What did you accomplish today?

Hauled 4000 pounds of flooring into the house to acclimate (that's 2tons isn't it?), painted 5 doors, transplanted squash plants to the garden, then painted some window trim. Got home, made epic Caesar salad (I have a killer dressing recipe), homemade seasoned baguette croutons, and now I'm sitting on my ass in a coma....

tomorrow: repeat ('cept hauling flooring) More painting, need to do baseboards and more doors...

Wow! What a girl! My wife just watches me and complains about colors I suggest.

Friend of mine hooked me up with a summer job at his Uncle's body shop. It's an entry level position, so it's mostly bitch work - grinding, cutting, lifting etc. but, the pay is surprisingly decent. Plus I love working with my hands, so I am pretty stoked. Perfect way to pick up some new customers if nothing else. I start tomorrow, wish me luck.

Nothing but Luck, and lots of it!
Friend of mine hooked me up with a summer job at his Uncle's body shop. It's an entry level position, so it's mostly bitch work - grinding, cutting, lifting etc. but, the pay is surprisingly decent. Plus I love working with my hands, so I am pretty stoked. Perfect way to pick up some new customers if nothing else. I start tomorrow, wish me luck.

very first job i had was working in a gas station that did body work. learned how to lead panels. how archaic is that. good luck my brother!!
So far I have accomplished part of a day off, but I've been up since around 4:00 messing with crows (not antagonizing them, to be clear).

Would like to stay home for the rest of the day and do stuff around here, maybe go out and put in a couple of hours but as I write this my mind already says "nah".

Today I've I accomplished playing hooky from work as to get caught up on all the yard work I've been neglecting since the pool season started. 78f today and zero chance of rain. Rest of the week is high 80's and 40% chance everyday. It was now or never. So far I've accomplished moving a pile or rocks dug up from the step build. Calling off paying work to do unpaid work. FML.
Today I've I accomplished playing hooky from work as to get caught up on all the yard work I've been neglecting since the pool season started. 78f today and zero chance of rain. Rest of the week is high 80's and 40% chance everyday. It was now or never. So far I've accomplished moving a pile or rocks dug up from the step build. Calling off paying work to do unpaid work. FML.

Seems like the only way to get caught up with that stuff.
very first job i had was working in a gas station that did body work. learned how to lead panels. how archaic is that. good luck my brother!!
It is a lost skill. I redid a 72 short wheel base ford pickup.

Stroked 351 small block, four speed. 12 inch wide mags like on the gran Torino's.

Posi rear end. I could warm the tires up and drop the clutch and hold the front tire as high as a coffee can to the sixty foot mark.

We leaded the lines on the bed and cab instead of seam sealer.
Half time...mostly cause we're hungry and like to get high for the second half. 2 coats primer last Thurs./Fri. after minor joint compound repairs here and there, today real paint on ceiling. 1st coat...
Cutting a piece of cabinet plywood to go by fridge...to cover old holes in marlite from old plastic shitty paper towel holder...make a little shelf there

And our crew gets way higher than yours @UncleBuck
Dumpster #4 leaving, #5 returning...lots of demolition since January...