Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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You're giving him far too much credit. He's a genuine half-wit who is bigoted, discriminatory, dishonest, poorly educated, and defensive. All the trademarks of a weak-minded individual.

He's convinced I'm Jewish based on my avatar, which means he is also incapable of recognizing satire. Nor has he seen The Big Lebowski.

Nah, he's a primitive on welfare who is filled with hate and self-loathing. Reread his posts - there is no subtly in them.
Well that really would be disappointing. I mean, I know he's a bigot, obviously, and as we're on RIU I feel I need to clarify I'm not defending anything he's said at all. I just wanted to believe nobody was really that dense, I guess.
Well that really would be disappointing. I mean, I know he's a bigot, obviously, and as we're on RIU I feel I need to clarify I'm not defending anything he's said at all. I just wanted to believe nobody was really that dense, I guess.

Believe it, however unfortunate.

I know you haven't tried to depend his bigoted positions, simply because they're indefensible. Freedom of religion (or lack thereof) is great, discrimination is not.

If I had to guess, I would say most of his self-loathing (and therefore projected hatred) revolves around his sexual orientation, and how that directly conflicts with his fundamentalist Christian views, and the views of those around him. Must be torture. So he spouts Jewish hate speech here as a release. Pitiful.

Also, the Bachelor's Degree in Law... Just check the way he structures his thoughts and puts them into writing. Reading Law at any level requires thousands of hours of reading and meticulous note-taking. You submit paper after paper, semester after semester. Simple grammatical mistakes aren't tolerated, unless you go to Clown College.

He isn't prepared to show us a pic of his degree with his name redacted and exif data scrubbed, fine. He could, at a minimum, exhibit some legal knowledge to support his arguments made here re: The Bill of Rights and the 1st Amendment, Holocaust deniability, antisemitism, the legalities surrounding posting comments on a cannabis forum if you're residing in Europe, ... yet the limit of his knowledge seems to be copying and pasting from Wikipedia. Laughable.

Oh yeah, and it took him completing 95% of his degree before taking 'his last class' of Constitutional Law and realizing the whole thing was bullshit and the Jews controlled everything. Total crackpot. He's a Bachelor of Law like I'm the Sultan of Brunei.
Five star thread.

It reminds me that there is no idea that is so bad that a small, die-hard coterie of idiots will not believe in it.

Usually it merely represents the background hum of mental illness, but sometimes the planets align and large parts of the population will be affected.

Sometimes it is innocuous and goes away pretty quickly...

But sometimes it is very very dangerous...

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Well that really would be disappointing. I mean, I know he's a bigot, obviously, and as we're on RIU I feel I need to clarify I'm not defending anything he's said at all. I just wanted to believe nobody was really that dense, I guess.

maybe he thinks if he shows us how scientifically stupid he is...that it somehow justifies his racist bigotry and deep rooted hatred...
a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
his is gone with the wind...

Try this experiment. Find a giant round boulder, pour water on it. Does the water stick to the sides of the boulder. Post your results.

See the trailing side of the ball? See how water wants to climb it as it spins? If he was able to get it to the correct speed, it would have a film of water covering it. If it was then lifted from the water, kept spinning at that speed, the water would stay on the ball as a film. Basically as the world rotates water flows around it, one reason we have currents. Not a hard concept to grasp. I can't explain why everything works in such a delicate balance, that's always mystified me.
maybe he thinks if he shows us how scientifically stupid he is...that it somehow justifies his racist bigotry and deep rooted hatred...
a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
his is gone with the wind...

What about all of his warped/xenophobic 'historical epics', like Braveheart, Passion of the Christ, and Apocalypto? Why not pepper in a pile of falsehoods, revisionist fodder, and Caucasian-centric bullshit, am I right?
These guys are classic jamb a square peg into a round hole.

He'd be more employable if he were special ed, or in a wheelchair. Seriously, but being quite insane these folks are being cared for by whom? Parents? Social services?
maybe he thinks if he shows us how scientifically stupid he is...that it somehow justifies his racist bigotry and deep rooted hatred...
a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
his is gone with the wind...

So, 70 years later the Germans are still paying jewish people a monthly stipend. Meanwhile what happened to the 50 million Christians murdered by Jews in Ucrania and Russia? They are now talking of giving the children and grandchildren of the jews a stipend trying to say the damage is hereditary lol. Can you see the double standard here? It's perfectly ok I guess for the jews to murder 50 million people and if this is pointed out, well whoever calls them on it is obviously an antisemite. Fuck that.
Every post of yours is now a lie, once you start hating Jewish people it's game over. Let's see how many of the following despots was Jewish, Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, pol pot, Chairman Mao, etc Dalai Lama lol, in fact name a "household name" despot who was Jewish?

Where have you been? The Jewish Bolsheviks murdered 50 million, Lenin was a jew, marx was a jew trotski was a jew and 85% of the higher ups were jewish. By body count 8 times worse than the Nazi's. So if I am supposed to hate the Nazi's I guess it is ok to hate the Jews 8 times more right?

See the trailing side of the ball? See how water wants to climb it as it spins? If he was able to get it to the correct speed, it would have a film of water covering it. If it was then lifted from the water, kept spinning at that speed, the water would stay on the ball as a film. Basically as the world rotates water flows around it, one reason we have currents. Not a hard concept to grasp. I can't explain why everything works in such a delicate balance, that's always mystified me.

Pretty weak man, a thin film and an ocean are two distinct things. Thanks for the reply though. Maybe things work in such a delicate balance is that they were designed that way maybe? Consider a garlic. It's like nature's prepackaged medicine. A pack with so many pieces in each one.
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