Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

I haven't put words in anyone's mouth. I am just pointing out that no matter what each individual church says, they ALL say "This book was written by God" and that book commands people to do terrible, horrible things. That is a straight up undeniable fact. You're right, not all Christians or Muslims are extremists, but they are all following their book more closely and accurately than the "moderates" who pick and choose the less crazy shit to follow, and it is the "moderates" who give the false image of a respectable veneer to institutions with festering, rotten cores.
Pretty much.

I don't subscribe to organized religion.
Im not expert at all. Im not posing as an expert. I genuinely wondered about the precision afforded by 16" barrel at a distance. Ive been to the range and tested revolvers with varying barrel lengths. 3,4,5,6" lengths give plainly different results even from a rest. I havent got any 16" barrel rifles so i was curious.

Fluency with the lexicon of firearms does not confer intellectual acuity.
THE LACK surely doesn't.

The only time that I have spent on a range shooting paper in a very long time was with long range rifles setting optics, picking ammo ect.
Weapons will always shoot better than you can shoot them, so you see your the weak link, its not about what they can do but about what YOU can do with them.
As you have tested revolvers I will give you my take on shooting them. Starting with the shortest a 1an7/8ths" long barrel 38 snubbys [smiths and charters] I modify sights so taking long or short shots works for me and I get 6 to 8" groups at 65yrds off hand. 4" smiths mod. 18s 22c, 65s 357 and 66s 357 the 66s with good sights and ammo 2 1/2" at 50yrds, the 65 seems to shoot the same but with the sights who knows. my 18s 22c will shoot 2" at 50yrds this is all off hand as is my fav. a high grade 44 mag a 629 smith 6" barrel it will shoot a 6" at a 100yrds.
THE LACK surely doesn't.

The only time that I have spent on a range shooting paper in a very long time was with long range rifles setting optics, picking ammo ect.
Weapons will always shoot better than you can shoot them, so you see your the weak link, its not about what they can do but about what YOU can do with them.
As you have tested revolvers I will give you my take on shooting them. Starting with the shortest a 1an7/8ths" long barrel 38 snubbys [smiths and charters] I modify sights so taking long or short shots works for me and I get 6 to 8" groups at 65yrds off hand. 4" smiths mod. 18s 22c, 65s 357 and 66s 357 the 66s with good sights and ammo 2 1/2" at 50yrds, the 65 seems to shoot the same but with the sights who knows. my 18s 22c will shoot 2" at 50yrds this is all off hand as is my fav. a high grade 44 mag a 629 smith 6" barrel it will shoot a 6" at a 100yrds.
Recommend anyone with a gun interest watch Hickock45 on Youtube if you don't already. Likable crack shot.
THE LACK surely doesn't.

The only time that I have spent on a range shooting paper in a very long time was with long range rifles setting optics, picking ammo ect.
Weapons will always shoot better than you can shoot them, so you see your the weak link, its not about what they can do but about what YOU can do with them.
As you have tested revolvers I will give you my take on shooting them. Starting with the shortest a 1an7/8ths" long barrel 38 snubbys [smiths and charters] I modify sights so taking long or short shots works for me and I get 6 to 8" groups at 65yrds off hand. 4" smiths mod. 18s 22c, 65s 357 and 66s 357 the 66s with good sights and ammo 2 1/2" at 50yrds, the 65 seems to shoot the same but with the sights who knows. my 18s 22c will shoot 2" at 50yrds this is all off hand as is my fav. a high grade 44 mag a 629 smith 6" barrel it will shoot a 6" at a 100yrds.

dang thats some nice shooting. My IPSC bud's coaching improved my skills hugely.

@50yd, Ive shot a 3.5" group out of my 5" 10mm. Thats my best. I dont shoot so much lately but I've been shooting since ...long time.
dang thats some nice shooting. My IPSC bud's coaching improved my skills hugely.

@50yd, Ive shot a 3.5" group out of my 5" 10mm. Thats my best. I dont shoot so much lately but I've been shooting since ...long time.
Remington 700 in .243. Free float barrel. Its got the heavy barrel.

It is a flat shooting round. The difference in arc at 100 and 400 yards is inches.

Compared to a .308 that will drop over a foot at 400 yards.

At 100 yards I put the cross hairs right on a deers heart. At 400 yards I put the cross hair on its back bone above its heart.

My dad uses the same gun.

He made a 375 yard kill with it two years ago.
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dang thats some nice shooting. My IPSC bud's coaching improved my skills hugely.

@50yd, Ive shot a 3.5" group out of my 5" 10mm. Thats my best. I dont shoot so much lately but I've been shooting since ...long time.
Well he's had quite some time to practice if you believe his talk, since he claims to have used .30-06 in the Military (which hasn't been used since 1954 when it was replaced by 7.62x51mm NATO), so presumably he is at least 80 years old (minimum to have been 18 and serving in 1954) maybe a couple years younger if he was a Guardsman or Reservist since they used .30-06 for a few years after the rest of the military. So he's either an old man, or he's probably talking out his ass. My money is on the latter.
Remington 700 in .243. Free float barrel. Its got the heavy barrel.

It is a flat shooting round. The difference in arc at 100 and 400 yards is inches.

Compared to a .308 that will drop over a foot at 400 yards.

At 100 yards I put the cross hairs right on a deers heart. At 400 yards I put the cross hair on its back bone above its heart.

My dad uses the same gun.

He made a 375 yard kill with it two years ago.

You need to try hornadys V-MAX 75g 3500 fps I know 2 guys who use 22 hornets to kill deer they use a V-MAX 35g at 3100 fps with some 30 odd kills I jumped on the V-MAX train so to speak. You do need to try it, you are probably getting 3000 fps so less drop and a sure kill.
I had said something about the .243 and this round in a earlier post
Shits getting deep in here lol

Ballistics on RIU hahaaa time for a toke.


30-06 was used in Vietnam, so dude could be a tad younger.
You need to try hornadys V-MAX 75g 3500 fps I know 2 guys who use 22 hornets to kill deer they use a V-MAX 35g at 3100 fps with some 30 odd kills I jumped on the V-MAX train so to speak. You do need to try it, you are probably getting 3000 fps so less drop and a sure kill.
I had said something about the .243 and this round in a earlier post
What type .22? Surely not .22 long rifle.

Most likely a .22-250. That round will reach out and touch something. Extremely flat shooting round.
dang thats some nice shooting. My IPSC bud's coaching improved my skills hugely.

@50yd, Ive shot a 3.5" group out of my 5" 10mm. Thats my best. I dont shoot so much lately but I've been shooting since ...long time.

Its all about practice. The groups were shot single action and when I was on, just trying to see what I could get them to do.
Islamist EXTREMISTS. Not all muslims.

Shit. Its not that complicated .
I know it's not complicated. So then why ban them all from entering this country? It takes two years in today's screening system for a refugee to enter this country. You say ban them. What kind of inclusiveness does this represent?
you have literally stated that their goal is worldwide sharia law. at least try to make your current bigotry compatible with your past bigotry.
The EXTREMISTS want that. Jeez..

That is the stated goal of muslim brotherhood, hamas, isis, and so on.

Not all muslims. The radical terror groups.
yet here you are trying to say that mexicans are just a bunch of illegal immigrants, violent heroin dealing gang members with unregistered guns who are criminals and are taking jobs from americans and costing people like you the handouts that you rely on.

kinda seems weird that you think a bunch of heroin dealers are also working straight jobs (which they took from you) and taking handouts (which again, are costing you your handouts).

what strained logic do you need to apply to come to such ridiculous conclusions?

oh, that's right. you are not using logic at all. you are just a brainwashed little trump racist.

well, good luck with that.
Not all mexicans. Illegal mexicans. Non citizens. People who smuggle goods across the border. Check out that page I cited. It is immigration and customs enforcement. You can see the big busts they have done on cartels and gangs.
Not all mexicans. Illegal mexicans. Non citizens. People who smuggle goods across the border. Check out that page I cited. It is immigration and customs enforcement. You can see the big busts they have done on cartels and gangs.
Is it Christian to build a wall and hunt down people on the wrong side of it? Wouldn't somebody with values that include caring for people and including them look for a better way?