Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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I've lived a long time and I have never heard an adult, regardless of education, argue in the same style as you

Oh, I sure have. He's simply a keyboard warrior anti-Semite, textbook case.

Lifelong loser that needs to place 'blame' for his own's the Jew, it's blacks, it's those fags, it's weak liberals, it's those Mexicans, it's.....
I really want to know how the Jews can murder 20 to 50 million Christians in Russia and the Ukraine and get way with it, where was the Nuremburgh for our Christian brothers?
Yep, a lot of prosperous Jews in the entertainment industry, aaannnnnddddd ?

Success, eh? A concept that you are unfamiliar with as you wallow in your den of hate and idiocy!

No man they own it all!! You see why Mel Gibson has not gotten any work lately?
Because he is a bitter, stupid anti-Semite just like you and people can't stand him?
its because hes a dick
Yes he did he slandered me and said I did not have a law degree a bout 20 times now.


of course not don't be ridiculous only Europe has such laws as that.

Where in Europe is it unlawful to communicate on a Cannabis-related website, idiot? By your own admission, you know nothing about International Law:

Did I claim to have taken an international law class you fucking liar?

This fool trips over his own lies every 5 minutes - about the same frequency at which he faps his micro penis while be sobs.
Here are some excerpts from your holy book, the Talmud, there are plenty more where this came from.

“The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)

* “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)

* “Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)

* “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)
I hate that shit. We could take any book in the world, particularly religious texts, and find horrible quotes in it. Lots of religious people are horrible, whether because they think other religions are beneath them or because they sit in church every week mouthing words they don't mean and think it excuses them from being a cunt all week, but lots of religious people try to make a positive impact on the world around them. I try to be one of the latter. Throughout history, horrible people did horrible things and good people did horrible things and bad people did good things.... And you know, much of what you say, I get, I hold similar opinions to you in many areas which is why I try not to get into it with you. I think you're an intelligent dude. And I think the illogical nonsense you claim to believe with regards to science is completely inauthentic! I've seen you turn logic utterly on its head in your attempts to refute science, I've tried to understand your point of view and I've watched all your links like I have everyone else's. They don't make sense! I am certainly not indoctrinated, I had my awakening a good while ago, before it was fashionable to tell people to wake up, and there's a lot of shady shit going on in the world... But that doesn't make the earth flat and it doesn't make it ok to slag someone off because of their religion. So there.
I really do, I think it's all an act, I think he's sat wetting himself laughing when people try to patiently explain stuff that's not really that complicated because I've seen the way he grasps at completely illogical conclusions from really simple statements but then he'll say something else that is way beyond the comprehension level of what he's just claimed to not understand.... It's just a gut instinct, like when I'd correct his grammar or something and then he'd make much more obvious mistakes afterwards, like he's playing on it. I think it's intentional, and it's frustrating cos I think if he wasn't being such a dick all the fucking time he might actually be worth talking to.
I really do, I think it's all an act, I think he's sat wetting himself laughing when people try to patiently explain stuff that's not really that complicated because I've seen the way he grasps at completely illogical conclusions from really simple statements but then he'll say something else that is way beyond the comprehension level of what he's just claimed to not understand.... It's just a gut instinct, like when I'd correct his grammar or something and then he'd make much more obvious mistakes afterwards, like he's playing on it. I think it's intentional, and it's frustrating cos I think if he wasn't being such a dick all the fucking time he might actually be worth talking to.

You're giving him far too much credit. He's a genuine half-wit who is bigoted, discriminatory, dishonest, poorly educated, and defensive. All the trademarks of a weak-minded individual.

He's convinced I'm Jewish based on my avatar, which means he is also incapable of recognizing satire. Nor has he seen The Big Lebowski.

Nah, he's a primitive on welfare who is filled with hate and self-loathing. Reread his posts - there is no subtly in them.
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