Wife pregnant: Life ruined or tiny hands from god?


Just kidding. I have 3 (thanks to my wife, God bless her). There are few moments in life as amazing as becoming a father. Congrats!

Everyone is guessing the date, I'm going to make another prediction... "About A Pound".

Name, another difficult thing to tackle before baby time. How about "Riu" (pronounce it like "Ryu", from "Street Fighter"). :bigjoint:

I may have missed it, do you know yet (boy, girl)?

Congrats again!
If the ultrasound tells you it's a girl

Get a second opinion

Just kidding I'm sure it doesn't happen often

Enjoy :) babies rock or at least mine does

Research lots I highly suggest a natural med free birth
It was very empowering

Well a 5 weeks ago my friends sister had her gender party...she has 2 boys so the pink cake was exactly what she wanted. .fast forward to last week. .had another ultrasound done and tech asked if she knew gender. ..she said yes...so the tech starts calling baby "he" ...lol mom is like wait....what? Yep it's a boy...I guess it's rather common to mistake a boy for a girl since the little penis can sometimes flip up and confuse the tech...I didn't accept gender until it was confirmed by 3 different techs...and the last was a 3d ultrasound so I saw her lady parts very clearly!!
My youngest turns 4 today. So y'all know what that means for ole gare bear....

Chuck e cheese salad bar! Oh, and punking other people's kids on the basketball game.
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Mrs. Goodson just told me they sell beer now. So it's really going down!
I can't wait for an excuse to do shit like this again.

Last time I was in Chuck e cheese I was escorted out for harassing the giant rat.
Bob Zmuda it's funny because as Tim Allen says you spend the first two years trying to get him on the pot then the rest of his life trying to keep him off of it. My son is 18 now he smokes pot like his dad but I didn't let him smoke it growing up. (Like I could stop him).. But now he's 18 we grow, trim, cure, and smoke together. I have to be honest I might lie and say that I wish my son was a doctor but honestly I am so happy with him just like he is. Tiny fingers from god that will touch your heart in a way you can't even imagine yet.
Bob Zmuda it's funny because as Tim Allen says you spend the first two years trying to get him on the pot then the rest of his life trying to keep him off of it. My son is 18 now he smokes pot like his dad but I didn't let him smoke it growing up. (Like I could stop him).. But now he's 18 we grow, trim, cure, and smoke together. I have to be honest I might lie and say that I wish my son was a doctor but honestly I am so happy with him just like he is. Tiny fingers from god that will touch your heart in a way you can't even imagine yet.
Yup my girl has a bright future in the family biz also ;)
Had a blast a chuck e cheese's. Probably had more fun watching my lil man enjoy himself. Mrs Goodson was correct, they do sell beer! Score! Way more fun after a couple of expensive ass $5 pints. What can you do, a drunks gotta drink and they have to make money. Anywho, this is why I lurves thier salad bar
Peperonchini peppers, red onions, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, cherry tomatoes(under the cucumbers) with a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette, and some Parmesan cheese mmmmmmm