Donald Trump

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hillary was not an elected official. George Bush wrote the thing and signed it. Bill was the Prez who got it ratified in Congress. Al Gore had more to do with it. So what if she supported it? She didn't have any authority at the time. Do you hold Michelle accountable for the ACA? This is all just more made up shit. And you just swallow those turds whole.
I said she was pro nafta. She also has always supported nafta as a senator. It will be interesting to see if she flips because its the "in" thing now.


Well-Known Member
Unlike Buck, Fog, and other folks who've got the energy/will to fuck around with sorts like you, I do not engage in the feeding of trolls, so I'll keep this brief:

Your "citation" comment/question is ignorant as all hell and borderline insulting....for the final time: I grew up during your lord and master's rule/destruction of NYC - Thousands of horror stories, both verbal and on the printed page, can't ALL be attributed to 'street gossip'. Anyone with an IQ above 40 can clearly see that the guy is a fucking monster.

Now please, return to worshipping at the tiny feet of the neon circus peanut as he continues to target your own husband and way of life - Cheers!

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Unlike Buck, Fog, and other folks who've got the energy/will to fuck around with sorts like you, I do not engage in the feeding of trolls, so I'll keep this brief:

Your "citation" comment/question is ignorant as all hell and borderline insulting....for the final time: I grew up during your lord and master's rule/destruction of NYC - Thousands of horror stories, both verbal and on the printed page, can't ALL be attributed to 'street gossip'. Anyone with an IQ above 40 can clearly see that the guy is a fucking monster.

Now please, return to worshipping at the tiny feet of the neon circus peanut as he continues to target your own husband and way of life - Cheers!

View attachment 3715134
Lol. So no citation?

Cus I can google trump and cocaine and all I find is a picture of his head pasted on top of scarface.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
"Sorts like you"

Contrary to some people's beliefs I am not a troll. I provide citations all the time but if uncle buck comes at me with false accusations I will play on his level.

His level requires sarcasm and memes from me to express how ridiculous I think he is.

You came into politics horrified how people were talking to eachother but some of these relationships have been going on for years.

Uncle buck is the troll. Very few of his posts are informative and he will hit below the belt without provocation.

I got swept up in the dick jokes and mob mentality when i entered here a few years ago. I believed what buck said but when I started reading the conversations he quoted for proof of racism, pedo, and bigotry, I found he was wrong quite often.

He has no problem posting PERSONAL information on people he cyberstalks here. He uses it to threaten people.

His whole "let's make a bet or you are a coward!" Schtick is about intimidation and is a form of bullying.

He enjoys judging and slandering others. It gets him off.

He also the type of guy that thinks its funny to pretend to support ISIS and wish death on people.


Well-Known Member
Unlike Buck, Fog, and other folks who've got the energy/will to fuck around with sorts like you, I do not engage in the feeding of trolls, so I'll keep this brief:

Your "citation" comment/question is ignorant as all hell and borderline insulting....for the final time: I grew up during your lord and master's rule/destruction of NYC - Thousands of horror stories, both verbal and on the printed page, can't ALL be attributed to 'street gossip'. Anyone with an IQ above 40 can clearly see that the guy is a fucking monster.

Now please, return to worshipping at the tiny feet of the neon circus peanut as he continues to target your own husband and way of life - Cheers!

View attachment 3715134
I grew up in the northeast as well. We've only heard one brief story of his Mob connections. Nobody builds that many buildings in NYC (or Philly for that matter) without greasing palms of the mob.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I would like to point out AGAIN, is not a place you should form your political opinion at. All they do is look for supportive news reports WITHOUT checking the authenticity of that news report.


Well-Known Member
I said she was pro nafta. She also has always supported nafta as a senator. It will be interesting to see if she flips because its the "in" thing now.
I get it. You don't like Hillary. I'm guessing that you think her liking NAFTA will somehow drive people to vote for Trump, who has taken as much advantage of NAFTA as anybody. So now he says he's against it. What makes Trump a phony shithead is that ha said NAFTA was Hillary's fault. Do I need to repeat myself or can you just go up a few posts to read why that's a pants on fire lie?
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Well-Known Member
actually, fogdog's dog wretches every time he reads one of you idiotic posts. i'm not too far away from the same thing.
In the interest of keeping down enough food, I've put no name on ignore. He's not very interesting and his posts are just trolling mostly. I don't mind a disagreement, in fact, that's partly what draws me here. What got @mynameisnobody and a very few others on my list is that they are boring.
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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
"Sorts like you"

Contrary to some people's beliefs I am not a troll. I provide citations all the time but if uncle buck comes at me with false accusations I will play on his level.

His level requires sarcasm and memes from me to express how ridiculous I think he is.

You came into politics horrified how people were talking to eachother but some of these relationships have been going on for years.

Uncle buck is the troll. Very few of his posts are informative and he will hit below the belt without provocation.

I got swept up in the dick jokes and mob mentality when i entered here a few years ago. I believed what buck said but when I started reading the conversations he quoted for proof of racism, pedo, and bigotry, I found he was wrong quite often.

He has no problem posting PERSONAL information on people he cyberstalks here. He uses it to threaten people.

His whole "let's make a bet or you are a coward!" Schtick is about intimidation and is a form of bullying.

He enjoys judging and slandering others. It gets him off.

He also the type of guy that thinks its funny to pretend to support ISIS and wish death on people.
Wow Pie, thats pretty intense. Why on earth is Uncle Buck even allowed to be a part of the forum if he is such a problem?


Well-Known Member
I grew up in the northeast as well. We've only heard one brief story of his Mob connections. Nobody builds that many buildings in NYC (or Philly for that matter) without greasing palms of the mob.
My car was in an episode of 'The Soprano's'.

I once sold an account to a construction company on the main drag in Newark..client took me to lunch at a 'members only' Italian club..holy shit! It's all true and Sopranos is spot on! Thought I was gonna hear the Godfather theme any moment.
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Everytime I turn the TV on (which is like about once a month) I still see trump. He's a joke, how is this man even getting ground? This man don't care about you fools, hes here for money and power, typical for politicians. Go ahead, put him in office see how much he cares for you. Im still cool with Obama. ✌✊. ROFL. People's ignorance and stupidity holds us all back, don't you think you would want a man or woman that is compassionate towards everyone. Wake up.
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