Donald Trump

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trump claiming he influenced Brexit, at Trump Ternberry, he is your nex pres uncle chomo and pinmolester

Actually, trump claimed Obama might have influenced it but that he likely didnt. Dont let facts get in the way of your slander thought.
So not all his businesses panned out. ...He's still go plenty of $$$, a hot wife, and kids that not only look up to him, but behave themselves. Looks like his house is in order.

he's got less than no money. he's begging his supporters for campaign funds right now. so much for that self funding campaign, eh?


i would have been hit by my teachers as a child if i said half the stuff your racist savior says as an adult you racist fucktard.
How can ANYONE be proud of what comes out of Trump's mouth? Even Ronald Reagan was more eloquent in his dementia addled last days. You all choose this man to represent our country to the world? I would choose any of the past Republican Presidents and even losing candidates over Trump. McCain, Romney, Bush, Bush, even Nixon's head before that Mussolini quoting, ignoramus.

Is that who you are Flaming? Purposefully aloof of your supporters racist acts? That whole kkk shit was a pitiful episode.

What will Trump's presidency bring?
Mexicans building a wall so no new American Jobs created there. Mass deportations so food shortages im guessing. War with Syria so a draft because I don't think anyone is volunteering for that shit. Apple won't move production here so maybe they relocate to another country. We aren't the biggest market by far anymore. India Russia South America and China can cover the loss of US sales. Fuck us right. We think we are the center of the universe but the world can just take what they want from us through hacking and say fuck Trump and the rest.

I'm looking for land and a cabin. You Trump supporters can go Purge each other.
How can ANYONE be proud of what comes out of Trump's mouth? Even Ronald Reagan was more eloquent in his dementia addled last days. You all choose this man to represent our country to the world? I would choose any of the past Republican Presidents and even losing candidates over Trump. McCain, Romney, Bush, Bush, even Nixon's head before that Mussolini quoting, ignoramus.

Is that who you are Flaming? Purposefully aloof of your supporters racist acts? That whole kkk shit was a pitiful episode.

What will Trump's presidency bring?
Mexicans building a wall so no new American Jobs created there. Mass deportations so food shortages im guessing. War with Syria so a draft because I don't think anyone is volunteering for that shit. Apple won't move production here so maybe they relocate to another country. We aren't the biggest market by far anymore. India Russia South America and China can cover the loss of US sales. Fuck us right. We think we are the center of the universe but the world can just take what they want from us through hacking and say fuck Trump and the rest.

I'm looking for land and a cabin. You Trump supporters can go Purge each other.

i bet that trump drops out rather than take his inevitable loss.
You wouldn't be arguing that if Trump was ahead in them. Which he is not.
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i wonder why trump isn't out there reciting poll numbers at all of his klan rallies anymore?


made in the USA, only you lot could give us trump vs Hilary, I hope its the Donald cos America is gonna look fukin hilarious
LOL. Owned.

For someone of your . . . sexual persuasion, I still find it unusual you continue to support a group that likes to murder gays.

"Owned" lol dude you sound like a simple juvenile.

"sexual persuasion" does that enter into it asshole? Gay and cock are like the heavy artillery slurs for fucking half wit, dumb AFers.
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