Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

man , shit gets weirder all the time with this shooting. Being the u.s. msm can make news calls before they happen it seams it makes me question shit like this.

Orlando shooting: actor/witness: what?

Jun16by Jon Rappoport

Orlando shooting: actor/witness: what??

by Jon Rappoport

June 16, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Want to get this one out fast…

See a post on anomalies in the Orlando shooting, at the site, Fellowship of the Minds, by “Dr. Eowyn.”

See: Orlando gay-club shooting: The pieces that don’t fit

The Eowyn post mentions mainstream press articles reporting the shooting—those mainstream articles appeared six hours before the Orlando shooting actually occurred. That’s rather curious, yes?

But the Eowyn revelation that cooked my brain was about a Pulse-club “witness to the shooting,” Louis Burbano, who is an actor. An actual actor with credits. He was interviewed by ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos. Eowyn shows an IMDb screenshot of Burbano’s most recent role in a short 2015 video: Burbano played a “club patron.” The title of the video? “Spirit of Orlando: Shooting Up.”

Now we’re through the looking-glass. Way through the looking-glass.

im just watching to see how things pan out. Patience........
man , shit gets weirder all the time with this shooting. Being the u.s. msm can make news calls before they happen it seams it makes me question shit like this.

Orlando shooting: actor/witness: what?

Jun16by Jon Rappoport

Orlando shooting: actor/witness: what??

by Jon Rappoport

June 16, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Want to get this one out fast…

See a post on anomalies in the Orlando shooting, at the site, Fellowship of the Minds, by “Dr. Eowyn.”

See: Orlando gay-club shooting: The pieces that don’t fit

The Eowyn post mentions mainstream press articles reporting the shooting—those mainstream articles appeared six hours before the Orlando shooting actually occurred. That’s rather curious, yes?

But the Eowyn revelation that cooked my brain was about a Pulse-club “witness to the shooting,” Louis Burbano, who is an actor. An actual actor with credits. He was interviewed by ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos. Eowyn shows an IMDb screenshot of Burbano’s most recent role in a short 2015 video: Burbano played a “club patron.” The title of the video? “Spirit of Orlando: Shooting Up.”

Now we’re through the looking-glass. Way through the looking-glass.

im just watching to see how things pan out. Patience........
Like when they got caught red handed with operation Fast and Furious. They got caught letting thousands of guns " walk" in to Mexico and instructed the owner of Carter's Country to sale guns to criminals. Then they leaked his stores name to the NY Times as being responsible for guns on the black market, but he blew the whistle on the ATF and other agents came forward. Not a theory, but a real deal conspiracy.
Obama...also against gay marriage until a couple years ago when he decided it will help him politically.


I didn't know that. Is that what the shooter was using?
No. He was using a SIG sauer. Sig makes an ar but the shooter was using a different model.

I just now heard a report on the radio that said that marteen was proficient with revolvers, semi auto pistols, and rifles. He shot near perfect every year at the range when he qualified.

I'm sorry but no law or ban on guns would've worked in this situation.

This dude was trained and very proficient with weapons. I suspect he could've done the same damage with a pistol and it could've been way worse judging by how good this guy can shoot.
Another totally classless non-contribution from mindless BBQ. He's established what a rude, crude, narrow-minded, insensitive asshole he really is. Tasteless moron with a cell phone

How disgustingly offensive can you get? D-a-m-n, some of you Jesus freakers/GOP loonies are real pieces of work....I've got to wonder; are all of you creeps posting this retarded and vile shit ADULTS, or simply punkasses using mom's account??
This place has more cringeworthy throwbacks than a friggin video game site, for real!

Can't the staff/mods do a bit of 'housecleaning', for the sake of the decent folks here if nothing else? I'm all for FREE speech, but we are talking H-A-T-E speech in some of these cases! There are quite a few lil' Hitlers, Charlie Mansons-in-training, and future terrorists scumming the place up...

How disgustingly offensive can you get? D-a-m-n, some of you Jesus freakers/GOP loonies are real pieces of work....I've got to wonder; are all of you creeps posting this retarded and vile shit ADULTS, or simply punkasses using mom's account??
This place has more cringeworthy throwbacks than a friggin video game site, for real!

Can't the staff/mods do a bit of 'housecleaning', for the sake of the decent folks here if nothing else? I'm all for FREE speech, but we are talking H-A-T-E speech in some of these cases! There are quite a few lil' Hitlers, Charlie Mansons-in-training, and future terrorists scumming the place up...

Welcome to RIU.
mindlessBBQ demonstrates incredible offense. May as well have made fun of the dude's kids, for shitsake.

Truly a low class human
mindlessBBQ demonstrates incredible offense. May has well made fun of the dude's kids, for shitsake.

Truly a low class human
You'd think a self professed "hippy" would have a little more restraint..."peace, love and jesus" my silky white ass...
I agree that it shouldn't matter, but it is relevant - it is a big part of the reason why the guy went batshit-anne-heche-crazy. A few of the people who frequented the bar are talking about how they had seen him there trolling for dick, and get rejected. A normal person would just shake it off, and try a new bar - not kill a bunch of innocent people with an automatic weapon.

Do you see yourself as normal because you shake it off and try a new bar?
He didn't have an automatic weapon.
While I'm sure know a lot about being crazy, I don't think you would know why someone would go crazy except for why you yourself did.