Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

Who can take out the most people? Ya'll some gun experts but which one of you three can get the highest body count? @Kalonji @b4ds33d @see4
Im not expert at all. Im not posing as an expert. I genuinely wondered about the precision afforded by 16" barrel at a distance. Ive been to the range and tested revolvers with varying barrel lengths. 3,4,5,6" lengths give plainly different results even from a rest. I havent got any 16" barrel rifles so i was curious.

Fluency with the lexicon of firearms does not confer intellectual acuity.
Im not expert at all. Im not posing as an expert. I genuinely wondered about the precision afforded by 16" barrel at a distance. Ive been to the range and tested revolvers with varying barrel lengths. 3,4,5,6" lengths give plainly different results even from a rest. I havent got any 16" barrel rifles so i was curious.

Fluency with the lexicon of firearms does not confer intellectual acuity.
But when you go on a mass shooting spree how many people is your goal?
By knowledge you mean idiot, racist dogma. Your rants reveal a disrespect for knowledge, complete absence of critical thought and little exposure to formal education. The ridiculous childish crap you post in hopes of appearing intelligent makes us both laugh and vomit with sorrow. Youre a silly bigot loser.

You got a frog in your pocket? Ribbet.
Ok cool. At least you don't actually believe in it and use it as a moral compass.
Not sure why it matters. It is actually offensive that you are so bigoted about it.

Christianity has always been about love and internal struggle with morality for me.

You dont see me defending immoral actions by christians. Anyone shooting up anyone else is not a good person.

I dont know who hurt you in your past but it wasnt me.
Not sure why it matters. It is actually offensive that you are so bigoted about it.

Christianity has always been about love and internal struggle with morality for me.

You dont see me defending immoral actions by christians. Anyone shooting up anyone else is not a good person.

I dont know who hurt you in your past but it wasnt me.
you a Christian that wants to build a wall to keep people out from a better life. Yup sounds very Christian to me:clap:

Jesus loves Fertilizer .. Flaming Pie you sound like somebody who's never left the town you were born and raised in with a population of 15 and landlocked from any body of water ...

Jesus countries have killed more people on this planet than any other fairy tale worshiper.. not to mention the New Testament is the most revised and edited book on the planet... where the Koran (another Fairy Tale Coloring Book) is in its original form and has never been edited...


Jesus loves Fertilizer .. Flaming Pie you sound like somebody who's never left the town you were born and raised in with a population of 15 and landlocked from any body of water ...

Jesus countries have killed more people on this planet than any other fairy tale worshiper.. not to mention the New Testament is the most revised and edited book on the planet... where the Koran (another Fairy Tale Coloring Book) is in its original form and has never been edited...

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I was poking at one of our resident fundamentalist Christian to make a point. People who worship in Islam say almost exactly what you do, not exactly but the same intent as you. There are extremists in all religions including Judaism and the many others such as the Hindu and Sikh for example. They stir the shit up while most would rather get along and live. This idea that 1.5 billion raving mad Muslims are plotting the death of Christians everywhere is nuts.

What I hear from people like Trump, Flaming P, spiderass, shorline and Nitro is fear and bigotry, not religious differences.
Definitely not what i said.
Actually, FP, I don't think you do use Jesus Christ as a model for your Christianity. I actually think your fear and bigotry is more like what Jesus was teaching against rather. He didn't preach the kind of shit you say should be done to Muslims and illegal Mexicans. He was an inclusive force not a divisive one.

I'm atheist but think that Jesus was a great teacher and revolutionary force (duh) in history. His church, or the ones that claim him often aren't anything like following his model.
It is the model. It is up to the individual whether or not to follow it. People arent perfect.