Well-Known Member
Umm, still on that?Right proof, something the ball earther people are lacking.
Umm, still on that?Right proof, something the ball earther people are lacking.
He switches back when the jew baiting doesn't get mileageUmm, still on that?
I've dissected humans both male and female; and as a joke I hooked up a battery to some dissected limbs to watch 'em jump. So yes I have experimented on humans
I'd guess it depends on where the school is. I doubt there is any lack of indigent (or donated) ones in large cities?I'm told be a recent chiropractic grad that 1st yr. students work on cadavers that are over 20 yrs. dead. Was kinda shocked by that...
Stop being a crybaby, here is a fresh question for you, why does the moon appear to be smaller and larger, Sometimes it is tiny and sometimes it is very large? How is this happening if the moon is 258000 miles away?
It is an extraordinary claim the ball earth people are making. Pictures of earth have not been provided, except for cgi and the blue marble which has been shown to be a fraud, the astronauts caught on tape phonying the photo up. No proof of gravity to show.
Just this wild ass claim that we are blasting through the megaverse at millions of miles per hour, while orbiting the sun at 67000 miles an hour, meanwhile the star constellations remain constant for the past 4000 years. When called on this wild claim they do have the gall to call anybody who questions their absurd belief stupid and un educated. It's rather ironic really.
Regardless of its 15,000 +/- mile axis, can you find me a time lapse of the moon explaining the phenomenon?Stop being a crybaby, here is a fresh question for you, why does the moon appear to be smaller and larger, Sometimes it is tiny and sometimes it is very large? How is this happening if the moon is 258000 miles away?
This is the best question I've seen from you. The answer seems to be that we really don't know for sure. It's one of the mysteries of science that keep things fun. There are possible explanations, but we have yet to nail that one down -
Possible explanations
The size of a viewed object can be measured objectively either as an angular size (the visual angle that it subtends at the eye, corresponding to the proportion of the visual field that it occupies), or as physical size (its real size measured in, say, meters). Perceived size is only loosely related to these concepts, however. For example, if two identical, familiar objects are placed at distances of five and ten meters, respectively, then the more distant object subtends approximately half the visual angle of the nearer object, but we normally perceive that as the same size (a phenomenon referred to as size constancy), not as half the size. Conversely, if the more distant object did subtend the same angle as the nearer object then we would normally perceive it to be twice as big.
A central question pertaining to the Moon illusion, therefore, is whether the horizon moon appears larger because its perceived angular size seems greater, or because its perceived physical size seems greater, or some combination of both. There is currently no firm consensus on this point. Most recent research on the Moon illusion has been conducted by psychologists specializing in human perception. After reviewing the many different explanations in their 2002 book The Mystery of the Moon Illusion, Ross and Plug conclude "No single theory has emerged victorious".[8] The same conclusion is reached in the 1989 book, The Moon Illusion edited by Hershenson, which offers about 24 chapters written by different illusion researchers.
You didn't answer my question; what are you doing this summer?
Ok, let me propose a hypothesis. The moon appears to change sizes for the same reason an airplane coming towards you gets larger and larger as it gets closer and closer to you. At first you see the airplane low on the horizon, but when it is closer it appears to be higher up, as it passes you and continues on it's way it gets smaller and smaller. The plane never actually changes altitude it just appears to have, based on perspective. When the plane finally goes out of sight it does so again, low on the horizon. The plane disappears from view because the human eye can only see so far. A pair of binoculars can be brought out and the plane will reappear for a brief time. This is what we see the moon doing as it makes it's track around the flat earth.
All in the shape of the eyes. Perception of anglesThanks,
Ok, let me propose a hypothesis. The moon appears to change sizes for the same reason an airplane coming towards you gets larger and larger as it gets closer and closer to you. At first you see the airplane low on the horizon, but when it is closer it appears to be higher up, as it passes you and continues on it's way it gets smaller and smaller. The plane never actually changes altitude it just appears to have, based on perspective. When the plane finally goes out of sight it does so again, low on the horizon. The plane disappears from view because the human eye can only see so far. A pair of binoculars can be brought out and the plane will reappear for a brief time. This is what we see the moon doing as it makes it's track around the flat earth.
If he can cram six dix up in there he'll beat out @Big_Lou for the top spot!He's taking the @Gary Goodson dix test all summer long
Ok, let me propose a hypothesis. The moon appears to change sizes for the same reason an airplane coming towards you gets larger and larger as it gets closer and closer to you. At first you see the airplane low on the horizon, but when it is closer it appears to be higher up, as it passes you and continues on it's way it gets smaller and smaller. The plane never actually changes altitude it just appears to have, based on perspective. When the plane finally goes out of sight it does so again, low on the horizon. The plane disappears from view because the human eye can only see so far. A pair of binoculars can be brought out and the plane will reappear for a brief time. This is what we see the moon doing as it makes it's track around the flat earth.
If he can cram six dix up in there he'll beat out @Big_Lou for the top spot!
Ahhh man, this is gonna be a nail biter.
No one cares about your hypothesis, you are under-educated, mis-educated, deluded and a liar...
No one cares about your hypothesis, you are under-educated, mis-educated, deluded and a liar...