Mr. Bongwater
Well-Known Member
i smoke dat dank homie we're weed snobsBabydonggrabber what's up fool? You still smoking wack ass weed or what?
i smoke dat dank homie we're weed snobsBabydonggrabber what's up fool? You still smoking wack ass weed or what?
With the admission that I'm skeptical, but not lampooning, what do you suppose was the purpose of this?agree the cia has nothing to do with any of this..the fbi might the weapons they lost a few years ago...I could see em planning on arresting mateen and thinking he's weeks away from his " mission" and mateen acted didnt answer any of the questions..
With the admission that I'm skeptical, but not lampooning, what do you suppose was the purpose of this?
With the admission that I'm skeptical, but not lampooning, what do you suppose was the purpose of this?
Fair enough. I'm also pretty skeptical when something really strange is dismissed as a coincidence. They do happen but a "coincidence" that two rare events should occur within hours of each other beggars credibility.Only speculating....I do not believe the detectives fabricated that story..I don't believe it was a coincidence that thisclown in cali was planning an attack and knew the Orlando shooter name... I bet the fbi has egg on their face.
Damn, really? That sounds like it was planned out if that's true.Only speculating....I do not believe the detectives fabricated that story..I don't believe it was a coincidence that thisclown in cali was planning an attack and knew the Orlando shooter name... I bet the fbi has egg on their face.
For real I just seen some shit about our government getting reporters to learn Russian and spread propaganda to them because of that stupid RT. Lol, RT don't have shit on Alex Jones. LMAOMan , its hard to figure out truth .Especially when the u.s. gov makes cia propaganda legal on the u.s. public like they do worldwide. by the way , there is no light in the dark u.s. gov. lol. They operate under darkness ! so do thier presstitutes
U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans
He stops things from living with the best of em. I'd shut the fuck up if I were you boss.
I can kill a deer with a baseball bat.
Honestly, that might be one of the coolest stories bro. Totally true too.
Even if it were, he still doesn't know shit.
I don't even use 1.5lb trigger pull when I go to 3 gun tournaments.
If he had any clue what I was talking, he would have answered the questions properly, not some random Google quick search.
But it's cute of you to still up for your little buddy.
Not Muslims but Syrian Afghan etc. Refugees no matter the religion. Not like ISIS couldn't play's too late for bushleaguer. he is overridden with fear. he just hates terror so much that he thinks we need to ban all muslims because the refugees are just secret terrorists.
he in fact hates terror so much that he just aligned himself with the worst and most deadly terror groups america has ever known: right wing nativist white supremacists.
fighting terror with terror. winning.
trump 2016
You asked him "how tight a group does a 16" barrel allow you to shoot at 100 yards"
As inquired, no, it fucking can't be answered because your question is shit. Is he shooting an AK? An AR10/15? 300 BLK? Match grade ammo or steel case? On a bench or standing? Simply asking how long the barrel is and how well he can were trying to make him look stupid (he needs no help) and you outed yourself. But it's cool, you are ok in my book.
he's hardly my buddy, in fact he sounds like a moron. if you aren't sharp enough to pick up my blatant sarcasm...well, dunno what to tell you dog.
In that case, my apologies. I did not pick up on that.
For real I just seen some shit about our government getting reporters to learn Russian and spread propaganda to them because of that stupid RT. Lol, RT don't have shit on Alex Jones. LMAO
no problem bro.![]()
Match grade or steel case?
Do you even know what "match grade" means? Allow me to enlighten you.
All match grade means is that the pack of rounds you decide to shoot with in any number of clusters. ( ie. Shoot 5 rounds ) -- That all 5 rounds will be equal in weight and powder amount.
It has nothing to do with steel case rounds. I can load 5 or 10 steel case rounds and have them be match rounds.
Bench or standing? What about supine and prone?
Try harder dude.
I meant Alex Jones was worse than Alex Jones.
I know exactly the caliber of intellect you are.
seriously dude, don't fucking come at me like that. i don't need you to explain terms i used, makes you sound disingenuous and douchey. i know what fucking match grade ammo is. i know what steel case ammo is. i know what a benc is and i know what standing is. if you have different terms you use, as they are interchangeable, that's cool. but that hardly means that someone who uses different terms that you doesn't know what they are talking about Mr Tryhard.
I meant Alex Jones was worse than RT.