Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

[see4, post: Not true.

Barrel length does factor in accuracy. A good long range bolt action rifle is 22"+, there is no such thing as a consistently accurate long range bolt action that is less than 18".]

I have a 10" barrel pistol that will shoot sub MOA, although when its shooting sub groups its not me shooting it. For me groups are 1.75 to .75. Longer barrels will help slow your movement of a sight pic, but longer barrels add fps to a bullet and the faster a bullet goes the shorter time has to drop. I like my .243 for long range it will put a 75gr. killer bullet at 3500fps and it will shoot 2" at 300yds with ammo that cost less than a buck a round and easy to find.
YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND there are a hell of a lot of 18"ers out there that will out shoot anything you have as in 300yd one hole groups. Me I have never been the best at paper but if it lives I stop it from doing that with the best of them.

I have 4ea. 24" barrels in a bolt and 1 26"er in a bolt. to get the last few fps from the ammo.

[Either you are 100 years old or you were a tank operator that used gatling guns. .30-06 caliber hasn't been used in the military (afaik) for quite some time.
The term sub-caliber has nothing whatsoever to do with "kill ratio". You are fucking retarded and talking out your ass.]

The BAR, M-2 and the M-60 are machine guns, the BAR was a 30-06. Yes you are very stupid.

[A sub-machine gun is not a sub-machine gun because you put .45 caliber ammo into it. You are really dumb. And your tiny penis is incredibly tiny.]

Penis is always on your mind is it not?

I don't believe you. I don't think anyone believes you. What do you mean by "good trigger"? And before you go running off and doing some internet research, what pound trigger pull do you prefer? Do you prefer drop-in triggers? If so, what brand? If not, what brand do you prefer of trigger group? What buffer size do you usually go with?

In ARs I would go from 1.5 to 4. what is it made for? how is it used? One or two stage?
I use drop ins.
What are they called?

[$10 says you can't answer any of my questions correctly.
And those of us who actually know about guns will spot it quickly.
C'mon mouth breather, it's your turn.]
I answered two questions correctly dumb ass give me my ten bucks now! Chump!
[see4, post: Not true.

Barrel length does factor in accuracy. A good long range bolt action rifle is 22"+, there is no such thing as a consistently accurate long range bolt action that is less than 18".]

I have a 10" barrel pistol that will shoot sub MOA, although when its shooting sub groups its not me shooting it. For me groups are 1.75 to .75. Longer barrels will help slow your movement of a sight pic, but longer barrels add fps to a bullet and the faster a bullet goes the shorter time has to drop. I like my .243 for long range it will put a 75gr. killer bullet at 3500fps and it will shoot 2" at 300yds with ammo that cost less than a buck a round and easy to find.
YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND there are a hell of a lot of 18"ers out there that will out shoot anything you have as in 300yd one hole groups. Me I have never been the best at paper but if it lives I stop it from doing that with the best of them.

I have 4ea. 24" barrels in a bolt and 1 26"er in a bolt. to get the last few fps from the ammo.

[Either you are 100 years old or you were a tank operator that used gatling guns. .30-06 caliber hasn't been used in the military (afaik) for quite some time.
The term sub-caliber has nothing whatsoever to do with "kill ratio". You are fucking retarded and talking out your ass.]

The BAR, M-2 and the M-60 are machine guns, the BAR was a 30-06. Yes you are very stupid.

[A sub-machine gun is not a sub-machine gun because you put .45 caliber ammo into it. You are really dumb. And your tiny penis is incredibly tiny.]

Penis is always on your mind is it not?

I don't believe you. I don't think anyone believes you. What do you mean by "good trigger"? And before you go running off and doing some internet research, what pound trigger pull do you prefer? Do you prefer drop-in triggers? If so, what brand? If not, what brand do you prefer of trigger group? What buffer size do you usually go with?

In ARs I would go from 1.5 to 4. what is it made for? how is it used? One or two stage?
I use drop ins.
What are they called?

[$10 says you can't answer any of my questions correctly.
And those of us who actually know about guns will spot it quickly.
C'mon mouth breather, it's your turn.]
I answered two questions correctly dumb ass give me my ten bucks now! Chump!
Good write up Rep➕
No. Well maybe in some denominations. I was raised baptist. Pretty level headed people. They mainly use the teachings of the new testament. Words are preached from the old testament but not the violence.

I'm a christian and believe in god. I also believe in science and dinosaurs and what not.

Not all of us fit in a box.

I will agree though, for the most part I can't stand Christians. I don't subscribe to organized religion.
Yeah man, those baptists are pretty level headed. Definitely love is rule numero uno there
@whitebb2727 is right, it's highly unlikely you could wire brush the rifling (twists) out of a barrel.

BUT, I have done ballistics on suppressed ammo. And so far I've found to the best of my ability that rifling is obfuscated by suppressors.
No it is not! Only if you had a hard wipe would it change enough to maybe a difference and who even makes a suppresser with a wipe anyway?
Rifling is not twists its groves! You really are stupid.
I want my 10 bucks, bitch.