Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

I believe it was a bit worse and it wasn't a bunch of idiot kids getting drunk it was government workers doing their jobs raising their families.

But I guess you could start #gaylivesmatter
How does OKC COMPARE to Orlando?

Do you know what the word 'compare' means?

There are no comparisons unless you're an idiot. TMV used a bomb, OM used a SIG MCX

TMV bombed the Murrah building because of Waco and Ruby Ridge, Mateen slaughtered 49 people because he hooked up with a Puerto Rican that was HIV+..

The right hates him because he was brown. If he was white or Christian, like Roof, Holmes, Dear or Rodger, he'd be a 'lone gunman'

Yet will any of you address this? No, probably not.. White = crazy, Brown = terrorism

How does OKC COMPARE to Orlando?

Do you know what the word 'compare' means?

There are no comparisons unless you're an idiot. TMV used a bomb, OM used a SIG MCX

TMV bombed the Murrah building because of Waco and Ruby Ridge, Mateen slaughtered 49 people because he hooked up with a Puerto Rican that was HIV+..

The right hates him because he was brown. If he was white or Christian, like Roof, Holmes, Dear or Rodger, he'd be a 'lone gunman'

Yet will any of you address this? No, probably not.. White = crazy, Brown = terrorism

Go fuck yourself
I think they are both terrorists only bombs work better and require no background checks.

Yes s..l..o..w.

I qualified expert on m16 and 9mm in the military.

So did I but also with the M-14, M-60, M-79, M-A2, LAW, 45, ect.

Match grade doesn't have to be the most expensive. It has to be reliable and consistent. Mainly consistent.

I have more than a few boxes of match ammo, don't try to tell me what it is.

I'm not saying steel match is a good idea, neither did see4.

You don't read very well,

I could care less about a pissing contest.

Then quit pissing.

What about the .243? I don't need any high dollar reloads. Remington core lockt performs great in the gun for game hunting. I don't shoot matches so I could care less.

It wasn't a reload, its a great hunting round far better the rem..

You show yourself to be a know it all ass when in actuality your knowledge and performance to be average. Maybe even mediocre.

Sorry I tried to help you. You make all bundy look smart.
Next time try something you know something about.

You know why? I try to have a civil debate and who starts? You do sir by calling me slow.

What's wrong? Your argument doesn't hold water so you have to belittle people.

Did I make you post stupid shit to you NO, you posted at me with stupid shit and belittle yourself without help from me. I was being nice calling you slow.
Actually many are goat farmers in the dessert whom only know the Quran.




Terrorism means to commit violence for political purposes. The Orlando shooter didn't have any political end goals or requests, he simply wished to kill innocent gay people because one of his former lovers was HIV+, it had nothing to do with politics
Did the shooter tell you that? Or do you believe the police and FBI?

I thought it very funny when Anderson Cooper asked him of all the world leaders who he had met who did he like the best [cooper was pushing mandella] and he said BUSH, Cooper tried to fix/cover but HE asked the question an got the answer.
Quit playing with yourself in the sandbox dummy.
Wow, you have done smoked yourself retarded boy.

You never trust the police you dumb fuck!!
I didn't say I trust the police

I said I believe the police and the FBI in this case. If you don't it's because you want it to be because of Muslims and Islamic extremism because you have an alternate agenda to sell

this dude works for the cia everyone ^
This dude slobs knobs everyone ^
I didn't say I trust the police

I said I believe the police and the FBI in this case. If you don't it's because you want it to be because of Muslims and Islamic extremism because you have an alternate agenda to sell

This dude slobs knobs everyone ^
Whatever you say Marxist fed lover.