Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

It's not even worth replying to your bullshit anymore but I will because I'm bored. I said refugees OR terrorists. Nice try in attempting to make that "refugees ARE terrorists" but that's just not the same thing, anyway you spin it.

your concern was about "refugees or terrorists". as if refugees are the same thing as terrorists. 99.99999999999999999999% are not.

here, let me demonstrate in a way you would understand.

"i'll just sit here and wait for more white male restaurant owners from texas or pedophiles to fuck some more kids and then say "told ya so"".

see how nicely that lets me lump in white male restaurant owners with pedophiles?

not that it really applies to a franchise operator like yourself. that's gotta be original and rewarding work, microwaving someone else's shitty confection and putting it on a plate.
Lol you're a fucking nut. I love how desperately you try to make everyone look the way you wish they did. And yes, I think the KKK is completely and utterly disgusting. You're taking my comment that shits going to get worse here in the states before it gets better from this morning and calling me a fucking KKK member because of it? Don't try to act like you've got your shit together, you've got serious problems dude, as evidenced by your 90,000 posts on a pot forum. Get a hobby. Get out of your house. This shits making you ugly dude, you're full of hate.

I've stated my thoughts, which are coming from a place wanting to keep us all safe (even you buck).
The real shit is going to hit the fan when angry white men take to violence after Clinton wins the presidency. Terrorism is by and large a domestic issue. Doesn't matter which country we are talking about. Even in EU, the people causing practically all the harm are native born to the EU.

Your fever dream of deadly ninja terrorists posing as down and out refugees is something out of a B movie. Why would a deadly ninja terrorist go to all the trouble of risking life and limb crossing over to Europe, applying for refugee status, then wait 2 years for clearance in a camp, when the same person can just buy a ticket on United and enter the US as a student or a tourist?

Talk radio is pounding your fantasy of ninja warriors sneaking in as down and outers from Syria but the real terrorist is home grown. And its not like there has been an epidemic of this lately. Want a sure way to live with less risk? Get rid of your gun.
How would this shitkicker know mateen? Why was Mateen cleared by the fbi two Times? You think the detectives fabricated the online seminary stuff?

The feds go around offering poor people money to blow stuff up. They entrap them n record them and most of the time it's tossed in court because these guys are suckers with very low iq and get pushed into it by the feds.
Sorry man, not buying the "CIA supports domestic terrorism" line. It's as if you think the Bourne Conspiracy was a documentary.
The real shit is going to hit the fan when angry white men take to violence after Clinton wins the presidency. Terrorism is by and large a domestic issue. Doesn't matter which country we are talking about. Even in EU, the people causing practically all the harm are native born to the EU.

Your fever dream of deadly ninja terrorists posing as down and out refugees is something out of a B movie. Why would a deadly ninja terrorist go to all the trouble of risking life and limb crossing over to Europe, applying for refugee status, then wait 2 years for clearance in a camp, when the same person can just buy a ticket on United and enter the US as a student or a tourist?

Talk radio is pounding your fantasy of ninja warriors sneaking in as down and outers from Syria but the real terrorist is home grown. And its not like there has been an epidemic of this lately. Want a sure way to live with less risk? Get rid of your gun.

I agree with you. That's why I've been saying we don't need anymore newcomers, we have enough shit to deal with already. Buck likes to turn a discussion into microwaving pedophiles in franchise restaurants or some shit. All I've been saying is shits getting worse, we need to stop bringing more people in until things are safe here. And I don't have ninja terrorist thoughts, who needs them when the place is fucky already? Why have porous borders so people who DO want to add to mayhem can come in and do so so easily?

Thanks for being able to have a normal conversation. I like this section because we can all actually learn something once in a while.
This thread went off the fuckin deep
end! I figure fuck it, if worrying about Islamic terror here in the states and Isis influenced homegrown nuts is considered bigotry then there's no point in talking about it. I'll just wait until some of these refugees or terrorists come into the country or are here already and more things go boom to say "told ya so."

let's replace references to muslims with references to jews and see if you sound like a nazi.

I figure fuck it, if worrying about Jewish terror here in the states and Jew influenced homegrown nuts is considered bigotry then there's no point in talking about it. I'll just wait until some of these jew refugees or jew terrorists come into the country or are here already and more things go boom to say "told ya so."
let's replace references to muslims with references to jews and see if you sound like a nazi.

I figure fuck it, if worrying about Jewish terror here in the states and Jew influenced homegrown nuts is considered bigotry then there's no point in talking about it. I'll just wait until some of these jew refugees or jew terrorists come into the country or are here already and more things go boom to say "told ya so."

Am I gonna have to ignore your ass again, weirdo?
I agree with you. That's why I've been saying we don't need anymore newcomers, we have enough shit to deal with already. Buck likes to turn a discussion into microwaving pedophiles in franchise restaurants or some shit. All I've been saying is shits getting worse, we need to stop bringing more people in until things are safe here. And I don't have ninja terrorist thoughts, who needs them when the place is fucky already? Why have porous borders so people who DO want to add to mayhem can come in and do so so easily?

Thanks for being able to have a normal conversation. I like this section because we can all actually learn something once in a while.
We can't just decide we don't need no more newcomers, that would be unamerican. Thats not what america does, fear will not make us bend..
why are you aligning yourself with america's worst and most deadly terrorist hate groups?

Im not, youre doing that. I have no reason to defend myself to your outrageous claims. I'm satisfied sitting here watching you act like a clown as always, trying to make people look like they don't.
I agree with you. That's why I've been saying we don't need anymore newcomers, we have enough shit to deal with already. Buck likes to turn a discussion into microwaving pedophiles in franchise restaurants or some shit. All I've been saying is shits getting worse, we need to stop bringing more people in until things are safe here. And I don't have ninja terrorist thoughts, who needs them when the place is fucky already? Why have porous borders so people who DO want to add to mayhem can come in and do so so easily?

Thanks for being able to have a normal conversation. I like this section because we can all actually learn something once in a while.
I just don't get the connection. A tiny number of terrorist events occur in the US and I'm not minimizing them but with the exception of 911, they really aren't a factor in this world that we live in. On the other hand, immigrants into this country are a net benefit to all of us in the form of increased growth of the economy and infusing vibrant hard working people into the work force.

I don't see how stopping people who want to better their lives from entering this country is connected at all with what happened in Orlando. Or even in Los Angeles, where two immigrants went off the deep end. This country benefits from immigration. Stopping immigration will not make any practical difference in the number of people affected by nut jobs. Stopping immigration will be a step towards isolating this country from the rest of the world and I see that a net loss to all of us in this country.
We can't just decide we don't need no more newcomers, that would be unamerican. Thats not what america does, fear will not make us bend..

it's too late for bushleaguer. he is overridden with fear. he just hates terror so much that he thinks we need to ban all muslims because the refugees are just secret terrorists.

he in fact hates terror so much that he just aligned himself with the worst and most deadly terror groups america has ever known: right wing nativist white supremacists.

fighting terror with terror. winning.

trump 2016
We can't just decide we don't need no more newcomers, that would be unamerican. Thats not what america does, fear will not make us bend..

I hear that. It's a tough situation. I'm for being unamerican until we can say "good shit, things are calm again" and then opening things back up. I just feel like we're behind the 8 ball already, and we do a shitty job of catching up to it.
Im not, youre doing that.

i didn't force you to adopt that nativist white supremacist position of banning all immigration actually. you articulated that view all by yourself. i just pointed out that you have that stance in common with the white supremacists at stormfront.

by the way, over 100 hate crime murders have been tied back to that same website.

and you are in full throated agreement with them.

but yeah, i forced you to take the side of murdering white supremacists.
I hear that. It's a tough situation. I'm for being unamerican until we can say "good shit, things are calm again" and then opening things back up. I just feel like we're behind the 8 ball already, and we do a shitty job of catching up to it.

your judgment is severely impaired to begin with, and is further tainted by racism and conspiracy theories.

so no, we will not be adopting your way of thinking at all.

you will be laughed at and ridiculed for the stupid racist white loser that you are.
Some of you guys way outta touch with reality. I think your father's should've pulled out early. Bush handed him a stable Iraq? Really, which bush? What did they invade Iraq for begin with? All those weapons of mass destruction they didn't find. What did they find? The president of the country hiding in a fucking hole. The middle east is in shambles because of Obama lol. Obama has been in office for 8 years. You're plenty old enough to realize how long is been going on. Iran contra heard of it? Come on. Wake up.
We invaded Afghanistan on 10/7/01 and we're still there, what for? It was only 10-12 years prior when we were arming them. 9-11 maybe? Nope, those "terrorists" came from
saudi arabia, uae,egypt, and lebenon. If you wanna believe that 9-11 was anything other than another false flag operation to begin with you might have an extra chromosome. There was 35 minutes between the second tower being hit and the pentagon being hit. Are people really that dumb? Somehow a passenger jet was able to fly 35 minutes threw the most populated area of the country, the most restricted air space on the planet, and fly right into the most protected building there is and not even one picture of it. Sounds logical to you? There is a grainy video on the web thats interesting. Doesn't look like a plane to me. Take a look at it, or any of the thousands of things that make no sense. If you can find one lie or one hole in the story how can you believe any of it?
And for the guys who think their guns are keeping them safe and want more troops sent over sea's. Take your guns and your kids, go get some sand it your boots Let us know what you think when you get back. If you make it back.
The people who think we should build walls and stop letting in people of certain geographical regions, or people of different religions in unless you're native american you should probably shut the fuck up. Go back to fuckin your sisters and let people with an IQ over 6 figure it out.
I just don't get the connection. A tiny number of terrorist events occur in the US and I'm not minimizing them but with the exception of 911, they really aren't a factor in this world that we live in. On the other hand, immigrants into this country are a net benefit to all of us in the form of increased growth of the economy and infusing vibrant hard working people into the work force.

I don't see how stopping people who want to better their lives from entering this country is connected at all with what happened in Orlando. Or even in Los Angeles, where two immigrants went off the deep end. This country benefits from immigration. Stopping immigration will not make any practical difference in the number of people affected by nut jobs. Stopping immigration will be a step towards isolating this country from the rest of the world and I see that a net loss to all of us in this country.

Yeah, I totally see your point. I don't want to do anything to hurt the good things these folks do for the country that's for sure. I just know that the world is a dangerous place these days and things seem to have gotten really unraveled and there's a lot of people who want to hurt a lot of people here. We'll have to agree to disagree I suppose, I just don't see how continuing the way we've been going is going to make things any better. Something needs to change so people don't have to worry when they go to a nightclub. I'm for some kind of change. I admit I read a lot of these posts in politics and don't say much because of people like buck, but I enjoy seeing people's thoughts on things. I'll also admit that closing the borders has major consequences also, but there's never a decision that isn't met with criticism or opposition. Again, I think that we just have to do something, we can't just keep taking punches on the chin and acting like its no big deal.

Alright, I'm out, gotta see a shitty kids movie.