt.... Donald Trump's budget plan would add 10 Trillion to debt.

Italicized quote taken from linked article:
If that were the case the federal debt would not have risen by 100 percent/doubled in the 8 years that Obama has been in office! The prediction not basing anything on who gets into office is that the deficit is going to jump very soon and keep rising because of out of control spending and the debt is going to seriously rise at a rate that has never been seen before...again Bush, Obama, or just a friggin mess!!!
If that were the case the federal debt would not have risen by 100 percent/doubled in the 8 years that Obama has been in office! The prediction not basing anything on who gets into office is that the deficit is going to jump very soon and keep rising because of out of control spending and the debt is going to seriously rise at a rate that has never been seen before...again Bush, Obama, or just a friggin mess!!!

Yeap... a reduction of deficit spending just slows down the speed at which the debt increases. Like wise increasing the deficit spending increases the rate which debt increases. If Obama did not decrease deficit spending as much as he has... the debt would be higher than it is now.

For anyone who does not know... deficit spending is the amount being spent above the total income. A budget surplus is needed to decrease debt

Meanwhile... Trump's plan to pay off the federal debt is to send a bill to the government of China for "Trade Secrets" he claims they have stolen. Despite the fact that the government of China is the second largest holder of U.S. government debt. Trump also wants to cut spending to the department of Education saying that Education should be left to the individual states.
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Yeap... a reduction of deficit spending just slows down the speed at which the debt increases. Like wise increasing the deficit spending increases the rate which debt increases.If Obama did not decrease deficit spending as much as he has... the debt would be higher than it is now.

For anyone who does not know... deficit spending is the amount being spent above the total income. A budget surplus is needed to decrease debt

Meanwhile... Trump's plan to pay off the federal debt is to send a bill to the government of China for "Trade Secrets" he claims they have stolen. Despite the fact that the government of China is the second largest holder of U.S. government debt.
Yeap... a reduction of deficit spending just slows down the speed at which the debt increases. Like wise increasing the deficit spending increases the rate which debt increases.If Obama did not decrease deficit spending as much as he has... the debt would be higher than it is now.

For anyone who does not know... deficit spending is the amount being spent above the total income. A budget surplus is needed to decrease debt

Meanwhile... Trump's plan to pay off the federal debt is to send a bill to the government of China for "Trade Secrets" he claims they have stolen. Despite the fact that the government of China is the second largest holder of U.S. government debt.
I do not want Trump to be our president.....but Hillary is an equally bad option!
I do not want Trump to be our president.....but Hillary is an equally bad option!

As my signature states... I am not a U.S. citizen and do not care who continues to ruin the U.S. government. I am one of the "Stateless" thanks to the U.S. government when it passed and signed into it's laws the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
As my signature states... I am not a U.S. citizen and do not care who continues to ruin the U.S. government. I am one of the "Stateless" thanks to the U.S. government when it passed and signed into it's laws the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
Good for you! Just not sure why if you do not care you keep posting about Trump...personally I think you should care. Your reservations could be taken by the government in a heartbeat if they were so inclined...
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As my signature states... I am not a U.S. citizen and do not care who continues to ruin the U.S. government. I am one of the "Stateless" thanks to the U.S. government when it passed and signed into it's laws the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

How about 'brah' or is that too much like 'bro'?

Dear wingnuts it's not breitbart, RT, fox news or Washington times however the NYT has a daily readership over 2million, continuously published in New York City since September 18, 1851. The New York Times has won 117 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization.

cheesiest piece of shit conman:

"As with Trump University, the Trump Institute promised falsely that its teachers would be handpicked by Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump did little, interviews show, besides appear in an infomercial — one that promised customers access to his vast accumulated knowledge. “I put all of my concepts that have worked so well for me, new and old, into our seminar,” he said in the 2005 video, adding, “I’m teaching what I’ve learned.”

Reality fell far short. In fact, the institute was run by a couple who had run afoul of regulators in dozens of states and been dogged by accusations of deceptive business practices and fraud for decades. Similar complaints soon emerged about the Trump Institute."
Dear wingnuts it's not breitbart, RT, fox news or Washington times however the NYT has a daily readership over 2million, continuously published in New York City since September 18, 1851. The New York Times has won 117 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization.

cheesiest piece of shit conman:

"As with Trump University, the Trump Institute promised falsely that its teachers would be handpicked by Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump did little, interviews show, besides appear in an infomercial — one that promised customers access to his vast accumulated knowledge. “I put all of my concepts that have worked so well for me, new and old, into our seminar,” he said in the 2005 video, adding, “I’m teaching what I’ve learned.”

Reality fell far short. In fact, the institute was run by a couple who had run afoul of regulators in dozens of states and been dogged by accusations of deceptive business practices and fraud for decades. Similar complaints soon emerged about the Trump Institute."
You think that's bad?

Wait till you see all of Hillary's filth. She's an extreme hoarder in that regard.
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