Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

i am trying to understand the Muslim religion, Sharia law is what separates the good Muslims from the bad ones?
It seems like such a complicated religion. I worked with a Muslim women who was a lesbian.
get that shit out of here.
Religion is for fools who can't think for themselves.
Most so called Christians are the worst POS in the world.
So let me get this straight..

You guys think I think all or most muslims are bad. (I don't, just the ones who are with or in support of terrorist islamic extremists group.)

So in actuality I think SOME are bad.

Anyways... you think i think they are all bad and that makes me a bigot.

Then YOU say all/most christians are bad.

You are in fact a bigot.
i am trying to understand the Muslim religion, Sharia law is what separates the good Muslims from the bad ones?
It seems like such a complicated religion. I worked with a Muslim women who was a lesbian.
Shariah is what allows them to execute women for adultary and gays for being gay.

Also Muhammad was for church before state. So some muslim countries the shariah law is supreme law of the land.
If two people get into a gun fight and one loses it doesn't make him a victim. When an American looses the guy is a victim and the killer is a terrorist .when an American kills someone he is a hero and the dead guy is still a terrorist.. merica,fuck yea..........
How do you consider this a gun fight? It was slaughter not a fight.
Shariah is what allows them to execute women for adultary and gays for being gay.

Also Muhammad was for church before state. So some muslim countries the shariah law is supreme law of the land.

there you go again trying to demonize all muslims.

give it a break ya hate filled bigot.
the shooter had no connection to ISIS you dumb bigot.

and yes, you have made over 120 posts in this thread alone trying to demonize muslims and mexicans as evil.

not very christian of you.
Im married to a mexican. I would argue with you more but i need to suck cock now. Maybe ill see you in a couple hours.

Im married to a mexican.

yet here you are trying to say that mexicans are just a bunch of illegal immigrants, violent heroin dealing gang members with unregistered guns who are criminals and are taking jobs from americans and costing people like you the handouts that you rely on.

kinda seems weird that you think a bunch of heroin dealers are also working straight jobs (which they took from you) and taking handouts (which again, are costing you your handouts).

what strained logic do you need to apply to come to such ridiculous conclusions?

oh, that's right. you are not using logic at all. you are just a brainwashed little trump racist.

well, good luck with that.
yet here you are trying to say that mexicans are just a bunch of illegal immigrants, violent heroin dealing gang members with unregistered guns who are criminals and are taking jobs from americans and costing people like you the handouts that you rely on.

kinda seems weird that you think a bunch of heroin dealers are also working straight jobs (which they took from you) and taking handouts (which again, are costing you your handouts).

what strained logic do you need to apply to come to such ridiculous conclusions?

oh, that's right. you are not using logic at all. you are just a brainwashed little trump racist.

well, good luck with that.

Wait, what? Married to a Mexican guy and she supports Drumpf?! Wow, quite the nonsensical paradox.....kind of like a white supremacist married to a black woman and sending donations to the LAPD, am I right?

Good grief....
Wait, what? Married to a Mexican guy and she supports Drumpf?! Wow, quite the nonsensical paradox.....kind of like a white supremacist married to a black woman and sending donations to the LAPD, am I right?

Good grief....

not only that, she is dependent on food stamps, medicaid, and other government assistance programs, and before trump, she was rooting for whatever candidate would cut or eliminate those programs.

she's not so bright. and more than just a bit racist.
That is a radical few.

Yes it does say that. The churches I have been to don't harp on it. I've actually known of gay people going to church.

Stop putting words in all Christians mouth.

Not all Muslims are extremists.

Not all Christians are either
I haven't put words in anyone's mouth. I am just pointing out that no matter what each individual church says, they ALL say "This book was written by God" and that book commands people to do terrible, horrible things. That is a straight up undeniable fact. You're right, not all Christians or Muslims are extremists, but they are all following their book more closely and accurately than the "moderates" who pick and choose the less crazy shit to follow, and it is the "moderates" who give the false image of a respectable veneer to institutions with festering, rotten cores.
  1. I hope are solgers kill every dam one of them.why don't you go fight them and see how you like it you dam
You sound like you have three teeefs left in your mouth. Anyone wanna bet the over? Clearly reading isn't your strong suit so I'll keep it short. Our solgers have been killing them for the last three decades, that's why they're angry. :wall:
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I HOPE TRUMP bans all MUSLIMS and has are borders closed to make America safe again.Have you read there coran {there bible}..??fruck them muslims send them back where they came
If they start deporting immigrants, you will be the first to go. No self respecting American will believe that you grew up here and still don't know the difference between "our" and "are" you inbred cumfart.
That just proves people dont need guns to do massive damage to life and property.
No one said guns are the ONLY way to do those things. Do you also have a problem with bombs being illegal, because you can kill people in other ways so why care if people have bombs? Should we just make everything legal? Why not give people nukes and VX gas canisters too, since as long as there is SOMETHING why make anything illegal?